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Weird, Wacky & Strange Coaster Bits

roomraider said:

Ummmmmm... good god. This beauty is delivered to you by Shanghai China Fun Equipment.

That's awesome. Between what I hope is a fisheye lens, the Soquet-style track, the Pinfari ZL layout and the train, it hits WTF in just about every way possible.

Every other support is a column, and the other hale are A-frames/bipods.... Why?
Not a coaster bit as such but certainly weird. This thing is called the Century UFO and looks like a starflyers evil twin. The ones below are at Jinxiangshan Land in China and another Chinese park I've not identified yet.





Check out a video of one in action here. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcxMzQ2NzY4.html
The way it slowly rotated the riders over freaks me out just looking at it. I get freaked by tower rides as it is.

Source: http://www.vhcoasters.com and http://www.jinxiangshanland.com/shownews.asp?id=406
^That looks amazing. Horrendous, but amazing. The only way to improve on that would be to make it drop from the top.
Re: Weird, Wacky & Strange Coaster Bits

I absolutely need that in my life. It's so wrong yet so right.
Looks as if they had half a star flyer and a handfull of seats from one of those bungee rides you see abroad and decided to just weld them together.
It was built by ARM/Larson. Its called G-Force and it seems to be rather unpleasant. YouTube has video of it as well.