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US Election; what are your thoughts?

The whole segment on him debating whether Harris is Black or Indian is just stupid? Trump is not from an American family either, he’s half German and half Scottish.

Look, I don’t like the Democrats, they are usually even more far right than the “British Right”. What I do feel like though is Harris is a bit of a centrist and I’d rather a centrist. Trump’s campaign has basically been destroyed by Harris. Trump’s campaign was basically “vote for me because the other guy has dementia and is old.” Now he is facing a woman that is 20 years younger.
Do you mean ‘far left?’

Democrats are supposed to be centre left aligned.

Democrats are definitely not more right wing than Reform! But I expect you just made a simple error, and so this statement is irrelevant anyway.
It’s all well and good that Harris is leading Trump in some nationwide polls, but the thing to remember about American elections is that it’s the swing states that matter. It’s worth remembering that Clinton actually won the popular vote in 2016, but Trump got in because of his support cleverly coalescing around key swing states, which won him more electors in the Electoral College.

The race is very tight at the moment; I think it could go either way. I’m definitely happy to see Harris as the Democratic candidate, however, and I’m glad to see that she seems to have injected some momentum into the race.

I’m disappointed to see Trump and the Republican Party seemingly resorting to criticising Kamala Harris’ race and sex, however. In my view, they should critique her on her policies and her agenda for the USA rather than characteristics that are completely irrelevant to her ability to govern.
Watching the republicans, and Trump individually, lose their minds at being called weird is probably the greatest thing to have happened in years. They really can't stand it, and don't seem to have a comeback beyond "nuh uh!".

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and one of them to get so angy they just straight up start using the n-word
Do you mean ‘far left?’

Democrats are supposed to be centre left aligned.

Democrats are definitely not more right wing than Reform! But I expect you just made a simple error, and so this statement is irrelevant anyway.
I meant that Democrats are more far right than the conservatives. I feel the American political system is overall more far right than the UK’s. Bernie Sanders was touted as too far left in 2016, despite him saying pretty moderate stuff like how the healthcare system should be public.

Reform are another can of worms, but sit I guess on equal footing to The Republicans. Economic problems, healthcare shortages, teaching shortages, it’s the boats/Mexicans!
I meant that Democrats are more far right than the conservatives. I feel the American political system is overall more far right than the UK’s. Bernie Sanders was touted as too far left in 2016, despite him saying pretty moderate stuff like how the healthcare system should be public.

Reform are another can of worms, but sit I guess on equal footing to The Republicans. Economic problems, healthcare shortages, teaching shortages, it’s the boats/Mexicans!
Ahh ok, you have a point when talking about Conservatives of the last 10 years. But not so much the Thatcher years. All about to change back now too, Reform have scared them, and I think they believe that their own decline is down to the fact that they’ve swayed too close to the centre. I fully expect them to lean further right than we’ve seen in my lifetime, under their new leader. But that’s all conjecture, I guess we’ll see.
America in general is a more right-wing country than Britain, so it makes sense that the Democrats will be further right than, say, Labour. Left-wing and right-wing will mean different things in different countries.

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but the thing I find interesting is that social conservatism is seemingly still very prevalent in large swathes of America, whereas I’d argue that traditional social conservatism is largely dead in the UK. As an example, the UK’s right-wing Conservative Party were the ones who legalised gay marriage, brought in self-ID for transgender people, and had numerous women and BAME people in positions of power during their 14 years in government. They’ve also left things like abortion rights and such largely intact, and no mainstream party in the UK is threatening to reverse these. Rights like gay marriage and abortion seem to be seen as irreversible even by the far-right in the UK.

Whereas in the USA, there still seems to be considerable support from some circles for things like criminalising homosexuality and gay marriage, and criminalising abortions. Social conservatism still seems to be alive and kicking in America, whereas I'd argue it's largely died a death in the UK (in its traditional form, at least).
Watching the republicans, and Trump individually, lose their minds at being called weird is probably the greatest thing to have happened in years. They really can't stand it, and don't seem to have a comeback beyond "nuh uh!".

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and one of them to get so angy they just straight up start using the n-word
Well, Trump supposedly used the n-word on the set of a TV show before…

So honestly I could see him calling her the n-word. Good luck getting black voters after that!
Wow I finally caught up with that Trump interview with the black panel and that was absolutely mad - what planet is this guy on!

Woeful… no sane person could watch that and say ‘that went well’.

It’s amazing to think that after the assassination attempt this guy looked like a dead cert for a second term.

After watching that black panel clip, I find myself asking how could Trump possibly win!!
Wow I finally caught up with that Trump interview with the black panel and that was absolutely mad - what planet is this guy on!

Woeful… no sane person could watch that and say ‘that went well’.

It’s amazing to think that after the assassination attempt this guy looked like a dead cert for a second term.

After watching that black panel clip, I find myself asking how could Trump possibly win!!
Bonkers isn't it, at one point I found myself wondering if there was some kind of significant financial gain to be had from running and losing... But no, I think he's just genuinely lost the plot.
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Well, Trump supposedly used the n-word on the set of a TV show before…

So honestly I could see him calling her the n-word. Good luck getting black voters after that!
Watching the republicans, and Trump individually, lose their minds at being called weird is probably the greatest thing to have happened in years. They really can't stand it, and don't seem to have a comeback beyond "nuh uh!".

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and one of them to get so angy they just straight up start using the n-word
I'm shocked Donny didn't drop the hard R during his dictatorship fairly elected totally not rigged 2016-2020 presidency.

when it comes to this 2024 election,(not so) good'ol Donny set an unbelivable, baffling new low for USA presidents. donnys 'project 2025' is set to remove every basic human right & right to proper unbiased education. Kamala is set to keep these laws uncompremised & safe.
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After watching the debate, I really feel though that was less of a debate, and a pretty brutal slaughter.

Kamala made Biden and Hilary look weak, completely overshadowing a man who is hard to overshadow. I feel like she really got in his brain and it showed by the end. She seemed to graciously avoid the weak points of her campaign by highlighting Trump’s, I guess she was a prosecutor, but yeah that debate felt very one sided. I don’t like either, but I think that debate was not a good one for Trump. Kamala had full control and seemed to cheekily toy with his ego.

The whole “Biden is too old!” Argument has now flipped upside down, suddenly his opponent is a lot younger than him. He certainly is wildly popular among the republican states, and I doubt no sexual abuse, criminal case, or anything at all could change that. The swing states though certainly is all to play for.
when it comes to this 2024 election,(not so) good'ol Donny set an unbelivable, baffling new low for USA presidents. donnys 'project 2025' is set to remove every basic human right & right to proper unbiased education. Kamala is set to keep these laws uncompremised & safe.

I don’t like either,
while I'm unsure what kamalas polices will be outside of letting Mexicans through the boarder (yes I'm for that), I know trumps polices, trumps polices (called "project 2025") will remove basically every human right that doesn't benifit your straight white rich male. women will basically be reduced to mear objects or toys AGAIN. LGBTQ+ people will likely be a thing of the past in america, African American & other ethnic groups rights will be reduced to that of the 1700's, & all education will be biased & tarnished, not teaching us world events such as ww2, or trail of tears. none of these are good.

the only good thing that happens out of project 2025 is the banning of 'corn' (you know what I mean) materials, which should have been done under...really any of our past presidents.
the only good thing that happens out of project 2025 is the banning of 'corn' (you know what I mean) materials, which should have been done under...really any of our past presidents.
I also agree with that, but the problem is what they consider ‘corn.’ That ban can be used to ban stuff like transgender and other LGBTQ activism.
Also, at what point is it art vs explicit material and what happens with pretty much....every.... mainstream movie with a S E X scene, is that suddenly taboo? No more Titanic because there's a boob? But Ultra graphic War scenes or movies like saw where people are being dismembered, that's totally fine? But no, let's go after something 90% of politicians are also just indulging in
I think material like that is really not worth banning. It is done in some middle eastern countries, and people just use VPN's, or proxy websites. The acts in question are natural acts, showing it on video obviously is controversial to some, but these are acts that most people do regularly. It is strangely taboo, which I think is maybe a little silly.

Obviously these kind of websites have side affects on actual relationships, but I do think banning it would just come across as authoritative and people will just happily load up a VPN.. As said above, a lot of movies and book depict similar things, should we burn every copy of Fifty Shades Of Grey lol?
Exactly, these are far bigger problems in this country to deal with besides people being horny. Like say, our massively crumbling infrastructure.....or the thousands of bridges that have reached their life expectancy and are legitimately hazards ....but being overlooked because 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.... Or maybe the completely embarrassing excuse of a rail network

A quick search shows this about our bridges.
46,154, or 7.5% of the nation’s bridges, are considered structurally deficient, meaning they are in “poor” condition.

High Speed rail in China
45,000 kilometres (28,000 mi)
But here in the US.....
49.9 mi (80.3 km)
Just a short stretch between Boston and NYC.

and for fun
43 percent of U.S. roads and highways were in "poor or mediocre" condition.

Public transit systems earned a D-minus, with nearly one in five transit vehicles and 6 percent of tracks, tunnels and other facilities in poor condition

🇺🇸 but yes, let's talk about nonexisting pet eating 🇺🇸

((And I ain't even gonna touch guns/gun violence))
Out of interest, is there a notable percentage of the American electorate that believes in conspiracy theories or something?

I only ask because I’ve noticed that Donald Trump seems to spout unfounded conspiracy theories all the time (in the recent Kamala debate alone, you had things like “they’re eating the dogs and cats in Springfield” and “Democrats want to kill babies after they’re born”), and a considerable amount of the American population seems to lap it up. I feel like British politicians wouldn’t be able to get away with spouting unfounded conspiracy theories, but Trump seems to do it constantly and a not insignificant percentage of the American electorate clearly agrees with his theories and policies to some extent.

Are conspiracy theories a bigger, more believed in thing in America than in Britain? When trying to read about American politics and Trump, I’ve noticed that they often seem to talk about Trump supporters believing in a number of conspiracy theories that I’d never heard of. For instance, I had to Google what QAnon was, as that’s apparently a big one believed by Trump and his fans…