You changed the colors, again? :? Looks promisong, sort of.
Well, I used the OC for the cylinders, but I'm wanting them to be more rounded, so i'll probably make them in wings.
Hey loefet, do you have any cop cars, or the usualy Gotham city trash and such that you would find there? I am needing stuff like that.
And yes the entire area will be covered with 3Ds. Most of which will be square buildings. I am planning on making a 3Ds petroleum plant for the ride to be based in, like with holes in the walls for the train to enter and exit from, and such. I have decided to base the ride in an old abandoned petroleum plant, where the Joker has based his "Joker dust" factory, which causes people to laugh uncontrollably when it comes into contact with them, via hiar/body shampoo, hair care products, deoderant, makeup, ect.
The final product will be smogy, and cloudy, just like Gotham City is. Should look pretty friking sweet!
Here's a screenie, and my favorite shot of the ride sofar:
This ride should take up all of the space on my hard drive
Also, a bit off topic, but has anyone noticed adds for "Hobby Lobby" on Image Shack, and on here?