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Top 5 - Most Airtime


Hyper Poster
Top 5 airtime coasters

No shuttles (Boomerangs, Superman The Escape)
No Flat Rides or Themed Flat Rides (tower of terror)

1. Boulderdash - LC
2. Giant Dipper - Santa Cruz
3. Cyclone - SFNE
4. Goliath - La Ronde
5. Space Mountain - WDW
That I've been on? Toro, Voyage, Magnum, Behemoth, and maybe like, Apollo's Chariot or something. Shivering Timbers use to have amazing airtime back in the day, but not so much now.
Boulder Dash, Phoenix, Toro, Colossos and Goliath at Walibi World would probably be my list. They're all fab <3
El Toro
Fahrenheit (that drop)
Steel Force (back row)
Thunderhawk (Dorney)
1. Boulder Dash
2. El Toro
3. Phoenix
4. Cornball Express
5. Superman RoS/Bizarro
6. Colossos
7. Goliath (Walibi World)
8. Ravine Flyer II
9. Behemoth
10. Piraten

My list doesn't go by most air-time, rather the best.

The edit was to add Piraten (don't know how I left that one out :roll: )
1. El Toro
2. Phoenix
3. Maverick
4. Magnum xl 200
5. Voyage (the first three hills don't have much, but the rest of the ride is what makes up for it)

1. El Toro/T-Express - Toro has that insane hill, but T-Express has a crapload more airtime moments, so it's tough to call.

2. Boulderdash - A better overall coaster than the two above (terrain etc.), but they take it for airtime for me.

3. Phonenix - The most "fun" airtime of any coaster

4. Colossos - Tough to put that here given only one ride though

5. Kawasemi/Piraten - Such great airtime for such "small" coasters
1. Boulder Dash - No doubt this is my first coaster. This is a fantastic relentless coaster and every single hill offers great airtime, especially the stretch of hills at the end. On all those final camelbacks before the station, I couldn't stay in my seat. The double up was just insane. Front row is totally the place to go for the best airtime.

3. El Toro - In the back seat, you are ripped out of your seat on every single drop, especially the first hill and the hill before the finale. The only complaint I can make is that the front of the train hits the brakes before the back is over the last camelback, so you lose a bit of air on that one.

3. Phoenix - Outside of the turnaround curves, my ass is almost never in the seat the entire ride. There are just stretches of hills at the end where I feel like I'm really going to fly out. I honestly don't know if I CAN fly out, but with no seatbelt, I'd rather not try.

4. Superman: Ride of Steel - This is what El Toro would be if it were steel.

5. Maverick - First drop has insane ejector, as do the two airtime hills in the ride.
1. Maverick
2. Ravine Flyer II
3. Diamondback
4. Magnum XL200
5. Goliath SFoG

Honestly, I could care less on who has better airtime. As long as I'm feeling that willy lift, I'm happy.
I'll go with the best airtime rather than the most since rides like Balder have lots of airhills but all of them are rather week so they make up for a poor overall experience..

1) Colossos (Heide-Park) - first half of the ride has insane airtime all the way from the top of the large hills to the bottom, awesome!

2) Stealth - great airtime over the top and strong ejector on the airhill.

3) Desert Race (& Rita) - love this fast ride type with lot's of ejector

4) Furius Baco - not much else of the first hill but that first hill is also the strongest moment of airtime I've ever experienced!!

5) Silver Star - not as bad as everyone says, lots of floater air in the front seat!
Most Airtime?

1. Colossos, Heide Park - Almost ridiculous when you consider it had JUST opened! <3

2. Piraten, Djurs Sommerland - Taking into account its size, it sure knows how to use it ;)

3. Tonnerre de Zeus, Parc Asterix - It loves life, end of story.

4. Silver Star, Europa Park - People are just mental for not loving this (or, just as likely, haven't been on it sans trims :p )!

5. Balder, Liseberg - Has a fair amount of airtime.

If we rating the airtime on quality of enjoyment though, Piraten, Zeus and Silver Star would all move ahead of the soulless Colossos... as would the likes of Goliath and even Expedition Ge Force (same can be said for Balder)! :lol:
nealbie said:
If we rating the airtime on quality of enjoyment though, Piraten, Zeus and Silver Star would all move ahead of the soulless Colossos... as would the likes of Goliath and even Expedition Ge Force (same can be said for Balder)! :lol:
Does Colossos lack soul? You know it's forbidden by law to mock my current number one :wink:
andrus said:
nealbie said:
If we rating the airtime on quality of enjoyment though, Piraten, Zeus and Silver Star would all move ahead of the soulless Colossos... as would the likes of Goliath and even Expedition Ge Force (same can be said for Balder)! :lol:
Does Colossos lack soul? You know it's forbidden by law to mock my current number one :wink:

Yeah, I've found with both Intamin woodies that I've been on now that they just have no personality and are simply likened to machines. This is fine for a steel coaster, but not for a woodie. :p