Sorry for bumping this, but I have a question to ask UC: So many times, you've said about coasters X, Y or Z that "They don't have any air at all" (or something along those lines). What are your five most airtime-filled coasters?
Mine? I think I haven't even ridden five coasters with airtime hills. But I guess pre-ruining ThunderCoaster is way up there. Some place just below Balder, and a bit further above Piraten. Then I guess Stealth and Speed Monster take the two next (and last) spots for me.
Mine? I think I haven't even ridden five coasters with airtime hills. But I guess pre-ruining ThunderCoaster is way up there. Some place just below Balder, and a bit further above Piraten. Then I guess Stealth and Speed Monster take the two next (and last) spots for me.