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Times a coaster stalled/broke down while you were on it?


Mega Poster
I hope this hasn't been done recently, a quick search didn't show any results.

This thread is inspired by my visit to Alton a few years ago. I was on Rita, and just before the launch, the coaster broke down (obviously, it's an Intamin). I was sitting in anticipation for about half an hour because the op said to "stay alert" in case the coaster launched! About another half hour later, they had to get air pressure canisters to get us out (I think?) and after a long wait, we finally got on the ride. Not a great coaster to wait so long for. Funny thing is, this was meant to be the last ride, so I got about an hour and a half extra in the park!

The only other time a coaster broke down while I was on it was on Big Dipper at BPB. Pretty boring tbh, stalled on the lift hill for about a minute, best part about it was the couple a few seats back freaking out that the train was gonna roll back and kill everyone.

So, has a coaster stalled/broken down while you were riding it?
Stalled on Star Trek OE at night. It was a bizarre conclusion to a quite magical ride really.

Also recorded being stalled on Anubis for about 10 minutes with my chest-belt GoPro. That's why there is a fade transition in my on-ride video of it :p
The Big One, Oblivion & The Ultimate... think that's it. Big One & Oblivion were your typical lift hill evacs whereas I got the JCB treatment on The Ultimate.
Been stuck on the brake runs of Dragon's Fury, Stealth and DBGT (let's face it, who hasn't), but the only thing I've actually been evacuated from is I'm a celeb. How exciting.
My first ride on Colossus at TP saw it break on me with my train stuck on the break run for a while.

Don't think I've been on anything else while broken down but have watched Spinball Whizzer be evacuated completely, including from the MCBRs.
Last year in Dreamworld, Tower of Terror II overshot the station, so we had to wait about 10 minutes to get evacuated. And in its opening year, DiVertical had a complete power failure just as we closed the restrains, so they had to bring some sort of a battery to release the restrains and get us out.

That's about it, 2 Intamins...
Wallace and Gromit, from the middle back to the entrance, then from the middle to the exit the same afternoon, soon after opening.
They wouldn't let me have a third go, cos I'm cursed.
I've been evacuated from the dinosaur section on Ellen's Energy Adventure which I enjoyed as it was quite a long walk to the emergency exit. I've also been evacuated from the top floor of Transformers. This was a weird one because I had no idea at the time that the ride was on two levels so I couldn't fathom how I was walking down all these flights of stairs.
I've only ever had two proper ride evacs in my lifetime:
  • The first one was Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland Paris, before I became an enthusiast. We were stuck on the second lift hill for about 20 minutes, and then we were evacuated through a backstage area and given Fastpasses when we exited. My family and I were perfectly satisfied with this, but I don't think anyone else on the train was...
  • The second one happened recently on Wicker Man at Alton Towers. We had finished the actual ride portion by this point, but we entered the dark tunnel just before the station, and were waiting to go back into the station. However, the train in the station was dispatched, moved about 2ft forward... and then stopped. The staff didn't seem too sure of what to do for the first minute or so, but then they started doing something with a stick. Then, everyone in that train was evacuated. Then, the lights came on in our dark tunnel, and we were evacuated. We just walked along the walkway back into the station, where we were given Fastracks for rides with a height restriction of 1.2m or under, so we used them on Thirteen.
The worst one was during the absolutely ****ing stressful day at SFGAm when Viper broke down with me and @Ben on it with an hour to go until park closure and still another ****ing 3 creds to get.
Once got stuck on the brake run for Cheetah Hunt. Was only for about 20 minutes, but felt much longer due to the heat.
Not a coaster but also got evacuated from Tomb Blaster when it broke down, so got to walk through most of the ride which was kinda cool.
Well, let's see...
The first time was Rougarou, on the final brake run for about 10 minutes, but that just made it worse because it was the day my school's music programs all went (I was in the band!) and we were on a time constraint. That and I may have left the group when I shouldn't have...
The second and worst time this happened was on Gatekeeper, when I got stuck on the lift hill for about 50 minutes. It was also around midnight during Halloweekends, and my uncle and I ended up getting the last ride of the night, as well as leaving at 1:00. At least we got to watch the traffic going out.
Being stuck on cat in a hat at ioa where the cat spins and woas at you. Not fun after 30 mins. Then having to walk to the offload station. Having an American kid take the piss out of our British accents didn’t help
I once queued for Mumbo Jumbo at Flamingo Land for about 45 minutes only for it to break down and then they ran out of fast track tickets to let you back in later before I got to the station. That's how dramatic my ride breakdowns get