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This vs That


Hyper Poster
Paris due to the fact it's the closest, it has silver trains, has an awesome soundtrack and has the awesome steampunk cannon!

Vampire or dragons fury


Hyper Poster
Combo tower! Out of the two, shot, as it's all I've done.

Arrow shuttle loop (eg Irn Bru) vs Schwarzkopf shuttle loop (eg Thunder Looper).


Giga Poster
I've only been on one Fabbri drop tower and that's Detonator at Thorp, a cute little drop tower but not very thrilling.. The last Intamin drop tower was Scream gyro drop this weekend at Heide Park and it packed a massive punch! Best drop tower ever! So I have to go with Intamin :p

To carry on with Heide, I'm curious of which is your favourite German park?
Europa Park or Heide Park?


Hyper Poster
Montu. I know if I ride Montu I'll really like it, but I'm not sure about Alpengeist because of all the mixed reviews it gets (I've heard it can be really rough too).

TGG woodies or Intamin Pre-Fabs?


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Big Apple. The theming makes the difference.

Up hill vs. down hill


Giga Poster
Haven't been on any of them, but TTD has to be A LOT better since it only got lap bars!

Cedar Fair vs Six Flags


Giga Poster
Six Flags. I've heard that there is at least a little bit of atmosphere at some of their parks, as opposed to Cedar Fair having none (or so I've heard).

Arrow vs. Vekoma