Same with The Sopranos.gavin said:It's the same with Breaking Bad; some episodes can drag on a bit, but it's brilliant.
marc said:Dracula
Murder she wrote
Mysterious Sue said:True Blood
furie said:Revolution
We suffer it Revolution rather than really enjoying it, but there's something about it keeps us watching. I think it's the vain hope that Charlie will finally get a well deserved bullet through her pouty, irritating face!
tomahawKSU said:I stare at the DVR every week thinking, do I really want to watch another awful episode of this show? Do I really want to hear Aaron whine for another hour? I suffer through it, hoping that a stray shot from a random musket will take her out and let the show progress and maybe become good.
marc said:Furie revolution is like lost for me. I watch it to see what happens rather than enjoy it lol.
tomahawKSU said:That's another thing. Bikes no longer work? Scooters? Why do you have to walk or ride horses everywhere? Only **** muskets and single shot guns except for the bad guys? Why no trying to advance solar power? That wouldn't be effected. It is on NBC, that is their entire message, if you eat meat or throw something in the wrong trash can, YOU WILL DIE!!! There are so many flaws in the show...