Bit of a resurrection here, but has anyone else been watching "The Returned"?
It's a creepy French TV series (subtitled) about a small town where some of the dead come back to life (not like zombies, but as there were before they died).
As the dead are kind of accepted back with the people they loved, other weird things start to happen. Murders, mass animal suicides, power outages, etc. It's a really slow build that gets the mood set brilliantly. It's intriguing as so little is explained, there's no "OMG CLIFF HANGER!!!" at the end of each episode, but it's still fantastically compelling. It's picking up pace now and heading for a major incident, all the well paced and well laid back stories are coming together and you can feel the mystery is about to be revealed and a massive shock is about to hit the town and people.
It's really dysfunctional and atmospheric, the kind of thing that could only ever work as a French production due to the nature of the French people (not a bad thing, they're just quite blunt and take no bull, but without making a big deal out of it.) - so expect a US remake in six months which completely ruins it
If you like haunting mysteries though, it's well worth watching. Ben would like it, it's like a subtle, understated Alan Wake.
Also watching the new BBC medieval drama "The White Queen". It's set in the latter half of the Wars of the Roses, with the newly crowned King Edward IV taking his (pretty much) common wife, Elizabeth
Woodville and the problems that causes the York cause.
It's a period of history I adore, and having spent around ten years reenacting the period, I know a fair amount about the history, costumes, culture, etc. However...
This is a deeply intense period of history, with massive political machinations and huge, bloody battles which shaped the English political, social and empirical systems for over a century (eventually culminating with Elizabeth I). So even if you think you know the stuff, you'll quite often still have to cross reference a lot of family trees and history to keep abreast of who is who, why they believe they have a claim to royalty, why they are enemies with specific households, etc, etc, etc. It's vital that a series like this is on top form in terms of accuracy and clarity of information.
Instead the BBC don't explain anything, miss out the battles completely and have it concentrating on the fact Elizabeth Woodville is a witch. The costume department don't understand what a codpiece is for (Edward IV's is particularly offensive), or that it was considered as rude to expose your hair as it is today to wander around with your knob hanging out, how shifts are worn and that the zip wasn't invented for several centuries.
It also has horse faced miserable psycho hose beast woman as Lady Stafford. To be fair, Margaret Beaufort probably was, but that is the only character that actress can bloody do.
So deeply frustrating series to watch as an "amateur historian" and as a general viewer, deeply frustrating because there's no depth to the history so they don't know who is who and why they are doing things.
I'm getting fed up with people at work and Madame_Furie keeping asking me "who is that, and why are they doing that, and what happened there?" I wish they'd stop bloody watching it. I wish I would too