^The minifig scale, 2011 version. Once again if I won the lottery I would get the Ultimate Collectors Set. I really need to catch up in this topic, I have bought and built two sets since I last posted, AT-RT (2013) and Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter.
Neither of these sets are very big, but sometimes I just need something quick to build. First I will start out with Saesee Tiin's thing.
Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter: First of all, this set came out in 2012, it has 244 pieces, 3 minifigures, it is recommended for ages 7-12, and is set 9498. You get Saesee Tiin, Even Piell, and R3-D5. Now I hate in videos when they spend to much time on the minifigs so I will make this quick.
Saesee Tiin comes with simple dark brown pants, a nice torso with the Jedi robe, a Jedi belt, and a brown shirt. Saesee Tiin has a very detailed face, it does not have a double face (none of the minifigs do), and a very, very nice, detailed head piece. It comes with a green bladed lightsaber.
Next is Even Piell. This is my favorite minifigure in the set. It comes with miniature simple black legs, a nice Jedi coat on the torso, with the Jedi belt, and a black shirt. The face is very detailed with the scar across his eyelid (he lost his left eye, if you didn't know that) and I thing the headpiece looks exactly like Even Piell. The headpiece has his long ears, his extended scar with the one on the headpiece, as well as another little scar on his forehead. He has this weird thing on the back of his head for some reason. He comes with a green bladed lightsaber.
The last minifigure is R3-D5, There isn't a lot to say about this guy, just picture a green outlined R2-D2, and you've got him. He can fit in a spot in the starfighter.
Now to the starfighter itself. It is the color of a nice hunter green and a plain white. There is a cockpit for Saesee Tiin to sit in. There are four flick-fire's, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. There is also a handle for Saesee's lightsaber at the bottom of the starfighter. There is also landing feet at the bottom so you can set it down on a desk, shelf, etc. As I said earlier there is a nice spot to put R3-D5 in front of Saesee's cockpit. When it comes to play features there isn't anymore to say about this set. I really liek the Jedi Starfighter design in general so that is a main reason why I bought this. This is probably my favorite set under 400 pieces actually, maybe tied with Duel on Geonosis. Oh yeah and this set has a quite a large amount of stickers, but I don't really mind stickers like some people do. It was a really easy build and I recommend this if you are looking for a quick set to build.
Next review is AT-RT!