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The Games we play...

So mainly EA games then, right? I believe Battlefield had it, but due to my having a PS+ Membership the pass was free. Could be wrong though.

I think the outcry was how harsh MS was over the whole thing, whereas Sony kept the same old.
Ea and Sony games mostly. Some Code masters too.

Ms have announced $60 rrp on xb1 games, the same as ps4 and Wii u. So much for DRM allowing for games to be sold cheaper :lol:

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
^^ Ah. Never noticed since I mainly do any form of FPS via the PC while I leave console for my love of RPGs and other random games that catch my fancy lol.
I claimed Animal Crossing New Leaf for 3DS as part of their "Hey look, we actually release games for the 3DS" promotion (still on-going btw)...

Goodbye life...
Right **** it, with the release of the last of us and July's ps+ update I'm gunna try and pick up a cheap ps3 to see me through until the ps4 is here...
Nemesis Inferno said:
I claimed Animal Crossing New Leaf for 3DS as part of their "Hey look, we actually release games for the 3DS" promotion (still on-going btw)...

Goodbye life...

It's good to see them having eight games released within as many months for the system ;)

I bought Luigi's Mansion 2 before the promo started and there aren't four of the other games I want. MMF wants Mystery Dungeon and I enjoy Animal Crossing if I have time (I don't at the moment or for the foreseeable future) - but other than that, meh :lol:

Pierre said:
Right **** it, with the release of the last of us and July's ps+ update I'm gunna try and pick up a cheap ps3 to see me through until the ps4 is here...

PMSL Pierre, well played :P

I keep thinking about the PS4 (as I'll be retaining the PS3 anyway - it's not an issue with no backwards compatibility), but the release schedule is dire. A poor man's Ridge Racer, Dull shooter and a kid's game. Not a great deal else apart from the usual AAA annual release suspects and six months of swearing about the fact the system, software and network don't work properly.

I've never bought a console (other than the 3DS) on release day though, so it's tempting as I will get one anyway and the PS+ service means a free game on it each month anyway.

So I could just use it to play the free games until the software library builds, while at the same time just keep on playing all the free PS3, Vita and XBox 360 games that are constantly being chucked at me anyway :)

Might get saving, or claim one as a 40th birthday present seeing as I never got to Germany :)
furie said:
Nemesis Inferno said:
I claimed Animal Crossing New Leaf for 3DS as part of their "Hey look, we actually release games for the 3DS" promotion (still on-going btw)...

Goodbye life...

It's good to see them having eight games released within as many months for the system ;)

I think it's 8 more games than the Wii U has had since it got released :lol:

Mario & Luigi one coming out soonish too... Those are always good... Huzzah for the 3DS!
So Microsoft backtrack.... (thats a good thing right?)


* An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.

* Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.
david morton said:
So Microsoft backtrack.... (thats a good thing right?)


* An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.

* Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.
One more reversal from Microsoft: Region-locking will be removed from the Xbox One as well - a change I doubt Microsoft will publicize on its own site, but reported by Giant Bomb.com.
Wow....that happened quickly. I guess when you have a piss poor event that is heavily criticized you change your **** up quickly :lol:
Re: RE: The Games we play...

People were too stupid to understand that it will still be that way as developers will implement it themselves. YOU CAN SHARE GAMES WITH UP TO TEN PEOPLE HOW IS THAT BAD! Oh wait nobody can say anything good because that's not how the internet works.
tomahawKSU said:
People were too stupid to understand that it will still be that way as developers will implement it themselves. YOU CAN SHARE GAMES WITH UP TO TEN PEOPLE HOW IS THAT BAD! Oh wait nobody can say anything good because that's not how the internet works.

No, the system Microsoft was going towards caused far too many issues than what you simply think you know. The 10 people sharing thing is strictly on YOUR console alone, as it is a fakily share plan. You could allow 1 person on your friends list to play one of your games so long as yiu knew them past a 30 day mark. For the reselling of games, all companies (GameStop and those like it) would have had to deal with make a deal with Microsoft themselves to enable the games to be resold. All game rentals for the XB1 would be non-existant as well due to the entirity of activation for your singular account.

Microsoft did wrong, masdively si, and they changed it accordingly. There is a mass difference between console gaming and PC gaming, main one being the game front overall. MS tried to do a more PC type route, and utterly failed because the average console user depends greatly on the selling of old games to buy new, as well as buying used and renting games for a day or so.

Ive never had an issue with how they were pushing the games since Im used to buying games at cost with no such thing as pre-owned for the PC realm of gaming (you either wait til it drops in price or Steam houses its sales). Ive digressrd from my point though, which is it had nothing to do with the public being too idiotic to understand what MS wanted to do and the direction they are pushing their device. It had to do with trying to change a core element to console gaming; buying used games and being able to toss a game to a friend without worry over never being able to play it again. The gamer community cried out and MS responded positively (finally). Why they are still pushing the Always-On aspect of the Kinect beats me. It's just enforcing a more lazy and lax atmosphere within homes with this system, cause face it, people will use it mainly for the TV functionality and rarely for the Kinect-based games.

Microsoft made a boo-boo, Sony capitalized upon it with the Gaming community making a massive enough outcry to make Microsoft take their heads out their arse long enough to realize they done goofed.
It's not strictly on your console, but they have to be "family" which can (and will) be manipulated, which is why only one person can play at a time.

I don't understand the obsession with buying used, they charge maybe $5 less then the cost of new, and give you $5 for a BRAND NEW game. The game developers are going to make the no resale policy happen anyways, so may as well get used to it.
A difference of £5 is something people will take though... Especially in the current economic climate... Given the choice between paying £40 or £35 for a game someone has already played, it's kind of a non-brainer really...
ECG said:
One more reversal from Microsoft: Region-locking will be removed from the Xbox One as well - a change I doubt Microsoft will publicize on its own site, but reported by Giant Bomb.com.

Yeah, they announced that officially too on the MS website.

I think it's great that MS have done this, seen the **** storm and reversed the decisions - it shows that they're not quite so arrogant. However, you have to ask why they did it in the first place? How thought it was a good idea?

And Sony have still got away with bloody murder. They still have their own "Network Pass" system in place which is as bad as the MS DRM AND they haven't announced their downloaded product system sharing yet (the original PS3 was with five PS3 systems, now it's two). 3rd parties can still have their own DRM and locking on both systems too.

I think the worst issue for MS is that without the "always on", one of their major selling points down the line is in jeopardy - cloud processing on games.

If MS had enforced the always on thing, then they could say to third party developers "look, we have xx million consoles connected, you can use their processing power for you games". Now, they don't have such definitive figures.

I don't know how much cloud computing could have helped games, but with the specs on both consoles being so tight, ANY boost in performance could have helped distinguish XBOne games from the PS4's. It has to be coded in though, and that will require resources and increase development cost. EA, Activision et al aren't going to spend money on it if they can't guarantee the numbers required to make it work. So that's actually quite a sad change.

tomahawKSU said:
I don't understand the obsession with buying used, they charge maybe $5 less then the cost of new, and give you $5 for a BRAND NEW game. The game developers are going to make the no resale policy happen anyways, so may as well get used to it.

I don't know what it's like over in the US, but used games depreciate quite rapidly over here. I picked up my PS3 about 8 months after release and with it nabbed two release titles. One cost me £5, the other £10. Essentially, for my "new" console, I could have picked up four games for the cost of one brand new on.

Similarly, when I picked up my 360, I bought it with a handful of second hand games, none were more than £7 (the £7 one was the limited edition Forza 3 pack, with all the DLC and goodies intact).

THAT is why the obsession with buying used games. It's not about saving $5 a week after release, it's about being able to hoover up a mass of great games at ridiculously low prices several months down the line. Didn't want to risk $60 on Halo 4? Wait 12 months and grab it for $20. Even better, trade in an old game you no longer play for $10 and Halo 4 is suddenly only $10. What isn't there to love about it?

EA have said they won't stop used game sales - their model is shifting to in game purchases instead. Sony already do this with their PS+ service. They release a game under PS+ for free, but then put loads of DLC on sale, or release a load of new DLC - if you're getting a game for free/cheap, then you're more likely to spend a bit here and there on a virtual hat or something.

Nemesis Inferno said:
A difference of £5 is something people will take though... Especially in the current economic climate... Given the choice between paying £40 or £35 for a game someone has already played, it's kind of a non-brainer really...

Yeah, but games are always £5 cheaper in Asda anyway, so I only bother with Game and the like if they're selling stuff really cheap, or I have games kicking around doing nothing.