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The Games we play...

I think it was pretty much as it always has been. MS are all "Halo, zombies and Forza*". The best place to shoot, kill and drive is the Xbox. If you want more of the same, that's what you've got.

Sony are "hey, if you like that Japanese thing and something a bit different". It's exactly the same as Sony currently offer.

If Sony nail the online, then both machines come out of the box pretty identical (you get the new Kinect for the XB, but pay a premium for it, but that's pretty irrelevant). So it's absolutely down to which games push your buttons - just as it's always been only now the lines between them are less clear. There's no more "but you also get a Blu-ray with the PS3" or "XBL Gold is the only way to play online successfully for a premium price". They're both so level it's unreal. So it's down to the games and potential support.

PS4 will fly off the shelves in Japan. XBOne will fly off the shelves in the US. Europe will go for the cheapest initially and then change to the most expensive later because more expensive IS BETTER!!!!

Nintendo will sit with the Wii U units the US distributors are currently returning going "right, erm, did Sega have the right idea?" ;)

*Forza actually IS the best motorsports series currently available
I think Sony did a pretty good job.
"Hey, you know that mandatory Internet connection, Kinect always watching you and that draconian DRM? We have none of that! Also, our console is $100 cheaper!"
Some parts of the Internet haven't stopped applauding yet.
Microsoft practically said: "We really want you to do things this way in the future", whereas Sony went "You like this, yes? Well, we're not going to change it!" To be fair, Sony did have some tiny fine print warning about their Internet services not being for free any more. Microsoft came across as too controlling, too demanding. Never mind that half the features of the XBone only work in the US.

Also, Star Wars: Battlefront! I'd be excited if it hadn't been for the fact that the game is named just that. What was previously a prefix name, or the name of the series, is now the name of the game. Command&Conquer and SimCity have taught me that the name of a great and beloved series is no guarantee of quality. Especially so when the new game doesn't acknowledge its heritage in the title.
furie said:
Nintendo will sit with the Wii U units the US distributors are currently returning going "right, erm, did Sega have the right idea?" ;)

To be fair, be better to judge after the NinDirect today...

If they have any sense, it'll be time to bring out the big guns, and push out every single major franchise (and maybe some new ones) and say "these ones are coming out in November, then Mario and Zelda in January 2014" :lol:

Doubt Nintendo will turn into Sega as a result of the Wii U mind, they have the portable gaming side of things tied up enough at the current time that a huge hit on the console side of things (in my view) won't result in complete devestation...
To me it seemed that Microsoft we're being considerably more money grabby that usual and being phenominal dicks about it. Then sony came along and quite literally punched them to oblivion. I disgree with you about XBOne sales in the US. PS4 is going to be the dominant console imo. They aren't trying to shaft you and smear there smeg covered chode across your face and demand money off you to get it off.

Also with PS and Sony more willing to experiment with games. My views of this generation have turned round. We could actually see some fairly interesting stuff come out and still have the generics like COD, BF and that Titanfall.

PMSL Kim :lol:

It missed off - "Free online play for the 2 games that can use it and the 12 people who play those two games" :P

Nemesis Inferno said:
To be fair, be better to judge after the NinDirect today...

Well, definitely not from their E3 showing :P

Nemesis Inferno said:
If they have any sense, it'll be time to bring out the big guns, and push out every single major franchise (and maybe some new ones) and say "these ones are coming out in November, then Mario and Zelda in January 2014" :lol:

That will please the Nintendo fans, but nobody else. I estimate (based on games sales over the last 20 years) that there are around 20 million dedicated Nintendo fans. People who will always by their consoles (not portables) for Nintendo games. I don't know how many will keep on falling for the same ****, different console thing though? At some point, people will get hacked off with being offered the same old same old. Especially when Sony have people developing stuff like Puppeteer above which should by rights be squarely on a Nintendo system with a little red plumber.

Nemesis Inferno said:
Doubt Nintendo will turn into Sega as a result of the Wii U mind, they have the portable gaming side of things tied up enough at the current time that a huge hit on the console side of things (in my view) won't result in complete devestation...

Yeah, I think you're right, they will always dominate in the handheld arena, even if its a slow take up like the 3DS. Though they may find themselves losing ground year in year out as mobiles and tablets gradually eat more and more into the causal portable markets. At some point, they need to say "are 11 Million* potential sales of Pokemon X/Y good enough, or would we be better also releasing on the iDeviceDroids with a potential of hundreds of millions of sales and then ditching making hardware?"

That's certainly the position Sega hit - at which point does your software being exclusive to hardware hurt you? Are people honestly going to buy a Wii U in November because of a new Zelda game, when they could be getting a PS4 for the same price, or a XBOne for not much more? Some may, but I doubt many people who haven't bought a Wii U yet will be waiting until then to do it.

kimahri said:
I disgree with you about XBOne sales in the US. PS4 is going to be the dominant console imo. They aren't trying to shaft you and smear there smeg covered chode across your face and demand money off you to get it off.

It doesn't matter. The US is a very big supporter of the XBox and with good reason. MS understand the majority of their customer base in the US. Like it or not, they really get their players and will deliver what the majority of their players want time and again. Yes, there are people who want different, but that really isn't the majority of XBox owners.

MS are also a US company, and whether it's deliberate or not, the Americans will always tend to lean towards their own home companies.

*The 3DS has shipped around about 11 million in total so far
I feel that Sony's official guide to sharing games on the PS4 might get missed so here it is :)


I read an article on IGN and couldn't agree more - in the time I've been following video games I've never before seen such a direct, blow-for-blow hit directly against a competitor. **** love Sony after their press conference.
I do love that :)

I think it's rare for MS to lead in this manner and be in such contentious waters at the same time - so they offered Sony the perfect opportunity to lay into them. Let's not forget though that Sony ARE charging for multiplayer service now and they've not killed off the possibility that third parties could still do the same thing with network passes and the like. Essentially MS have given them the chance to poke fun and dodge the things that people would be laying in to them about generally.

MS have dropped a few major clangers and Sony have been keen to monopolise on it - it's very entertaining :)

I don't think it makes much difference, just makes MS look "corporate" and Sony "fun". Not sure which is best as I always class MS as "professional" and Sony as "a bunch of muppets too keen on being cool to get their network stuff sorted properly" :lol:
furie said:
I don't know how many will keep on falling for the same ****, different console thing though? At some point, people will get hacked off with being offered the same old same old. Especially when Sony have people developing stuff like Puppeteer above which should by rights be squarely on a Nintendo system with a little red plumber.

As proven by COD and Fifa, those are the big sellers though, the casual gamers will easily be swayed by the same old every year, why is it any different on a major console? ;) It's not the greatest arguement against Nintendo anymore as pretty much every major game company does it, especially EA and Ubisoft (although of course, with EA seemingly throwing their toys out the pram with Wii U, that's a big loss)...

Also, depends what (if anything) they do with their major franchises differently... Although recent history does suggest that when they change sommat it doesn't improve things...

Yeah, I think you're right, they will always dominate in the handheld arena, even if its a slow take up like the 3DS. Though they may find themselves losing ground year in year out as mobiles and tablets gradually eat more and more into the causal portable markets. At some point, they need to say "are 11 Million* potential sales of Pokemon X/Y good enough, or would we be better also releasing on the iDeviceDroids with a potential of hundreds of millions of sales and then ditching making hardware?"

That's certainly the position Sega hit - at which point does your software being exclusive to hardware hurt you? Are people honestly going to buy a Wii U in November because of a new Zelda game, when they could be getting a PS4 for the same price, or a XBOne for not much more? Some may, but I doubt many people who haven't bought a Wii U yet will be waiting until then to do it.

It's definitely going to be a comparison between what games become exclusives in the future... And whether or not the multi-platform games are shabby ports or not (although it's pretty damn clear that any port will be so simply done, with a map on the gamepad or use of the 'traditional' controller seen in Darksiders 2)...

Depends as well if the market get sick and tired of playing the same cover based shooter game in a different uniform/environment every two months as well :P

Have a feeling the Wii U will probably see a massive price drop as well... If they get some Mario 3D bundles out for Christmas time, then they might see a sharper rise in sales this time... But indeed, it will depend on what games are out for the release of the other two, whilst certainly paying north of £400 for a console is certainly beyond my wanting, even if I was planning to buy a new XBone... So a lot of sales will go down to bundles and what's available...

As I've said before, Nintendo properly cocked up the Wii U early release through a lack of advertising, no real AAA game (least Wii had a Zelda title, ported from Gamecube maybe, but still had the whole Zelda thing going on) to bring in the punters... Exactly what they did with the 3DS, only a lot worse because they knew they had limited time before the other two competitors strolled in with all the graphics and whatever other **** and what-not... I can't see it being a great save in the same vein as the 3DS, but they need to improve matters, and if they have 20 million die-hards, they need to get out more, since they haven't even sold that many have they?

Needless to say, the Wii U concept failed miserably through a whole array of reasons... But still, they haven't cocked up as much as Microsoft :lol:

I think though in the overall run so far, Sony will certainly take this generation, if only for the fact that they turned around and did the complete opposite to Microsoft, who might well have really alienated the European audience... The American casual market will lap up the TV crap because it's TV and sports but their hardcore market may think twice about it because of all the used game crap that they've done...

The way this has gone it's like an episode of the Apprentice with one team making completely the wrong decisions based on the market research :lol:

EDIT - Cat Mario :lol: Disregard me I'm out...
I don't like how vague Sony are being with their release date for the PS4. 'Holidays' to me just screams that they don't really quite know when it will be ready.

EA have started removing online passes from all of their games and won't incorporate it in any new releases. I know that's only one developer but its a huge one and shows they don't feel it was working - can see other dev's following suit.

Sony charging for multiplayer is a bold move, and it would be nice to see a bit of PR about how much of this extra projected income is going to go towards a more stable infrastructure of the PSN. As a previous PS+ subscriber, the cost isn't an issue to me, but people won't be happy paying a premium price for a budget network. I was paying PS+ for games, others will be paying it purely for online play, so it needs to be top notch.
It will be ready before the friday after thanksgiving.

As for the whole passes thing, did you mean used games or new games Furie? New games will most likely be based upon whether or not it requires a seperate online fee like FFXI and FFXIV have. Used games will all be able to be played right from Gamestop (or wherever you get your used games).

As for charging for online play, I do agree it is a bold move; however they also have more incentive than just a "Leader Board". The free games are pretty nice to have, plus the 1hr free playtime you have of full games incase youre not sure you want it or not.

I think Sony presented themselves as the top contender for this year. Microsoft made some massive blunders, and Sony capitalized on that. This wasnt subtle like years past, but rather full fledged swings with their fist.

I cant wait to see how MS responds to this and what all else will be announced!
An eighteenth Pokémon type was also confirmed. It's called - brace yourselves - the "Fairy type". The introduction of a new type has been speculated on Pokémon forums for months (it's an inevitable side effect of the announcement of new games, and has happened almost yearly since the days of Ruby/Sapphire), but few veterans believed the rumours of a new type. People claiming to be beta testers "leaked" a Fairy type, and were met with much suspicion, even when one of them got into major trouble when his employer found out he had talked about it on the Internet. As a last straw, we comforted ourselves that even if there WAS a Fairy type coming, they wouldn't give it such a cheesy name in the English translation - the Dark type is called "Evil type" in Japanese after all.

Then GameFreak sent us this bombshell today. I might have lost a bet or two. Anybody know any good recipes for hat stew?
Nemesis Inferno said:
As proven by COD and Fifa, those are the big sellers though, the casual gamers will easily be swayed by the same old every year, why is it any different on a major console? ;) It's not the greatest arguement against Nintendo anymore as pretty much every major game company does it, especially EA and Ubisoft (although of course, with EA seemingly throwing their toys out the pram with Wii U, that's a big loss)...

Here's the difference.

Each year (pretty much), Sony and MS customers see an upgrade release of their favourite games: Fifa, COD, Assassin's Creed, Need for Speed, Rayman, etc, etc, etc.

Every two or three years, you'll see the first party big hitters. So for every Mario Kart, you've got a Forza and a Gran Turismo. For every Zelda, a Killzone and Halo. For every Mario Bros, a Gears of War and God of War. Every company has it.

However, in the empty months between the yearly updates and the big games, you have..?

Well, Sony and MS have hundreds of brand new release titles each year. Even if they didn't, there's enough left over from the annual upgrade games for MS and Sony owners to be playing constantly week in, week out on their console.

Nintendo only really have their own first party stuff, which tends to arrive in clumps. That's the difference, if you own a Nintendo console, it will spend more time unplayed than played, simply because there aren't enough games on it to keep you on the thing.

The repeat is what it is, but it doesn't happen on Nintendo.

Benin said:
Also, depends what (if anything) they do with their major franchises differently... Although recent history does suggest that when they change sommat it doesn't improve things...

Very true, but I don't know what answer is. You can't just release the same game with better graphics and a few new levels. Mario hasn't changed in forever really (the side scrolling stuff). There's new abilities, but it's essentially identical gameplay. If you change that, then the purists don't want it. If you don't, then people overlook it as it's just the same as it has been for years. It's a difficult situation, so the answer is to introduce new IP instead. The people behind God of War have an entirely new game out, they know the franchise has been bled to death and it's time to take a break with something new.

Benin said:
Depends as well if the market get sick and tired of playing the same cover based shooter game in a different uniform/environment every two months as well :P

They will eventually, the question is, will Sony/MS/EA/Activision then move on to the next thing, or keep flogging the same old horse?

Benin said:
As I've said before, Nintendo properly cocked up the Wii U early release through a lack of advertising, no real AAA game (least Wii had a Zelda title, ported from Gamecube maybe, but still had the whole Zelda thing going on) to bring in the punters... Exactly what they did with the 3DS, only a lot worse because they knew they had limited time before the other two competitors strolled in with all the graphics and whatever other **** and what-not... I can't see it being a great save in the same vein as the 3DS, but they need to improve matters, and if they have 20 million die-hards, they need to get out more, since they haven't even sold that many have they?

They'll sell that many across life of system. People WILL pick up the Wii U when the price point is right and there is the Zelda game people feel they must play. Like Sega knowing that there has to be enough in the way of console sales to make an exclusive game, gamers know there has to be enough "want" games on their system to justify the spend.

Benin said:
Needless to say, the Wii U concept failed miserably through a whole array of reasons... But still, they haven't cocked up as much as Microsoft :lol:

I still think MS will do very well, to write them off at this stage is very foolish. I think people expecting it to fail will be very surprised by how well it actually does.

Pierre said:
I don't like how vague Sony are being with their release date for the PS4. 'Holidays' to me just screams that they don't really quite know when it will be ready.

Yeah, it's not good. Again, I have a massive mistrust of Sony to get things right and released properly.

Pierre said:
EA have started removing online passes from all of their games and won't incorporate it in any new releases. I know that's only one developer but its a huge one and shows they don't feel it was working - can see other dev's following suit.

I suspect they found that it just wasn't at all used by people. There's no point in throwing money at a system is it's never taken up. Though EA have Origin too now, so they probably have something else up their sleeves - I'll also bet they expected Sony to bend over like MS and give in to their demands for DRM.

Pierre said:
Sony charging for multiplayer is a bold move, and it would be nice to see a bit of PR about how much of this extra projected income is going to go towards a more stable infrastructure of the PSN. As a previous PS+ subscriber, the cost isn't an issue to me, but people won't be happy paying a premium price for a budget network. I was paying PS+ for games, others will be paying it purely for online play, so it needs to be top notch.

Yeah, again, trust issues with Sony. I too don't mind as the PS+ service is great value. As a premium to access network gaming, they have to get it spot on. It's just an add-on and I don't really like the way it's bundled. I can already see the excuses "The game selection is **** , but it's okay because it's also giving you your multiplayer stuff", "Multiplayer is **** , but it's okay because you're also getting the superb value of Instant Game Collection and four games each month". They'll just pick which one to use depending on the complaint rather than actually dealing with concerns.

PS+ does become an absolute bargain if you've got PS4, PS3 and Vita in the house though.

Nemesis Inferno said:
Wii U saved confirmed...

You did read about Gamestop and Best Buy giving up on the Wii U didn't you? Maybe Nintendo will put Premium hardware in the Basic boxes - that'll be where the white Premiums are coming from :lol:

http://www.joystiq.com/2013/06/09/repor ... i-u-basic/
furie said:
Nemesis Inferno said:
Wii U saved confirmed...

You did read about Gamestop and Best Buy giving up on the Wii U didn't you? Maybe Nintendo will put Premium hardware in the Basic boxes - that'll be where the white Premiums are coming from :lol:

http://www.joystiq.com/2013/06/09/repor ... i-u-basic/

You do realise I was joking when I said that one right? :lol: Although I'm not surprised, having multiple types of the console didn't help matters at all, let alone that many people didn't even REALISE it was a separate console in the first place... Nintendo's advertising at work people :lol:

Whilst there are games that I will buy from that Direct, there were no games that made me really stand up and take full on notice, or any that screamed out that they could save the console...

It doesn't look great... Although at least the 3DS seems pretty solid atm...
Kingdom hearts 3 :)

So far it's ps4 all the way, it's a games console not a tv.

Have not read one good reviews about the Xbox yet.
furie said:
kimahri said:
I disgree with you about XBOne sales in the US. PS4 is going to be the dominant console imo. They aren't trying to shaft you and smear there smeg covered chode across your face and demand money off you to get it off.

It doesn't matter. The US is a very big supporter of the XBox and with good reason. MS understand the majority of their customer base in the US. Like it or not, they really get their players and will deliver what the majority of their players want time and again. Yes, there are people who want different, but that really isn't the majority of XBox owners.

MS are also a US company, and whether it's deliberate or not, the Americans will always tend to lean towards their own home companies.

I still disagree but, I see your logic. I will admit I did base that assumption off the reaction to a Gaming Expo designed to address "Gamers" rather than average Joe or Jane. I was more running off pricing as well. Xbox does seem really steep when including all the other macguffins like Netflix and what not. Will the US still support the Xbox with all of them?

Legit question btw

marc said:
Kingdom hearts 3 :)

REAL KH 3!!!!! The graphic seemed a bit plain so I'm gunna assume that was a prototype build and we've still got a hell of a wait but REAL KH 3!!!!!


AND BAYONETTA 2. IT WAS **** GLOOOORIOUS AIGBD JM! When that and The Wonderful 101 comeout I'm gunna consider a Wii U. but for the time being, it's still a $300 Nintendo emulator.