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The Games we play...

**** all this nonsense Sonic and Zelda.

my mummy dearest is picking up Portal 2 for me tommorow since I've got work in the opposite direction...

Oh well, just got Child of Eden left on my preorder list in the shop of wrong direction...
^I started playing Scribblenauts, but got so far and got bored with it.

I've finally got round to completing the DS re-make of Broken Sword. Now, I love games of this type, so was always going to enjoy it. It is very good. There's a strong storyline and the puzzles are at about the right level (leaning slightly towards the easy side if anything). The trouble is that there's not enough of them. Too much time is spent talking to people, and not enough spent puzzle solving. I also felt it was a bit too short. I completed the whole thing in 10 hours. Whilst the story was good, I'm still not entirely sure wtf was going on in the final confrontation. Also, the love story aspect of it was kinda just thrown in at the end for no real reason whatsoever.

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy playing it, and would still recommend it to people. It doesn't look like there's plans to release the re-make of the 2nd one on DS, which is a shame. I would've liked to play it.

For me, the problem is that its VERY similar (in some ways scarily so!) to the Secret Files games. Somehow, I still just feel that they're a bit better.
Nic said:
^I started playing Scribblenauts, but got so far and got bored with it.

I'm sad that you feel this way, but it's ok, I still love you lots!

The thing with Scribblenauts (I believe there are two versions? Perhaps you played the older one and the new one is a bit better? Either way I've only played the "Super" one...) is the capacity for imagination is immense, and I'm so easily entertained. I do a little smile every time I come up with a fantastic creation or invention that shifts me on to the next level! :)
kir said:
Super Scribblenauts on the DS is fab! It quite happily passes a good few night shift hours! <3

Lol yes it does! So much to do...all powered by your brain! Awesome game :D

And LoZ is awesome; you know it's true ;)
Why would I doubt if Portal 2 was amazing?

It's not amazing. It's fan-****ing-tastic! Completely takes the originally concept, expands it, gives it history, keeps the funny but still adds more to it, and makes it difficult without being extremely hard.

God I need to co op.
Portal 2 is like, alright.

It's funny and good and all that but Pokemaniac summed it up for me.

Erlend says (21:14):
*I've heard it doesn't "feel" quite the same as its predecessor, but after all, that is impossible to recreate
*Without actually recreating the game
*Which wouldn't sell many copies

The original Portal was a amazing surprise and with out that it's just not as good. It's funny and well made but it just, doesn't feel as good. not saying it's bad. It's great fun but, ngh.
Nic, from reading about your opinion on Broken Sword, I'd highly recommend Okamiden. It came out a few weeks ago but unfortunately didn't get any TV advertising at all (but lots of magazines and websites gave it 10/10 and urge EVERYONE to play it). Now I don't actually own this yet but it's the DS sequel to the AMAZING PS2 game (it was re-released on Wii but we don't talk about that because it sucked) Okami, and from what I've seen Okamiden plays exactly like the PS2 game...even down to the fully 3D graphics, which really push the DS to its limits.

Like you said about Broken Sword, I loved the original Okami, still do and consider it my 3rd all-time favourite game, but it had FAR too much talking. Most of it was to set the scene, but it was annoying whena demon/boss was about to fight you and there was just loads of speech and you just wanted to fight. Some puzzles were also a bit easy since the game insisted on guiding you a lot (although the game actually had the humour to make fun of itself for doing so). But the point is, the Okami series (well, 1 and now 2) are games with massively long, immersive stories (just the story alone in Okami takes around 40 hours no matter what, but then if you do all the additional exploring and missions, well...), lots of fun fighting (although some battles border on infuriating), epic traditional Japanese music and great visuals. It's a very misunderstood game, but if you give it a chance then you'll see why so many critics and fans on the internet love it. It's just a very accesible game overall.

But like I said, this is me speaking from experience with Okami, but I reckon it stands for Okamiden. Plus you said a while back that you were open to DS game suggestions, so that's definitely a suitable one! You may have to get it online though, it seems to be out of stock everywhere :/ You can research it first if you like, IGN has a good review/overview I think.

Lastly, Chibiterasu is cute as ****.
Portal 2 Spoilers...

My main gripe with Portal 2 is the beginning section with Wheatly and GlaDOS. It didn't flow very well, the loading times between levels is also a slight issue, it makes the game feels too short and snappy, there was no great length of play.

Puzzles - The ones in the old aperture labs were my favourites, actually using portals to get around places rather than in test chambers was nice, though the enormous heights sometimes made me think "where the **** am i meant to be going?".

"LOL's" - repated Companion Cube destruction, "guilty people are easily startled by PARRRRPPPPP", I'm in space! Potato GlaDOS

Also who knew the moon could hold a portal? :lol:
I'm not a gamer so a bit foreign in these parts. However, I just completed single player Portal 2. After playing Portal, I was concerned that this had to live up to a fantastic predecessor but I'm pleased that they delivered a fantastic game in the end (well, single player anyway, but I'm sure cooperative mode is good too).

I was going to use the spoiler tags but the text seems to be a different colour to the background. So just try not to look at the black highlighted bits. Squint around or something, I don't know.

Firstly, the gameplay. As I expected, test chambers were inventive and creative. The new features in the test chambers were certainly interesting. There was one test chamber near the beginning involving lasers that was very logic based that I quite enjoyed. But that doesn't mean to say I didn't enjoy the ones which involved flying through the air at speed. I didn't like the fact that there was a bit of hand-holding going on in some of the chase scenes (one involving wheatley near the start... more on him later).

The old labs were good. And Wheatley's test chambers were interesting too. There was one (can't remember which) involving using the reversible tractor beam/anti-gravity/tunnel thing to carry gels around for things which I thought was very clever. Also, blowing up turrets with the laser beam was immensely satisfying :--D

The plot was captivating. There were some points where I thought it would end, then it would take an unexpected twist and land me in somewhere very strange. There were some flow issues, especially with the loading screens, but still mainly positive. The scenery/landscape design was much better in this game and way more adventurous. Unfortunately, I have a laptop, so I was still getting slightly choppy fps on the lowest graphics settings, but even then, the graphics still looked great. Very immersive.

The atmosphere I got in the old Aperture section of the game was just about spot on. Felt very desolate and dark. There were some good effects during the game too, the bit near the beginning where Wheatley shines a torch to guide the way. Small things make me happy.

Characters were good. I loved bitter Glados. Stephen Merchant... I couldn't really decide whether I liked him or not. When his character was introduced, I thought he'd be a comic relief, "on for 10 minutes" sort of character, which I thought was great. I think the problem I have is that Wheatley is just that it's Stephen Merchant. Rambles a lot, and gets annoying sometimes. However, he makes up for it in the boss fight.

And of course, the humour. Absolutely brilliant as I expected, more laughs than the first game (game designers obviously knew why Portal was popular). Sometimes, I felt like they were trying too hard to get laughs...

The warning announcements during the old labs section seemed to go for the LOOK HERE'S A JOKE!!!! approach

... but most of the time the humour was spot on.

Personal favourites:
Anything Glados says in the initial test chambers, but particularly "Most people emerge from suspension terribly undernourished. I want to congratulate you on beating the odds and somehow managing to pack on a few pounds."
and the garbage metaphor
"O hi! How are you holding up? Because I'm a potato."
"Chapter 9: The part where he kills you"
"I'm in space"

So overall, there are a couple of issues I have. The game doesn't flow quite right in places, sometimes it feels like the game is holding your hand a bit too much, Stephen Merchant gets a bit annoying after a while and the humour very occasionally seems forced. But everything else, pretty much, I like. I think I definitely like it over the original, but as Pokemaniac and Kim said, it won't have the impact that Portal had. I think with Portal, the short length helped... and the fact it came first.
So the new Nintendo console (codenamed 'Project Cafe') for 2012 will be announced & playable at this year's E3. The WiiII anyone? Another console for the masses or something for hardcore gamers? Hi def graphics or just the Wii in 3D?
I think Nintendo need to make some form of graphics step-up. 3D is still in early stages and they got around this by having the handheld screen which doesn't require glasses.

3D is so 'exclusive' it needs to have something more than just 3D capability. It will be interesting, I always enjoy E3 because I'm a bit of a tech-geek and love the excitement around new innovations!
It's not even a console. It's a robot that'll do you full bidding and has a built in wii and it can play with you. It also has over 30000 different voice styles and its possible to get it pregnant and it'll even give you a blow job.

It actually know cpr and
too. The internet said so so it must be true.
Portal 2 was ammmaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzing.<3

I agree though that it can feel a bit guided in places, but those places felt more like interactive movies than a typical game, so I'll let it off. It wasn't very difficult (cant have been if I completed it at all let alone in a couple of days) but it's one of those games that if it WAS any harder, it would just piss you off and not be fun.

Co-op is also just amazing.

But, but, but now I wanna know what happens to Chell. :(

I'm playing through the commentary now...

The arguments I hear for Portal 2 not being as good as the first don't hold up if you ask me. You can't make a judgement on something like "it wont be as good because the first one was good *only* because it was so unusual" (which is essentially what is being said), and then moan when you get it because it's "like the first one, but not exactly, so boo". I think Portal has a heck of a lot more to it than an unusual gaming concept - an interesting story, characters, appearance, etc. Criticising the second for it's failure to deliver something like that would make sense, but for not doing something you knew it couldn't anyway? Oh go... find something else to winge about.

My dissertation was handed in in Feb. YAY! But I have a major project to finish... boo.
I finished Portal 2 yesterday.

It was lovely.

Now I just need to wait for Sony to sort themselves out so I can play co-op. ¬_¬
Lain said:
Now I just need to wait for Sony to sort themselves out so I can play co-op. ¬_¬
That might take a while. Sony will be #1 on the hit list as long as they keep pulling
like they did with GeoHot. Settling out of court was the thing to do, but Sony is in a tough situation as what to do next. They pissed off a lot of people by demanding the ip addresses of everyone that has ever visited GeoHot & it will take a while before that will be forgotten.
They also pissed off a lot of people by removing the function to install other OS on their system as that was what was exploiting the major flaw... however the console was sold with this feature so consumer rights and all that
kicked off... I'm not even angry that PSN is down, more just disappointed that not only have they let an attack happen, an attack so severe that 77m peoples details have been stolen and its had their service out of action for a week+.... for a company the size of Sony it is just really disappointing this wasn't detected.