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The Games we play...

Nemesis Inferno said:
Having it on the DS would be useful, but... I don't really want to have to buy the new 3D one when my current DSi is barely a year old...

How else are Nintendo going to keep up their high sales quota ;)

Sorry, it just depresses me when the majority of things on offer "new" are just more of the same yet again. Either remakes of games that have been copied hundreds of times, or mild variations on a theme (and ALL the big 3 are guilty of this).

I just dislike it more from Nintendo, as we're always being told how "innovative" they are.

If by that you mean re-releasing the same game over and over and over and over - then yes, but it's not really the dictionary definition :)

Nintendo are "for the gamer"... The gamer who never went beyond 1997 and wants to always stay in the halcyon gaming days of pre-pubescence. There's nothing wrong with that (I still play the titles I enjoyed in my younger days on Mame or emulators) - I just disagree with the idea of paying for either the same game, or a slightly improved version and then praising the company rehashing it as "doing a great job". I just think it's lazy TBH and the gaming equivalent of my second pet hate - 'catch phrase comedy'. But no, but yeah, but no, but yeah... ;)

[Edit] Much to my :oops:, just found out "Express Raider" is released today on the PSP/PS3 as a Mini :lol: This was one of my favourite arcade games. They had it in Widnes Market in about 1985 and I'd scrounge 20p to have a couple of goes.

I have it on MAME though, so why would I want to buy it??? Sony, you're as bad as Nintendo :evil:
More good stuff on day two, but it didn't start off that way.
The Zelda demo was epic fail of major proportions. :P
Reggie Fils-Amie puts me to sleep.
Enough Mario already!
Wii Party wtf?
Golden Sun - meh.
Amother Kirby side scroller - just what the world needs. :roll:
Same goes for Donkey Kong.
Does Metroid really have anything new to offer?
Goldeneye looks just like it did way back when, but I bet it doesn't play as good as it used to.
So far it's the '80s all over again.
Disney Epic Mickey - why bother with everything else? They should have started the show with this one & concluded the game portion of the show as soon as the demo ended.
Which brings us to the Nintendo 3DS. 3-D games, photos & movies without any glasses sounds good, but is something I'll need to see first hand of course. At least the lineup of third party developers for the 3DS looks promising.
On to Sony:
Two good potshots at Microsoft right in the introduction (& a couple more by Kevin Butler a little later). :P
Killzone looked good as usual, especially the jet pack usage, but it no longer has the wow factor the first demo had a few years ago. I'm sure it looks even better in 3-D, but doesn't mean much to me since it will be a while before I can afford a 3-D TV.
I think driving games will be the ones that will take the most advantage & look the best in 3-D, so I was a bit surprised they didn't have more than Killzone to show in 3-D.
I'm not too thrilled about Move, but at least Sony has non-casual games to play (unlike Microsoft).
Sorcery looked pretty decent, but nothing that couldn't be played just a well, if not better, with a standard controller.
PSP games - meh.
Little Big Planet 2 looks like it will be cool in that it's not just platformers anymore, but I would only be playing other peoples creations tbh.
Playstation Plus also sounds cool, but you only get to keep the content for as long as you keep your subscription active. Considering that I pay the same amount for Xbox Live every year, I guess that's no big deal. I just don't like that some demos/content are going to be Playstation Plus exclusive.
More Medal of Honor was good, but continuing where the Dead Space 2 demo left of the day before was EPIC!
Which could only be topped by GLADOS...
...and Assassins Creed:Brotherhood! You PS3 owners can rub the exclusive mission pack & multiplayer beta in my face when the time comes. :wink:
Cool ending with Gran Turismo, Infamous 2 & Twisted Metal, which looked totally psychotic & my type of game.
Now on to the convention floor:
And Star Wars the Old Republic hands-on! I'm not saying forget the trailers, but don't expect gameplay to looks as good. Don't get me wrong, it still looks amazing & it has everything you would expect plus some stuff you wouldn't. I can't begin to spew everything off here (the HUD looks super clean & unobtrusive), but I'm seriously thinking of going back to PC gaming just for this baby. Might be time to buy a new laptop next spring.
Next I got to see CoD:Black Ops campaign hands-on. The first play through was the same helicopter mission as yesterday (still amazing though), but it went a little different since someone else was playing & continued on a bit longer. The second play through was on the ground in the snow going up against a Russian encampment that included using a crossbow & repelling down a mountain face. Just AWESOME!
Then came some Dead Rising 2 gameplay. How about sticking a car battery onto a lawn rake to make an electric prod to shock the crap out of some zombies? Or strapping 2 chainsaws onto a kayak paddle to twirl around? Or driving a bunch of nails through a baseball bat for a swinging good time? Or even a teddy bear gun turret to mow 'em all down? But best of all is the co-op mode. This is going to be some kinda fun!
Next up was Bulletstorm, that was being played on a different level as yesterday's demo which had a bunch of cactus that you could impale enemies on. Plus there were man eating plants & a bunch of other crazy stuff. This game looks so fun & funny, it's absolutely a must buy!
The only game crazier than Dead Rising 2 or Bulletstorm is probably Twisted Metal, which was up next. This could actually be the game to get me to buy a PS3. :shock:
It's great that there are games coming out that actually put the fun back into shooting/killing again (nothing against CoD, Halo, etc.).
Now for something completely different - Portal 2! All I can say is everything good is back, only better & now there's co-op! Yeah Boyee! Where's my cake?
Marvel vs Capcom 3 playable - meh. Not my cup of tea.
Neither was the Driver:San Francisco hands-on, but could be something for furie since he's such a hardcore driver. I just have a problem with the whole premise thing.
Speaking of furie, perhaps Disney's Epic Mickey would get him back on that Wii. I didn't see much different stuff happening in this hands-on that I saw at the presentation, but I have to admit this is quite a different game than most of the stuff they're showing at E3 this year.
So Little Big Planet 2 hands-on was next & I understand what furie says about the game, but I still think it will be interesting to see just what people can come up with.
The Red Fraction:Armageddon playable demo took me by surprise. The magnet gun looks like so much fun to use & something I want to try.
I'm not going to go on about the Halo Reach campaign playable demo because of all the haters, but the space battles are going to be absolutely EPIC!
The final hands-on was Fallout New Vegas & they saved the best for last. Vegas was all lit up without that desolation that was in yesterday's demo, giving the game a different feel. The new weapons system combos are incredible & the companion control wheel is a big improvement. Plus now there's a hardcore mode that really ups the ante.
So another day is done with over 8 hours of presentations & playable demos. Add that to 3 World Cup games & I getting very little sleep.
They're showing over 25 hours of live E3 coverage here, so it's going to be a long week. But with that much coverage, I wonder if the pickings will be getting slim as the week rolls on.
Brilliant synopsis Jerry, many thanks :)

Driver doesn't interest me, purely because the franchise has been pretty poor consistently.

Epic Mickey? Good chance it could head to the PS3/360 anyway - depending on Disney, but Spectre wants to be multi-platform. It may bring me back to the Wii, but I just find that the games look so poor (they don't look good on a big TV) and the controllers are so nerksome that I lose interest very quickly.

i'm not enticed by Twisted Metal Jerry. Have you ever played to older versions? They look great and are almost great fun, but the driving isn't like driving at all. The cars handle like a FPS rather than cars. They slide and float around, rather than having proper traction and handling. It puts me off, having played previous iterations.

I did like the idea of being able to snipe out of the car window though, and the massive destructible environments are always awesome (The first PS2 game let you knock a ferris wheel off it's hinges and then roll across the entire landscape, crushing everything it its path until it fell over - it was one of those "OMG" gaming moments).

I think that very little in the way of 3D gaming was shown was simply because it's not ready yet at all. The games require (practically) double the frame rate to manage it. It's taken Polyphony how long to get GT5 ready as is, and now they want twice the frame rate and no loss of fidelity???

Killzone obviously had a head start being produced inhouse.
I forgot to mention that I wasted a half hour of my day watching that ridiculous Microsoft Kinect introduction with Cirque du Soleil. What absolute rubbish & a total waste of money - loads of it by the looks of the production. Good thing Pierre didn't see it, because if he thought the people doing the demos at the presentation acted OTT... :roll:
About 3-D gaming. I don't think it'll work for game like Killzone, Crysis 2 and anything like that. I was thinking on the way home and games like SOTC and possibly Panzer Dragoon type Rail shooters and possibly slower action games are the type that would actually work and add more immersion to them.

I mean take the 3rd Colossus of SOTC.


Even with no 3-D. Just watching the sword thing coming flying towards me was awesome. and with rail shooters you can control the camera to focus on specific points.

FPS's however. They're too random and will probably make people hurl.

And I have a life size ceiling poster of Tetsuya Mizuguchi.
Some of the new stuff looks amazing, some of it looks awful.

Gears of War 3 can get inside me <3 Beast looks like it'll be fab <3

Dead Space 2 looks STUNNING as well. The only thing I worry about a little is it doesn't look as claustrophobic and isolated as the first, but, from a demo who can REALLY tell.

Is that John Cleese I can hear in Fable III or am I going mad? Either way, I don't REALLY care, but, still :P

Forza 4 looks fab already, with the Kinect stuff *hopefully* as just an added little bonus, I'm just excited we're getting another Forza! 3 is fab <3 Just give me a day and night cycle on Le Mans, PLEASE!

I kinda want a PS3 now. I want GT5. I'm a little sad it's not out until November though... Well, if it comes out in November.

And I want LittleBigPlanet 2.

The new Assassins Creed does look awesome, but, I find the first a little tedious, so I'm not sure.

The Nintendo one was just awful. Absolutely dire. The new rehashs of all the old, dead horses really don't excite me.

The 3DS does look FAB though. I just want a Pokemon game on it. DO A HEARTGOLD-esque REMAKE OF CRYSTAL ON IT. Thanks.

Halo Reach does look utterly fab. And I'm not even a massive Halo fan. Or even a tiny Halo fan.

Medal of HonoUr does look utterly awesome as well. It's probably the first time I've been more excited about it than a Call of Duty game. The thing that worries me about the new CoD is I bet it'll be a bit like Pearl Harbour and just jack off Americans. And considering it's Vietnam, one of America's biggest ever FAILS, making America look good will just jar totally. And they will try and make Americans look better than they were unless the objectives are "Fail and get your ass kicked".

The Motion Sensor **** can ALL **** off though. Please. Kinect, Move, WiiMotion, please, all go die in a hole together. I'm not REALLY excited by 3D either, simply because, like almost everyone ever, it'll be YEARS before I have a 3D tele. But, GT5 in 3D would be AMAZING to see.

Oh, and the little girl doing the Kinectimals demo was so wrong. Going "you like that, don't you?" whilst rubbing a fake tiger was just... wrong.
the new xbox does look kool but my worrie with it ishave they actually fixed the problems or just made it all smaller and it has the same problems for example


yes i know your stupid if you move your console while disk is in but what happens if your jumping round playing kinect and it gets a little vibration it worries me they havent even bothered trying to fix it apart from puting a sticker on the console so what else have they not fixed. That said i wouldnt buy one anyways as i have an old one so no need for it i dont even play it thats much. as for games im really looking forward to need for speed i think all driving games should be made by ether codemaster or criterion lol hehehe.
infamous 2 looks like a bucket of awsome and so does dead space 2. Proper nearly creamed myself when jaffe came on stage with twisted metal hehehe. Mortal kombat also got my attention aswell looks like its gone back to its roots which is all good. i am very interested in the playstation plus service and will be giving it a try as we get the first year for free because i work at GAME so yay for free **** lol. Also already got my beta code for medal of honour so will be playing that from the 21st YAY not to bothered about online stuff but again its free so lol. Kinect does look good but again just like others have said it looked to over the top it looked to me to be too good to be true so id like to see it myself in person first and the same goes for the playstation move. nintendo can suck me off im really sick of them to be honest apart from donky kong i now regret selling my wii lol but not worth keeping for 1 game. but i have to admit the 3ds is looking nice i still again have doubts untill i have seen it myself which should be next week as my manager at work was there and he was at all the press confrences and blagged one hehehe along with a lot of other people just like microsoft gave everyone 360's in the audiance the bastards lol. back to kinect and one more concern i have we are now taking preorders at work for it but with still no exact price and all the stuff microsoft has sent to premote it states that you HAVE to have xbox live to use it now im hoping jerry or someone else at e3 can confirm this or not as i really am interested but have no desire to go online with my xbox so will i not be able to use it? bit confused on this to be honest as the press relese we got says yes and if thats the case its rubbish and i wont be buying it.

[Lol - "ishave" - The new Apple razor blade. - Ian]
I think that Live is required for a number of the functions. So they have to say you "need Live" otherwise people would complain that they don't get the video chat function.

I think that's it anyway. I can't get many details on the system at all.

Retail in the States is likely to be $150, so roughly equivalent in pounds? Though MS may see how well the Move does at the $100 price point.

MS also said that they've solved the RROD issues and that the new "Slim" is a completely newly designed beast on the inside.

Anyway, this needs quoting:
kimahri said:
I mean take the 3rd Colossus of SOTC.


Just in case anyone from Nintendo needs lessons in making:
a) Original games.
b) Original platform games.
c) Under-powered systems run so extreme that they can look bloody awesome.
d) Games which wow and are fantastically playable too.
e) Games with complex, yet subtle, story telling.

I reckon that if you said that video came from E3 this year, people would actually believe it (and think it looks awesome) - rather than from a five year old PS2 title.
Ben said:
The new Assassins Creed does look awesome, but, I find the first a little tedious, so I'm not sure.

AC2 was MUCH less tedious.. takes out MUCH of the dumb **** you didn't want to do. AC2 was lightyears above 1. I suggest renting it if you get a chance.
It was definitely much less dreadful riding around from town to town between leaping of buildings and killing people.

AC2 just stuck to leaping of buildings and killing people. Like a medieval GTA only without cars and helicopters it was only 5% as interesting as that sounds. It was essentially the dull bits of the first game condensed with the really dull bits removed. ;)
I don't see much wrong with that video? It's just a gameplay video shot with a video camera, it's not going to look great cause of how it was made.

From what I've read, it looks promising, and a basic gameplay video of one minute shot at an E3 booth isn't going to put me off :P
Important things first:

Portal 2 Demo:

My mind reels at the complexity which could be created with these things...

I love E3. It's like a really really really sleazy film fest for games, pumped with absurd amounts of money, telling us what to like. It's so very unnecessary. Love it!

I suppose the biggest announcement for me was the 3DS? Was unimpressed to begin with, but I warmed to the idea after I found it it worked, and it worked well.

I *think* they're the first to utilize a lenticular display in a mass-market product. If they can improve on the FOV and distance from screen at which it works, they're golden for another few years.

It'll also push glasses-less 3D into the public view, causing more demand and meaning it'll happen faster! Wheee, technology.

I am also very much looking forward to:

Dust, by Eric Chahi of Another World/Heart of Darkness fame
XCOM. Regardless of the hoohah over why they used the IP when it's "nothing like the original", I think it'll work.
Bulletstorm: "You scared the dick off me!" Nothing else needs to be said.

Bring on more trashy moneywasting!
Ben that is what I do not get, all other shots look so good and that one looked like some thing made years ago very strange.
^That's cause it's literally someone with a video camera filming the screen :P Like a pirated movie with a video camera in the cinema will look ****.

That 15 minute demo of Dead Space 2 was AMAZING btw. I. Need. It. Now.
Apparently Kinect and Move won't be required to play Child of Eden!

Day 3 started off with Rage hands-on & it looks great, but that's to be expected from Id Software. It's massive, yet no load screens & perfect frame rate. This FPS has it all, including an open world, vehicle battles, lots of mini games & tons of great weapons including exploding RC cars. Too bad it won't be hitting store shelves until after the next E3.
Next up is Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 gameplay which has some new force powers including the Jedi mind trick & they've added dual lightsaber welding. Nice.
I wasn't impressed by the True Crime hands-on demo, it reminded me of GTA, but an older version with better melee controls. The Hong Kong setting is pretty cool though.
Time for hands-on with Gears of War 3! It's the same as the presentation demo but with a few different elements since it's not Cliffy playing the game. The transforming enemies explode when you kill them, which causes damage. The parts of their bodies that don't completely disintegrate crawl around & attack you, so you have to kill those bits as well. And now they built in a chain saw kick, since you want those enemies as far away from you as possible when they explode. How cool is that?! The Beast mode also rocks. It's fun to play as any of those enemy creatures & take advantage of each of their different capabilities.
The only thing that can possibly top the Gears demo is the Dead Space 2 hands-on. The javelin gun is super fun, but nothing compares to shooting off an enemy limb, loading it into the gun & firing it back at them to impale them onto the wall! The best change they made is the improvement to zero gravity. You can now move in full in 360 degree space instead of jumping from point to point. Decompression is also really cool. You can shoot out a window to send enemy creatures spinning out into space, but you better make sure you have something to hold on to & a way to seal that window again or you'll be a goner too.
So how about the Assassins Creed Brotherhood hands-on demo? Riding the horse seemed a bit unwieldy & this time taking out enemy cannons seemed more important than taking out the towers (like they did in the presentation), but the biggest improvement is to the combat system which is much more fluid & faster.
The playable demo of Brink seemed a little lack luster coming after the previous three games, but it still was good with it's mixture of FPS & parkour (like a beefed up Mirror's Edge). The idea works pretty well, but the graphics look a bit outdated.
Finally I'll wrap this up with the Gran Turismo 5 hand-on demo. Everyone raved about the feel, handling & impressive graphics, but why was the demo of a NASCAR track? Just because it's a new mode? You can't really tell anything from constantly making left hand turns. Frickin' Americans!! :evil:
Got new DLC on Beatles Rock Band. "All You Need Is Love" (my personal favorite Beatles song amongst many) which, after I sightread on guitar, I figured I would need a LOT of practice for it. Drums was pretty easy although I did NOT FC first try because I was over exaggerating the roll in the beginning.

Then we got "Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End" which is another of my favorites. Sightread on guitar, I had virtually no trouble until I got to the solo in "The End" where John, Paul, and George have their little guitar battle. Sightread on drums I could NOT believe I messed up ONE note and that was on the solo of "The End" which I've gotten perfect many many times.

Then I got "Run For Your Life" which is a song I'm not particularly fond of, but it's a good song. SIghtread on guitar was decent (although me being an idiot, I screwed up my combos quite a few times), sightread on drums however, my very first run I FC'd it which I found a big accomplishment.

Sadly, due to having almost NO room on the Wii for one more song, we were NOT able to get "Within You Without You" which I really want for the cool drum chart and to play the sitar for 5 minutes rather than the in game "Within You Without You/Tomorrow Never Knows" from the Cirque Du Soleil production of "Love" which is only about 3 minutes and has one drum part from "WYWY" and the rest is "TNK". So today I will hopefully play more and since I play drums a lot more than guitar I will try to FC those two songs that I didn't.

Edit: So Ollie can stop complaining