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Superman: Ride of Steel... 2?

I think those new trains look cool! The new restraints look a tad more restrictive then the last ones though don't you think?

But those big ear flap speakers look bloody.....odd. Bet they're going to give some blast! Definately the most unsubtle speakers I've ever seen on a coaster train!

But overall, I like. :)
^No. The old trains had M bars with ankle restraints.. probably some of the worst restraints I've ever had.

This is definitely an improvement.
^ Ankle restraints? I wouldn't have imagined that!

These definately looked like much of an improvement then! I was trying to find some decent images of the old trains and couldn't find any showing off the restraint system very well.

Does anybody have any images or links or anything? T'would be greatly appreciated. :)
The new trains look comfortable enough, but I'm not a fan of the colour scheme at all, and don't even get me started on the idea of onboard audio unless they're pulling off some monster theming job on this thing - something I can't see happening on a 300ft coaster.

I had no problem with the old trains or the ride experience as a whole (other than the break run attempting to crush your 'nads if you didn't brace yourself at the end of the ride). My only complaint about the ride was that it was a bit soulless - it did all the right things, but was missing that special "something" - unfortunately, that special something wasn't a repaint and a bunch of cheesy effects.

Judging by what people have said the ride was in need of some TLC (even though I thought it was fine last summer). Maybe it wasn't running as well as it used to, but this just seems like going overboard.

"Meh" is all I can say. At least I got to ride it before they screwed with it, and there's always Expedition Geforce to ride if I want some old school Intamin hyper goodness.
^208ft? :P


Former restraints.. ewwww.
I love Bondage.

As exciting as all of these Six Flags remakes are...I can't help but ask is it really worth it?
Exactly. And the lines were bad enough before the make-over. Now they're likely to be obscene. :roll:
Honestly, it is the same damn coaster in a different color that will feature 2 seconds of fire and music that probably won't be as good as Disney.

Why reinvent the wheel when you already have what is arguably the best steel coaster in the world?

Because the roller coaster had a piss poor excuse for adequate restraints on the flagship attraction in the park, limiting the amount of people who are able to ride it. I can also garuntee you that because of the restrictive nature of the design, that it slowed down dispatch intervals significantly. Because of this capacity is reduced, resulting in complaints about long queues (refer to ECG's post as evidence). The extra stuff added to the revamp of the ride is there to give justification to the expenditure, much like X2 was for Magic Mountain. Rather than spending cash on something that isn't going to make the park a dollar in profit, they chose to use the opertunity to reinvent the attraction, in hopes of seeing another honeymoon period out of it.

So regardless of them reinventing anything, from an operational standpoint it was something that was needed. The previous restraint design was virtually a bandaid put on a problem that needed the time and care they're giving it now. It's not always about the aesthetics in projects like this, but more-so improving how the ride runs from an operational perspective. For a roller coaster that lacks a midcourse block, hitting dispatch intervals is extremely important to maintain capacity. Think about that...
Oh, thank you God. New trains.

As long as they don't alter the track, this is definitely not a bad idea.

A new station wouldn't be a bad idea either. :roll: It lacked... well, everything. It's just a room with flags and some Best Coaster awards. Atmosphere please?
I like Medusa's paint job as well. In my opinion, it really fits into the area in the first picture. Superman's is nice too. The first picture makes it look like they painted on the white lines on the rails again. I never saw the point of those.
Those lines are done with a harder wearing paint at the points where the wheels run, so you avoid the problem you often see where the rails get worn right back to bare metal.
^Thanks for pointing that out. I always thought they were some sort of rubber strips (or similiar) to increase friction between the wheels and the rails, so that the wheels would catch better grip of the track.

Question is, why white? Can't the harder paint come in more colours? Or is that to see easier where the paint has been chipped off?
I never knew that. I always thought it was ugly, and I don't remember seeing it from any other manufacturer than Intamin. It's very interesting though, and makes sense, although it doesn't seem to work on Millennium Force.
This could very well just be nostalgia kicking in but I'm going to really miss the Superman theme. I'm also kind of pissed that they're just spitting on the ride that put the park on the map in the first place by tearing any part of it that was left apart and shaming it with crappy special effects. But I guess they can't change the airtime...