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Small News From The Theme Park Industry

Matt N

CF Legend
If these accusations are true; these Schwarzkopf coasters are having a rough few years for safety, aren't they?

Jetline derailed, Quimera derailed, All American Triple Loop slid back down the lift hill, and now these accusations about Hollenblitz... that is quite a few incidents and/or safety concerns in a short time period.


Best Topic Starter
If these accusations are true; these Schwarzkopf coasters are having a rough few years for safety, aren't they?

Jetline derailed, Quimera derailed, All American Triple Loop slid back down the lift hill, and now these accusations about Hollenblitz... that is quite a few incidents and/or safety concerns in a short time period.
Except Hollenblitz isn't a Schwarzkopf. It's mislabeled has his in quite a few sites but the great man himself had nothing to do with it.

Some ex employees at Stein did help with construction but not Schwartzkopf.

There's a good explanation in this thread


Matt N

CF Legend
Ah…I’ve just realised that I was confusing Hollenblitz with Alpina Bahn!

Ignore what I said above…


Giga Poster
For anyone who heard rumors on reddit or screamscape, Knoebels has no obvious damage after a pretty massive storm last week, and Twister is running just fine. One small construction area has under a foot of standing water. Parts of the surrounding area still have damage and obvious signs of flooding. Looks like the park escaped another storm...Jazzland could never :(


Giga Poster
Taunus Wunderland have opened their Mack powered coaster Gobbi Express, the coaster is a relocation that used to be called Galaxie Express and operated for just a year closing in 2004.

It looks a tad bit to chill on the first two laps but does pick up for the third.

They have put effort into the building and area which is nice to see.

Here is a POV.

So it was in storage somewhere for 20 years!?