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Six Flags or Cedar Fair?

Six Flags or Cedar Fair?

  • Six Flags

    Votes: 14 42.4%
  • Cedar Fair

    Votes: 19 57.6%

  • Total voters
^And that is what people are trying to compare. Seeing coasters wrapped in ads are like seeing giant ads at Stadiums.. takes away from a genuine and unique atmosphere to make it bland and annoying.

I think you are just being a whiny bitch because people don't agree with you roller. ;)
Snoo said:
^And that is what people are trying to compare. Seeing coasters wrapped in ads are like seeing giant ads at Stadiums.. takes away from a genuine and unique atmosphere to make it bland and annoying.

I think you are just being a whiny bitch because people don't agree with you roller. ;)

Lmao. This.

The worst park I've ever been to was a Six Flags, SFKK. Everything a park shouldn't be or do. Hopefully it comes back better than it was.

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I've gotta got with Cedar Fair. However, I have only been to one Six Flags park recently enough to remember (Great Adventure), so my opinion may be skewed a bit.

Great Adventure had a good ride selection. I loved Toro and Batman, Nitro was solid, and I actually liked Green Lantern (well, I liked it more than any other standup). Still, the overall atmosphere of the park was just crap. Between the advertisements everywhere and the less than amazing service, the atmosphere just wasn't great. Cedar Fair's ride selection seems less ground-breaking, but great rides don't automatically make a great park.
rtotheizzo17 said:
Picking between Six Flags and Cedar Fair is like picking between Natty Ice and Keystone Light.

Do I smell a Disney snob?

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While Disneyland is my favorite park, my very close 2nd is Dollywood, and 3rd is Hersheypark. So no, I would not consider myself a "Disney snob".

Outside of Wonder Mountain "theming" at a 6F or CF park consists of card board cut outs of super heroes or carbon copy Sally dark ride shooters that do 400 people per hour.
Six Flags operations and overall park care will always keep them dead last when it comes to any theme park chain. Horrid.
Disney has it's place, but I'd take a Kennywood, Knoebels or Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk over just about any 6F or CF park just about any day.

As far as ad wraps on trains, they don't affect whether or not I can have fun at the park. CF has plenty of blatant advertising, too, and so do many other parks, independent and chains alike.

Pepsi Max Big One, Irn-Bru Revolution? 6F did not invent the idea of advertising on coasters. They just came up with a way they can charge by the season AND change advertisers easily. It all sucks, but if it keeps them from going bankrupt again, good for them.

If you let a little thing like in-park advertising ruin your day, you must hate every second of every day, because advertising is virtually everywhere these days. I don't like it either, but I'm over it.

I've seen parks with worse operations than either 6F or CF, too. So, FWIW, neither is the worst at anything.
I agree with rollermonkey that ad wrapping of trains is not a bad thing, as the actual on-ride experience is unaffected.

What I don't like with Six Flags advertisements is the blatant TV ads throughout the park. "Six Flags TV" has gotten better over the years, dare I say even entertaining during my last Six Flags trip, but still gives a very direct advertisement approach.

As a consumer, I prefer subtle advertising that I don't notice, brain washing me to drink nothing but diet coke or watch MTV. :razz:
I'll give you this. As a DC fanboy, I do really like that Six Flags has the rights to DC Comics characters. However, it is a shame that they don't use it more to their advantage. The amount of potential here is unimaginable, yet stations built of corrugated sheet metal with some graffiti and funky lighting is the best we get.

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When Six Flags was owned by Time Warner in the 90s they really did put effort into the DC brand, just as time has come along they really only rely on the name and some signboards to sell it.

Really a lot changes in 10 years when themeing at Six Flags was something like this, but then gets degraded to this and this.
It seems to me like Six Flags has stepped up their game for 2014. Cedar Fair, meanwhile, seems to be falling behind. And on top of that, they've dropped Intamin as a manufacturer, and have yet to build anything with Rocky Mountain.