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Six Flags Great America |"X-Flight"| B&M Wing Coaster


Giga Poster
Re: Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great Ame

Ethan said:
No, he was saying that for a change, Thorpe Park are building something bigger than a SF park, as usually, in terms of height, SF parks blow UK coasters out of the water.

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking, it's weird that SF haven't gone an extra 8ft higher just to beat thorpe park...

Take stealth for example. Kingda Ka makes it look like a child.

Thanks Ethan :wink:

End of story.


CF Legend
Re: Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great Ame

Intricks said:


Not my face with this ride though... It just seems very Meh compaired to Swarm. Not seen enough of Dollywood's to really comment but they're good with their themeing yeah?


Staff member
Social Media Team
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

I 100% guarantee that Six Flags couldn't give a flying **** about Thorpe Park.


Strata Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

gavin said:
I 100% guarantee that Six Flags couldn't give a flying **** about Thorpe Park.

I'll take the over and say this statement covers the spread easily.


Strata Poster
Re: Re: Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great

CoasterCrazy said:
Ethan said:
No, he was saying that for a change, Thorpe Park are building something bigger than a SF park, as usually, in terms of height, SF parks blow UK coasters out of the water.

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking, it's weird that SF haven't gone an extra 8ft higher just to beat thorpe park...

Take stealth for example. Kingda Ka makes it look like a child.

Thanks Ethan :wink:

End of story.

Because nobody really cares about the difference of height really. We have less restraints when it comes to building in most areas, unlike the UK it seems. I would actually prefer more UK styled rides than the slop I usually ride here in the US. In other words, give us more terrain coasters as those require more ingenuity and thought than just a "parking lot" coaster found in pretty much every park around here.

And as Gavin said, Neither of these parks give a flying **** who builds what anymore.

Switching between the hideouts'...


Hyper Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

To be honest, Ive nearly cared about rides being on top of parking lots and whatnot. Sure rides that arent look better, but when Im on the ride Ive never thought, 'Oh were on top of a parking lot right now, it looks very boring'.
Either way, the ride is the ride for me, I dont really care where they put it.
For eg, TTD and KK. Couldnt give a crap that KK just overlooks the carpark, cos you still get cool views of philly and NYC. On a clear day that is.

In terms of just copying rides, I dont really seem to mind. Eg batman clones all over the place. I absolutely love the clones and will definetly want to ride each and every one of them.
Im not saying coasters like Boulder Dash that use the terrain to great effect dont make it better, But i guess im saying coasters that dont really do that, doesnt necessarily make it not better.
I hope that made sense. lol.

Either way, both X-Flight and Swarm will be major wins for both parks


Mega Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

That track looks so nice, although its a bit early for pieces isn't it ?
do they even have any footers in for this yet ?


Giga Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

Not much to be excited about though...we might have to wait as long as we did for Swarm's vertical construction...B&M are sure busy right now!


Hyper Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

^^ The track does look amazing I love the bold red.
Iron Wolf hasnt been completely torn down yet so it might take some time for the actual track to be installed.

^ exactly. Some of the track has arrived, but there is alot to do in that area, starting with the complete removal of iron wolf. Also, as the site for X-Flight expands past the original site for IW, perhaps they could start in the areas away from IW? Because the park is near Chicago, and they have horrible winters, so they really need to get a move on. Or is the coaster not planned to open until half way through the season in 2012?


Giga Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

^According to SFGA's website it opens in spring 2012. I'm pretty confident that all wingriders should have their track completed by the end of 2011 so I guess the only problem is the theming. But then, compared t Swarm X-flight has near to none....But SFGA opens around march meaning they could sneak a little building work in 2012.


Hyper Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

Hopefully they meet the deadline then. B&M's do install pretty quickly.
Personally I couldnt give a crap about the theming, because both X-Flight and Swarm will be awesome either way.


The Legend
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

Early? No way. You haven't experienced Midwestern USA winters. This is actually kinda late tbh.


Hyper Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

^ Exactly thats what I was thinking, because Illinois winters are horrible and they should have already installed track by now.


Strata Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

^No they shouldn't have. It is the first week of October, even if it is January it still isn't horrible. (Granted it is California) but Tatsu was built on the side of a mountain and still opened early after no track went up until I wanna say November or December at the earliest. I doubt it will open with the park, probably more around Memorial Day, but yeah, no need to act like it won't open since they haven't put track up.


Hyper Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

I mean that it wont open in time for opening day.
And they had the entire winter season to still work on tatsu, but x-flight is going to be hard to work on during the winter. They just seem a little behind.


CF Legend
"X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

^ how would you even know they are behind? They'd only be behind if all track was onsite with no footers.


Hyper Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

I said 'they just seem a little behind'. Not, 'theyre behind'.
IW hasnt been completely removed yet and footers are not being poured yet and just some track is arriving. So it seems like they are a little behind. Obviously they could be further along then what I think, im just saying it seems like they have alot to do in comparison with other parks. Eg Wild Eagle already his its lift hill installed and Illinois gets hit with much worse winters then Tennessee, id assume


Giga Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

^Exactly, once IWW is removed and the footers are filled this should go up as quickly as Wild Eagle...

To avoid the bad weather completely, they could just cover the parts of the ride they are working on..., they covered the whole valley when they built Nemesis!


Strata Poster
Re: "X-Flight"- B&M (Wing Rider) for Six Flags Great America

^This isn't going in Iron Wolf's old footprint. The two worksites are unrelated/unconnected.