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Six Flags America |"Apocalypse"| B&M Stand Up


Strata Poster
CoasterCrazy said:
To shed it a little interest on a relatively neglected topic...

Track is complete!


More here: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/vi ... 0#p1164880

As with everybody else, I do adore that colour scheme! :--D
Its great to see B&M's iconic first coaster reincarnated into something much better and much different too.

Is this getting new trains too?

That's a horrible photostitch.


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
^Not happening. This has been posted on their website for some time now:

Be One of the First to Ride
The Apocalypse is slated to begin at Six Flags America on Friday, May 25, 2012 with a grand opening observance in the morning as the park opens and a thrilling display of fire in the sky that evening. Season Pass holders will be invited to be amongst the first to brave the ride in a two-day preview event on Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20.


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
^Kings Dominion has the new Windseeker ride & Dinosaurs Alive opening this year.


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
Something supposedly happened during testing of Apocalypse, so the opening that was going to take place over Memorial Day weekend (May 25-28) will be pushed back until mid-June. This hasn't been confirmed yet, but I've sent a email to the park's management & hopefully will get a reply soon.


Hyper Poster
This park does need alot of new attractions, but it has some already really good ones - superman is totally amazing, but needs some good upkeep love.


Strata Poster
Re: Six Flags America |"Apocalypse"| B&M Stand Up

Some bit of news for this. Apparently Six Flags has gone off the deep end. Proper themed bits will be used with this ride involving carnage and a part of a plane as well.

Could Six Flags be turning over a new leaf? Or will this all be a cardboard cut-out?

Proper bit: Apocalypse The Last Stand is going to be delayed until Early Summer. The ride is also getting a theming package. There will be radioactive paint, fog, fire, and crashed planes along the course and on the old rock face of the former Skull Mountain water ride.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2


Most Obnoxious Member 2016
This ride's clearly called Apocalypse because if Six Flags used any theming on a ride it would cause a tear in the fabric of the universe and it would be the end of the world.

Okay, maybe not :p but this is cool. Can't wait to see how they do with this, it should be interesting.


Roller Poster
Just got back from the park for the passholder preview. I got on Apocalypse 4 times, three of which were in the front row. The themeing is nice and they had the fireball effect working, which surprised me. The ride was smoother than I anticipated, but it still bumped my head a few times. One time, the train in front of me got stuck on the brake run, do we were stopped on the lift for a few minutes, but it was no big deal. Overall, it's a decent ride that fits in well with the park.



Giga Poster
Ethan said:
^ Well somebody is obviously jealous... :p

I'm not jealous on him riding Apocalypse, I'm just glad that the ride turned out good.

Me being jealous of him living in the US where a lot of awesome coasters is, is another thing, and that I'm certainly am.

Nemesis of oblivion

Strata Poster
Personally I thnk the ride look much nicer in it's orginal location when it was Iron Wolf. It just looks so plain and a bit of an eyesore. But it's Six Flags and at least it's not built over a carpark (Looks at scream the ride) :roll:


Roller Poster
It did look good with the plant growth around it, but the theming and the way the ride interacts with it is actually quite cool. There's a crashed Cessna 337 with its wing sticking right up through a helix, and you revolve around it. Also, the fireball effect is timed just about perfectly so that most if not all of the train can see it. You can feel the heat from it as well. The mountain works well as a backdrop and keeps the ride from seeming plopped down. SFA did about as much as a park can do with an Apocalypse theme (excluding Disney and Universal). It may not be the best looking ride ever, but it's definitely a step in the right direction for the park.

Nemesis of oblivion

Strata Poster
oryp said:
It did look good with the plant growth around it, but the theming and the way the ride interacts with it is actually quite cool. There's a crashed Cessna 337 with its wing sticking right up through a helix, and you revolve around it. Also, the fireball effect is timed just about perfectly so that most if not all of the train can see it. You can feel the heat from it as well. The mountain works well as a backdrop and keeps the ride from seeming plopped down. SFA did about as much as a park can do with an Apocalypse theme (excluding Disney and Universal). It may not be the best looking ride ever, but it's definitely a step in the right direction for the park.
I have to admit as my post did seem a bit harsh that they are starting to look at their presenting of rides much better. I still personally prefere ironwolf but that is just because of the greenery like you said. However I do adore the look of X-Flight at Six FLags Great America. Such a beaut.