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Rides You Can No Longer Handle?

Oh my god how did I forget Lech?!!

I have never lost my vision for an entire ride before and I will never ride Lech Coaster again.

Interesting, because I managed a few rides on it during the Poland Live in 2018. Still greyed out then but only for a few seconds.

On my recent visit I didn't regain my vision until we hit the brake run šŸ˜„ Scary!
Wow, that sounds scaryā€¦

Were you literally unconscious, or could you feel the sensations happening but just not see anything? And did you literally lose your vision as soon as it hit the first dive loop right up until the final brake run, or was there a specific point midway through the ride that triggered it?

On a side note, asking you guys more generally; what do you mean when you say that you ā€œgreyed outā€? Are we literally just talking vision starting to go, or do other things happen to you too? (For instance, hearing starts to go, you start to feel dizzy)

I only ask because Iā€™ve had a few coasters where Iā€™ve had my vision start to go, but when we talk about a more sustained sight loss as well as other symptoms like hearing being affected and dizziness during the moment, the amount of coasters grows vastly fewer; Iā€™d say the only coasters I ever properly greyed out on in that manner were Manta, Nemesis, Revolution and at a push, possibly Swarm (the helicopter helix on this seems to be getting increasingly intense over time, with it almost consistently providing a sustained loss of sight and occasionally affecting my hearing during that helix. Iā€™ll admit that this is making the ride drop in my rankings a bit). Iā€™ll admit that I donā€™t find greying out a particularly enjoyable sensation, personally, and rides that make me grey out generally tend to be held back by it to at least a certain extent; Iā€™m growing more fond of fun and rerideable coasters over out and out intense ones, personally.

On the topic of the thread; flat rides seem to disagree with me more than coasters, as a general rule. Call me weak, but I literally thought I was going to vomit stepping off Air Race at Drayton in 2018, and while not as drastic, Iā€™ll admit that Cyclonator at Paultons made me feel somewhat queasy too. I guess I just have a fairly weak stomach for that type of sensation! In general, I think Iā€™m not really a huge flat ride person aside from drop towers (I love a good drop tower!), although there is the odd one I quite like (generally ones that donā€™t involve a lot of spinning).
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I never really had a problem on a roller coaster (not counting the really rough ones like Grand National, Condor or Blue Tornado), but the rides that often make me feel sick are the ones with very continuous momentum like Enterprises, pirate ships, Huss Condors, Discoveries etc. (especially if they have a tight restrain that presses on your stomach). I never really came close to being sick on them, but I always end up with that sort of weird feeling in my head and a light headache that persists for a few hours. It feels kind of similar to when I feel unwell after being a bit dehydrated due to allergies or something.

It's weird, I never had a problem with huge flats that throw you around in every direction imaginable, but that constant hammering is often just too much for me.
Wow, that sounds scaryā€¦

Were you literally unconscious, or could you feel the sensations happening but just not see anything? And did you literally lose your vision as soon as it hit the first dive loop right up until the final brake run, or was there a specific point midway through the ride that triggered it?

It was!

I wasn't unconscious, I could feel the ride sensations. I just couldn't see anything and my body felt under a lot of stress from the forces.

It happened as soon as we hit the bottom on the first drop and lasted the entire ride. Safe to say, I will never ride that thing again!

One thing I've noticed, is that since I caught Covid in June, my tolerance of forceful coasters has deminished. I was struggling at the bottom of Hyperions first drop as well with all the forces šŸ˜”
It was!

I wasn't unconscious, I could feel the ride sensations. I just couldn't see anything and my body felt under a lot of stress from the forces.

It happened as soon as we hit the bottom on the first drop and lasted the entire ride. Safe to say, I will never ride that thing again!

One thing I've noticed, is that since I caught Covid in June, my tolerance of forceful coasters has deminished. I was struggling at the bottom of Hyperions first drop as well with all the forces šŸ˜”
If it reassures you, Iā€™ve heard that Lech has apparently grown considerably more intense compared to its initial years, so I think it might be the ride as opposed to anything to do with you catching COVID in this case!

If Iā€™m being honest, Iā€™m a little sceptical as to whether Iā€™d especially like Lech based on what Iā€™ve heard about it. Iā€™ll admit I was really looking forward to a new Vekoma thrill coaster after really enjoying Paultonsā€™ Flight of the Pterosaur this past summer, but reports like this make me a bit less excited. As I said above, Iā€™m not personally one for the really intense rides; my preference leans more towards fun and rerideable, personally.
If it reassures you, Iā€™ve heard that Lech has apparently grown considerably more intense compared to its initial years, so I think it might be the ride as opposed to anything to do with you catching COVID in this case!

If Iā€™m being honest, Iā€™m a little sceptical as to whether Iā€™d especially like Lech based on what Iā€™ve heard about it. Iā€™ll admit I was really looking forward to a new Vekoma thrill coaster after really enjoying Paultonsā€™ Flight of the Pterosaur this past summer, but reports like this make me a bit less excited. As I said above, Iā€™m not personally one for the really intense rides; my preference leans more towards fun and rerideable, personally.
HĆ¼K is nowhere near as forceful than the likes of Lech, or even most B&M inverts from what I've heard.
If it reassures you, Iā€™ve heard that Lech has apparently grown considerably more intense compared to its initial years, so I think it might be the ride as opposed to anything to do with you catching COVID in this case!

If Iā€™m being honest, Iā€™m a little sceptical as to whether Iā€™d especially like Lech based on what Iā€™ve heard about it. Iā€™ll admit I was really looking forward to a new Vekoma thrill coaster after really enjoying Paultonsā€™ Flight of the Pterosaur this past summer, but reports like this make me a bit less excited. As I said above, Iā€™m not personally one for the really intense rides; my preference leans more towards fun and rerideable, personally.
Never mind Lech, I think even Abyssus and Formula might be a bit on the intense side for you :/ Given some of the coasters youā€™ve mentioned aboveā€¦ Swarm and revolution for example.

One tip i can suggest, is to drink PLENTY of water when at park, I donā€™t know what it is about water, I donā€™t understand the science or claim to be a doctor, itā€™s just a personal observation that has been tested numerous times. But taking a water bottle and drinking lots, compared to grabbing soft drinks / hot drinks etc, really helps me.

I donā€™t grey out on anything, but I am prone to headaches when marathoning intense coasters, unless I drink loads of pure water. Maybe it helps with greying out too?
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Yeah - that. I'm much more likely to experience spots in my vision etc. if I'm dehydrated or haven't eaten enough - unfortunately, that can often happen with full-on theme park trips.

I'm going to throw small family spinning coasters into the ring as well - riding the ironically named Happy Loops with a hangover was a big mistake, and I remember doing Twist 'n' Joust at Gullivers after a day that involved a LOT of driving and it making me feel ****ing awful.
Never mind Lech, I think even Abyssus and Formula might be a bit on the intense side for you :/ Given some of the coasters youā€™ve mentioned aboveā€¦ Swarm and revolution for example.

One tip i can suggest, is to drink PLENTY of water when at park, I donā€™t know what it is about water, I donā€™t understand the science or claim to be a doctor, itā€™s just a personal observation that has been tested numerous times. But taking a water bottle and drinking lots, compared to grabbing soft drinks / hot drinks etc, really helps me.

I donā€™t grey out on anything, but I am prone to headaches when marathoning intense coasters, unless I drink loads of pure water. Maybe it helps with greying out too?
It's really odd; it definitely seems to depend on the day.

For instance, my experience on Olympia Looping, a notoriously intense coaster, was an odd one; even though I'll admit that it did make me feel quite woozy getting off compared to any other coaster I've done, my vision didn't even start to go at any point during the ride on either of the 2 rides. The nauseous feeling, as well as other reasons (those restraints, for one...) meant that I didn't really rate the ride much, but I did not even begin to lose my vision at any point... odd, given the ride's forces and how it made me feel getting off.
Thread suggested by my insta from this week? ;)


Spin and spew are generally no-go areas, but was feeling bullish! Had a little sit down afterwards then rode Mamba to get me back in the groove. :)

I've never ridden a booster though, feel like those would kill me.

I used to grey-out on a few intense coasters, but good hydration and deep breaths before you get to that high-G spot seem to have helped over the years.
It's really odd; it definitely seems to depend on the day.

For instance, my experience on Olympia Looping, a notoriously intense coaster, was an odd one; even though I'll admit that it did make me feel quite woozy getting off compared to any other coaster I've done, my vision didn't even start to go at any point during the ride on either of the 2 rides. The nauseous feeling, as well as other reasons (those restraints, for one...) meant that I didn't really rate the ride much, but I did not even begin to lose my vision at any point... odd, given the ride's forces and how it made me feel getting off.
OL didn't really do much for me either when I rode it, I honestly didn't find it to be as intense as people were making it out to be, which I found strange at the time.
OL didn't really do much for me either when I rode it, I honestly didn't find it to be as intense as people were making it out to be, which I found strange at the time.
See, it felt intense in the sense that I felt quite nauseous and giddy getting offā€¦ but in terms of greying out, not even a hint of it! Bizarre given some of the coasters my vision has gone on in the pastā€¦
Spin-spews, but it depends. There are certain rides, namely Huss Boosters (like Kieppi at Linnanmaki) or Breakdancers that are really nausea-inducing. Some pendulum rides can be tough on me, especially swinging ships with obnoxiously-long ride cycles.
That. I saw someone post yesterday that they wanted a Mondial Shake at Alton and my stomach vehemently disagreed!!
Don't touch most thrill rides for this very reason tbh. Just don't enjoy the sensation of sickness/dizziness.

Coaster-wise, I made a foolish mistake a few months back - had quite bad dizziness and vertigo after one of my jabs, pretty much cleared up so had forgotten about it when we went to Alton. Choosing Smiler as the first ride was a questionable choice. Fortunately nothing doing.

The only rides that immediately come to mind here are Dragon Khan for being just too rough on the neck/shoulders, and Grand National/Big Dipper for absolutely wrecking my back. I've joked before about leaving BPB after a full day on park with bumps and bruises but being unable to walk the next day isn't all that fun any more.
With respect to coasters, I struggle with Incredible Hulk these days. It's not even the most intense coaster that I've ridden, but something about its intensity leaves me dazed with a slight headache every time I get off of it.
I can cope with everything bar this f*cker, by this i mean this exact layout. Other Junior & Boomerangs in genreal I'm fine with just this layout makes me feel like death