Giga Poster

So you guys asked for it, now you have got it. I proudly give you, the Intamin Challenge.
The interesting thing about this comp is the use of other coaster types other then B&M`s. B&M`s are great coasters to work with and look real good, but most creations including nearly all of mine have been B&M, so I feel this competition will be a different challenge, with working with the Intamin trains and track, and hopefully one you will all enjoy.
Here are a list of all the rules and regulations.
- The closing date for entries will be Tuesday 10th of April, this date is however negotiable should people need more time. I appreciate you guys have other engagements also.
- CTR`s and CSO`s will be permitted, CTR`s must contain Intamin trains on Intamin track.
- Your entries can be themed on whatever you like.
- Your entries must be set in a Theme Park, you don`t have to create a whole park just a small area around the ride, a few flat rides and trees, maybe the odd building.
- Scoring will be similar to reddude`s, 60% my judging and 40% public vote.
My 60% will be..
20% Track layout (how interesting is the layout)
20% Track realism (smoothness of transitions, no tight corners of 100mph etc... Realism of the track is probably the most important aspect here)
10% Theming of ride (how well the theme works with the ride. Doesn't matter how much theming as long as its done well)
10% Surrounding area (the area your ride is in, flats, buildings, trees etc..)
Your 40% will be submitted by PM and it will be marks out of 10 for the 4 criteria mentioned above.
The cool thing with Intamin rides is you can make multiple coaster types with one in-game coaster, so there`s quite a few different coasters to play with if you choose not to download a CTR.
Giga Coaster - Giga Coaster
Mega Coaster - Giga Coaster
Mega-Lite - Giga Coaster
Accelerator - Storm Runner
LSM Launched - Storm Runner
Impulse Coaster - Impulse coaster
Stratacoaster - Stratacoaster
Wooden - Intamin Wooden CTR only (ill post the link to one if anybody`s interested))
If you guys have any questions at any point feel free to PM me or post your question on here.
I would really like it for you guys to take your time with this, I know you guys are all more capable of creating real nice works of art.
Oh one more thing, have fun