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RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)


Giga Poster

So you guys asked for it, now you have got it. I proudly give you, the Intamin Challenge.
The interesting thing about this comp is the use of other coaster types other then B&M`s. B&M`s are great coasters to work with and look real good, but most creations including nearly all of mine have been B&M, so I feel this competition will be a different challenge, with working with the Intamin trains and track, and hopefully one you will all enjoy.
Here are a list of all the rules and regulations.

- The closing date for entries will be Tuesday 10th of April, this date is however negotiable should people need more time. I appreciate you guys have other engagements also.

- CTR`s and CSO`s will be permitted, CTR`s must contain Intamin trains on Intamin track.

- Your entries can be themed on whatever you like.

- Your entries must be set in a Theme Park, you don`t have to create a whole park just a small area around the ride, a few flat rides and trees, maybe the odd building.

- Scoring will be similar to reddude`s, 60% my judging and 40% public vote.
My 60% will be..

20% Track layout (how interesting is the layout)
20% Track realism (smoothness of transitions, no tight corners of 100mph etc... Realism of the track is probably the most important aspect here)
10% Theming of ride (how well the theme works with the ride. Doesn't matter how much theming as long as its done well)
10% Surrounding area (the area your ride is in, flats, buildings, trees etc..)

Your 40% will be submitted by PM and it will be marks out of 10 for the 4 criteria mentioned above.

The cool thing with Intamin rides is you can make multiple coaster types with one in-game coaster, so there`s quite a few different coasters to play with if you choose not to download a CTR.

Giga Coaster - Giga Coaster
Mega Coaster - Giga Coaster
Mega-Lite - Giga Coaster
Accelerator - Storm Runner
LSM Launched - Storm Runner
Impulse Coaster - Impulse coaster
Stratacoaster - Stratacoaster
Wooden - Intamin Wooden CTR only (ill post the link to one if anybody`s interested))

If you guys have any questions at any point feel free to PM me or post your question on here.
I would really like it for you guys to take your time with this, I know you guys are all more capable of creating real nice works of art.
Oh one more thing, have fun :)
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge.

PS, sorry it has taken me all day to post this, its my other halves birthday today so been quite a busy day.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Oh really? The 12th was my birthday :-D

Anyway, very excited that the project I have worked on the last two days will work for this comp. I've got something really special in store (especially for those of you who are gamers). That's my only hint for now, but I will probably slowly post teasers as this topic becomes more popular.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

The only part of this comp that will be hard to incorporate into my plans will be the whole "must be set in a theme park" criterion. I will just have to make this a "very highly themed" area of the park :-P
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Great to have you on board Josh :)

Yeah that would be cool, as long as it contains a few park elements, you can theme the whole area if you wish.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I'll take part in this really exciting challenge, after all, I voted for Intamin :p I'm only a bit worried about the due date, one or two extra weeks wouldn't be unnecessary.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Like I said, the due date is negotiable, there`s 3 weeks to begin with, if you guys need more time then that`s fine. Like I said, I want all you guys to take your time and don`t rush it, so take as long as you need, we`ll see where everybody is at nearer the time and ad an extension depending on how far along you guys are.
Great to have you on board portemine.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Has Intamin created any inverted coaster types besides impulse that has a rct3 equivalent?
I'm really in a mood to build an inverter but I finding the restrictive nature of the Impulse frustrating. I have done some, interesting designs but they don't look good and perhaps painful. It's annoying that the only way the track can turn is through vertical twisting.

If there isn't then I'll try and make this work.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Yes, Intamin has built or "made" a handful of inverted coasters but they were not even the designers for any of them. There's Volcano: The Blast Coaster and then a few similar to this one, Tornado, but like I said, they weren't actually designed by Intamin.


That said, I don't know if there are any CTRs for it anyway seeing as it would need to be on an Intamin track. On a side note, I just found an interesting blitz coaster CTR :-P

[Edit: Actually, I found a CTR that is similar to Euro-Star but it was subcontracted by Giovanola...needless to say, it's not a "real" Intamin inverted coaster.]
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Thank you for the information.

I went back and tried another track layout with the impluse and rationalised it. It's working better for me. I have a concept for the theming. I am in the middle of Teraforming. I seem to adore that. I need to think how to design the station. Are there any CS for burnt-out buildings? Material of the building is not important.

I do have a concern about the start of the layout. I highly doubt the mortality rate would be high.
This time I won't post images in till it's complete :)
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Yes, even though I'm a competitor to you, I really suggest you take care in your design. It will make this comp more fun for all of us.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

I have done the bare skeleton for my entry. The track layout is sorted and theming has been established. All that I need to do is work harder on terra-forming and use of scenery. The problem I mentioned before was an over-reaction so it's not a problem.

A clue to what my entry will be about is "What would happen when a mountain bleeds?".
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN)

Asking about 'burnt' buildings and a bleeding mountain and mentioning terraforming. Yes, volcano indeed.

I think what I lack in inversions, I'll make up with fire and general incineration; when comparing to The Blast Coaster.