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LiveForTheLaunch said:
7.5, as you've been posting more recently but I don't know you that well.

I've posted practically everyday for the past 2 1/2 to 3 years. :?

8/10 for Martinb.
6.5/10, you should add more to your posts and post more in the other forums and get an avatar.

I really do feel for you, you're an enthusiast, who lives in a Country that doesn't have any coasters! ARGH!
I really do feel for you, you're an enthusiast, who lives in a Country that doesn't have any coasters! ARGH

I know, it's been a f**king year since I have been on a coaster.

Anyways 10 again.
I know, it's been a f**king year since I have been on a coaster.

You really do have my deepest sympathy,but , hang on a sec

CoasterManiac in his siggy said:
Parque Warner Madrid - 24th June

You can **** you're sympathy ****.


-coaster-fanatic-06-, dont really know you at all, s.... 6.