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Rank the B&M Wing Coasters

For me it's a debate between Swarm and Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper is my most recent member and one I have been on countless times. Swarm I was only on a few years ago less than a dozen times.
#1 GateKeeper #2 X-Flight #3 Wild Eagle Haven't got to Holiday World for Thunderbird but really want to!

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New in bold.

1. Thunderbird.
Yeah, easy winner this. I like B&M wing coasters, but this is the one that gets the recipe just about perfect. Great location, nice size and layout, a variety of different ride experiences (depending on where you sit, obvs).
Plus of course - B&M winger + launch + Holiday World = awesome.

2. Gatekeeper. It's huge, beautiful and majestic, with moderate forces. To be fair, that's about all you can say about it, but it does the huge, beautiful and majestic thing so well, it just has to be ranked for that reason alone.

3,4, and 5 are all fairly interchangeable, they're all pretty decent.

3. The Swarm. I like the theming, the layout is sweet - it's just a good ride. Bit short, but still one of the UK's best coasters.

4. Flug der Whatsisname. Again, solid, dependable and overall a very nice ride.

5. X-Flight. Ok, so I've put it last... but like I said, there's not much in it between this and the previous two. I liked it lots. Good ride. Not getting the hate. Station voiceover is repetitive and annoying, but other than that? Nope, nowt wrong with it.
1 - Thunderbird
2 - Gatekeeper
3 - Flug der Daemonen
4 - Wild Eagle
5 - Swarm
6 - X-Flight

God Thunderbird is good, fab launch, excellent positive forces and a couple of amazing bits of airtime. The inline at the end is rank but forgivable as the rest is amazing!
Gatekeeper is grand, swooping and has enough elements to keep it interesting. While not intense, it's very ride-able and has good visuals.
Flug has a few forceful bits but not very smooth, Wild Eagle has an amazing setting but is totally forceless, Swarm just bores me apart from the helix, X-Flight bores me full stop.
  1. GateKeeper- Quite liked this which I wasn’t expecting. Nice and swoopy which seems ideal for a B&M Wing
  2. Thunderbird- I didn’t have great rides on this, but I really appreciate how unique and interesting the ride is.
  3. Wild Eagle- I had a night ride during the fireworks that was better than any of the other B&M wing rides I’d done. Other rides were meh though. In general, it’s perfectly average.
  4. Swarm- Don’t hate this but it falls short compared to the rest. Best foot choppers but that’s some weak praise.

  1. X2
  2. Skyrush
  3. S&S Free Spins
  4. GateKeeper
  5. Thunderbird
  6. Baco
  7. Wild Eagle
  8. Swarm
Guess I'll give this a proper list.

1) Thunderbird: Great setting, incredible launch, and just so much Yes. Stellar ride.
2) X-Flight: Absolutely love this ride. Incredible pacing, great near misses, and is both floaty and air-y, as well as intense.
3) GateKeeper: I liked this one a lot more than I expected to. I love the setting and the colors; wonderful right up on Lake Erie. It's just that the second half was so boring. I liked the first half, but after that dive loop, the ride just slows down and does absolutely nothing.
4) Wild Eagle: blegh. Some say it has a good setting, but I don't think looking at the back side of Mystery Mine, and then some trees you can barely see over with next to no terrain interaction qualify as a "good setting". On top of that, the ride has a boring layout. The drop and station are nice, I guess.

5. X-Flight
6 - X-Flight
Since other people are adding other wings to the list

1. Skyrush
2. X2

3. Gatekeeper
4. Wild Eagle
5. Flug der Daemonen

Skyrush is fantastic and puts all of B&M's wings to shame.
1. Gatekeeper - Great ride. Love the inversions, the airtime hill, and keyholes. The finale isn't as interesting but it's a nice long ride and it flows very nicely.
2. Thunderbird - Really should've gotten a second ride on this (busy with Voyage), but it was very nice. Launches and inversions were great. Can't remember much about those overbanks though.
3. Swarm - My first wing rider so it was pretty special for me at the time. I quite enjoyed it, there's some decent forces and good inversions and near misses. Think it's a little short though.
4. Wild Eagle - The setting is great but ride isn't the most exciting, despite having a solid layout on paper. I think it would've benefited from some near misses? Also please fix that restraint lock.
1. Parrot Coaster - The smart and graceful one
2. Flying Wing Coaster - The weird and intense one
3. Flug der Dämonen - The efficient and bouncy one
4. Swarm - The inoffensive and Thorpe one
The three I've done are all pretty close, I'll go with:
1) Flug der Dämonen
2) Raptor
3) Swarm

And for all winged coasters:
1) Flying Aces (not *really* winged but if you guys are counting Skyrush I'm counting this!)
2) X2
3) Flug der Dämonen
4) Raptor
5) Swarm
6) Furius Baco
7) Insane
=8) Inferno (Terra Mitica)
=8) Kirnu (because no list is complete without a Linnanmaki coaster in bottom spot!)
1. Thunderbird. By some margin over the rest.
2. Gatekeeper.
3. Swarm.
4. Wild Eagle.
5. Flug der Dämonen. By some margin over the last one.
6. X-Flight.