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Personal set completion to-do lists?


Giga Poster
Do you have any personal coaster sets that you set out to complete and completed, or that you still have as a long-term goal?

I don’t mean a set you happened to complete along the way, going about your regular business as a coaster goon. I mean something you set for yourself far in advance as a personal goal. For example, I’d like to ride the ten oldest operating coasters in the world (which won’t be easy for me, as they’re spread out all over the world). Or maybe you decided you had to do all the B&M hypers — or every hyper of any kind — or every Intamin pre-fab or every Zamperla Volare, etc., etc.

What did you work on for a long time and complete, and what have you been working on (or at least dreaming about) for a long time?
The 10 oldest operating coasters in the world and all the Arrow Mine Trains are the 2 I've been looking to get too. Far easier said then done though despite having a decent chunk of both lists.
I want all the coasters over 300 ft. which is sort of basic, but Red Force and stupid Superman at Magic Mountain (which doesn't get to the height of the structure anyways) ruined it for me.

I have 12 of the 15 operating B&M hyper/giga coasters which has been a personal goal as well even though I'm not a massive fan of the coaster type. Missing the weird named one at Happy Valley, Mako, and Silver Star.
Not really. The sets I have completed have mostly been accidental and usually realised after the fact.

It would be nice to have a few more, but I'm not going to plan around that.

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I wanted to get every B&M in Europe, did a lot of trips last year to get the missing creds and am now down to just Shambhala to go. Booked a trip to PA this May, where I’ve not been since 2006.
For a few years I have thought that "all the wood" was achievable. It seems like the target comes down every year though, sadly.
Last time I did a check, I had ~70 to go (done 114 plus some defunct ones) - so ~2/3rds the way then :)
Back in the day (circa 2002, roundabout the time I discovered RCDB) I had this distant ambition to one day get all the B&M's. Seemed reasonable, they'd only built about 53 coasters at that point.
Of course, now that I actually have 53 B&M's, those pesky Swiss cheeses have gone and built 70-odd more coasters since then, so after 18 years my B&M's-to-get list has actually gotten bigger, not smaller. ?
1 cred away from all the operating arrow suspendeds, just need ninja. Only need Katun and Monster I think out of european B&Ms so those two are probably my closest off the top of my head.

I'd like all american woodies but not sure that's really possible. Maybe european woodies is more achievable but I still bet there's some weird ones in hard to get to places. Oh and I'd like all operating schwarzkopfs but lots are in weird places so won't be doing that.

EDIT: Realised I have all the mack bobsleds now.
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I want all the coasters over 300 ft. which is sort of basic, but Red Force and stupid Superman at Magic Mountain (which doesn't get to the height of the structure anyways) ruined it for me.

I have 12 of the 15 operating B&M hyper/giga coasters which has been a personal goal as well even though I'm not a massive fan of the coaster type. Missing the weird named one at Happy Valley, Mako, and Silver Star.

Both of these are essentially mine as well. Out of the current list of 300+ coasters, I'm missing Kingda Ka (hoping to ride this summer), Red Force (which will happen whenever the lady and I book a trip to Spain), and Steel Dragon 2000 (Japan is at the top of my own personal list).

I have 11 of the 15 B&M hypercoaster models and will ride two more (Orion and Candymonium) next summer, and then another two whenever those trips Spain and Japan happen.
I do want as many B&Ms as possible so all the hypers is up there (Hot Go park better open one day). Also 1 off the flyers so need to visit Xishuangbanna Sunac Land somehow. Perhaps I can also grab the relatively near Dragons Run, formerly Time Machine/Led Zeplin. The SBNO Lightning at Kuwait Entertainment City will be troublesome.

Getting every Intamin/Mack/Vekoma looks un-achievable given how many I still have to do. I'd be happy with just getting the 'good' ones, ideally in reasonable locations.

Visiting all of the current Six flags parks at any given point in time. Preferably before they build something somewhere I'm not keen to visit. Thankfully my biggest concern will likely just be Six Flags America.

Every Cedar Fair park.

100% on those dumb 'have you ridden these top 100' lists.

Thunderlooper. It just left Alton for Brazil before my first visit. While not a set itself, it would work towards getting every continent.

Reaching 1,000 coasters by as many definitions as possible so I can keep re-doing the smug selfie with a sign ie: 1,000 anything; 1,000 no powered.
All European B&Ms has been one of mine lately. Feels achievable by 2021/22.

I've always felt like it'd be cool to complete a country too, but that's so faffy and hard with all the random +1s that aren't at parks. I'm close-ish to completing Belgium if you just count park creds, but there's all the random Butterflys that aren't really feasible for me to pick up.

Outside of that, I don't really have anything in particular that I'd like to 'complete'.
Both of these are essentially mine as well. Out of the current list of 300+ coasters, I'm missing Kingda Ka (hoping to ride this summer), Red Force (which will happen whenever the lady and I book a trip to Spain), and Steel Dragon 2000 (Japan is at the top of my own personal list).

I have 11 of the 15 B&M hypercoaster models and will ride two more (Orion and Candymonium) next summer, and then another two whenever those trips Spain and Japan happen.

I'm shocked you haven't been on Ka but then again I'm missing basic Mako! I don't imagine I'll be going back to Spain in the next 5 years and then once Candymonium and **** opens well, my list won't be as good. I'll go back to Kings Island probably this year, but Hershey probably not for a hot minute.
I'm shocked you haven't been on Ka but then again I'm missing basic Mako! I don't imagine I'll be going back to Spain in the next 5 years and then once Candymonium and **** opens well, my list won't be as good. I'll go back to Kings Island probably this year, but Hershey probably not for a hot minute.
My one visit to Great Adventure was during that summer that Ka had its second major bout of downtime. Luckily, I got both sides of Rolling Thunder to make up for it.
My long term goal is to at one point have every currently operating wooden coaster on Earth! Will be made more difficult by a couple obscure ones in India, Indonesia, and Brazil, but overall I think it's reasonable!

An accidental but cool one that I have is all of the Norwegian Loops on Earth, even though there are only two.
I want all the sets. All of them.

It's hard to draw the line between specifically planning to get a set and ending up doing it anyway just through wanting to go to that area/park.
I kinda sorta maybe planned to get all the Intamin Pre-fab woodies and 4Ds, but they just end up happening regardless. They're the 2 I like the most for now.
Italy was definitely a final push for the European B&M set (and 2/2 Mack Megas), but I also wanted to just go there.

Big future plans - Worldwide B&Ms seems doable.
Woodies I guess, but that feels a long way off and I'll soon be missing more in the UK than I am in China thanks to Gullivers.

Smaller goals:
Ultra Twisters of course!
Almost had all the Megalites.
Reclaim the S&S launchers.
A bit on the unusual side, but I hope to ride every operating coaster featured in the book White Knuckle Rides. Similarly, I'd like to ride every operating coaster featured in the "World's Greatest Roller Coaster Thrills" VHS. Both are childhood-based goals.

A more lofty goal is to ride every operating Schwartzkopf.
A bit on the unusual side, but I hope to ride every operating coaster featured in the book White Knuckle Rides. Similarly, I'd like to ride every operating coaster featured in the "World's Greatest Roller Coaster Thrills" VHS. Both are childhood-based goals.
Yes! I love lists like this from films or books that inspired you. I have been slowly making my way to all the parks mentioned in the PBS video _Great Old Amusement Parks_. I believe I only have left Oaks Park and Lake Winnie. Sadly, one park from the video is now nothing but condos: Whalom Park in Massachusetts.
EDIT: Oops. Colorado’s Lakeside Park is also featured in the video. Haven’t been there yet, either.
There was a program I re-watched on VCR many times before even visiting a theme park : EXTREME MACHINES - Roller Coasters.

This is where I got my (now inconvenient) Thunderlooper goal from. Missed out on Mantis and Mean Streak before the conversions but otherwise I'm almost there.

I think the White Knuckle Rides book is the same one I got for the second time this Christmas so could also aim for that set too!
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