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Obama at it again..

What the Nobel people said:

The committee said it honored Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

The Nobel committee recognized Obama's efforts at dialogue to solve complex global problems, including working toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

In reality, I haven't seen many other people in the modern world working toward any kind of peace.. meanwhile, Obama has tried to move the most powerful country in the world into less **** than it was into before.
''Moving into a world without nuclear weapons''?

More like a Middle East without nuclear weapons.
Obama has tried to move the most powerful country in the world into less **** than it was into before.

Yes, you see that's usually the grounds on which you are elected, because the people think you'll do a better job at running and improving the Nation more than "the other guy". Whooptie do.
Harvey said:
Obama has tried to move the most powerful country in the world into less <img> than it was into before.

Yes, you see that's usually the grounds on which you are elected, because the people think you'll do a better job at running and improving the Nation more than "the other guy". Whooptie do.

It's either him or John McCain.. who was a crappy Bush. I choose the black guy.
Sarcasm or not, that's what most Americans did. Policy wise they both were flawed, so lets just choose the black guy.
I don't think it was really 'lets choose the black guy'... but 'Bush ****ing sucks, as do the Republicans.. lets change."

A lot of people, myself included, was tired of the way the country was run under Bush.

And now, the people with the biggest problems with Obama are.. you guessed it.. Republicans. They like to fly the 'socialist' banner around, trying to back their own retarded thinking.

The biggest things that annoy me are just those retarded Republicans, 95% of which have no idea whats going on and just bash for the sake of bashing. And, of course, when Bush started to put the country in the ****ter, where were they? Sitting behind Bill O'Rielly giving him a rim job.
Well the Healthcare bill went through but you could tell they hope it fails miserably so they can bash Obama and get back to the good old days....
There's simply no denying that Obama got an awful lot of votes purely because of his skin colour, just as McCain got votes because he wasn't the same skin colour as Obama. Fickle, but that's the way it went as the emphasis was placed on it by the media.
RollerCoasterFanatic said:
^ Can anyone remind me why he won the Nobel Peace Prize?
A pleasure.

You might not have noticed, but after the Bush era, people all over the world were getting sick of America. Two failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a demonisation of Islam and totally ignoring anything Israel did to their minorities, and everybody east of Rome were pretty much thinking about the USA as a triggerhappy ego-state.

The Russians started to build up their arsenal as a result of the American missile defense system being placed in Europe. Russians with weapons are bad news, so their neighbours like Norway, Finland and Sweden started arming themselves too.

South of the States, Venezuela took over their own oil resources and threatened to defend them with military power if the foreign owners wanted to take them back (and if anybody, Bush had proved that he was the man to do just that). Needless to say, the neigbouring countries felt threatened by the Venezuelan arms race, and started buying weapons as well. Down there, the people and the government aren't always best pals, and ordinary citizens bought guns to defend themselves in case the military decided to go against them now that they would get the equipment to reach faraway areas which are more or less self controlled today. Guns and drugs go hand in hand down there, the same people control both markets. And as any news cast from Mexico can tell you, those people aren't nice guys.

As a result of the wars, terror attacks and other countries expressing mistrust, the Americans soon felt that the entire world wanted to attack them if they got the chance. Getting legally into the country had always been a hassle, now it became an outright nightmare. Which of course didn't help the situation. The global political scene was soon filled with mistrust.

What did Obama change? Internally in the US, very little I guess. But what he did do, was stretching out a hand to the muslim world. Spoke about dialogue instead of military scare tactics. Wanted to end the wars in the Middle East. Made everybody think of the USA as the land of opportunities again, not the land of paranoia and violence. When the missile defense system was pushed aside, the Russians decided to skip their plans of a missile system in Kaliningrad. And they stopped sending their fighter jets into Norwegian air space. The Muslims didn't think of Americans as people who hated Islam any more. China was happier too, after all, Bush critisized them a lot for their "internal affairs", while Obama has been a little slackier on enforcing democracy on everybody. With a few kind words, the global political scene changed from being filled with mistrust, to become more relaxed, less stressful and all that. He brought some hope with him, and that's why he got the Nobel Peace Prize.

I guess everybody could say those kind and nice words, and promise to change the world for the better. But not everybody could rise all the way into the presidental position and still have the required guts to say it, especially after what his predecessor did.