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Scarface - Meh.

Lol, seriously. This film was hyped up so much by pretty much everyone i asked. Yet i watched it, and just thought, so what. It seemed a bit too far fetched, even for a 'Gangster film', and was just so dull in parts. Plus, the ending was almost too sudden.
Well I just saw Hot Fuzz yesterday, and as a massive fan of Shaun of the Dead, I enjoyed Hot Fuzz a lot more. It's a really great film, hilarious, lots of action and quite a bit of gore. Simon Pegg is a really good actor and Nick Frost is hilarious. Timothy Dalton is also quite menacing. It's also nice to see Bill Bailey and Steve Coogan etc. in supporting roles, popping up now and again.

It is funny, and Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are brilliant (so is Timothy Dalton). But nearly all the supporting cast are empty caricatures, and the plot is just daft. I know it's meant to be a parody, but they invest too much time in it to ignore how silly it is.

I don't think it is meant to be a parody. Many thought Shaun of the Dead was meant to be a spoof, where as it was just a romantic comedy with zombies. I feel Hot Fuzz is kind of a homage to action films, taking a british twist on the situation. The plot isn't daft? Simon Pegg plays it straight, only smiling around half way through the film. Anyways I reccommend this film to everyone, even people who are not Shaun of the Dead fans.
LFTL, Labyrinth is a fab film, one of the best ever made! Good call! :D

I've watched a couple over the weekend.

First up was "Serenity". Pretty decent Sci-Fi yarn. It never quite made it into "great" territory, as the plot and acting was a little weak at times, but overall, one of the better sci-fi's I've seen.

Next was "Children of Men". Very good for a "brit" film, and one of the better post-apocalypse films I've seen. It was gritty and realistic enough to work quite well. Again, nothing fantastic, but well worth a watch. The scene with them coming out of the building near the end was pretty awesome though! :D
Hmm, two reviews today.

Music & Lyrics

I went in not really expecting much from this film. I came out amused and in a good mood. Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore play the characters the way they do in every film they have been in but somehow this storyline just "works". Its enjoyable, full of cheesy music and is quite amusing due to Hugh Grant's intercation with other characters. Very enjoyable, good for a date or whatever.



I had read/heard some quite dissapointing reviews about this film saying it doesn't live up to the hype it got. Well I say to those reviewers "wtf?". I felt it completly lived up to the hype. It was so good, the entire cast were really good although I felt that Nighy/Coogan/Freeman should have had bigger roles but they still played their part pretty well. Pegg was really good and played a really different character compared to other roles he has played. Although all the cast were awesome it was obvious that previous Bond Dalton stole the show. He was awesome and was just an awesome bad guy. Was funny at the end too but I won't spoil it for peeps that havn't seen the film. Anyways, great film, very enjoyable and extremly entertaining.

I went to go see The Number 23 last night.

It's an amazing film! It's not scary but more of a thriller. It was really well put and clever in all places. If you noticed everything in the story linked to the number 23. He walked into a door with the number 599 on. 5+9+9 = 23!

There were also loads more clever things like in it like that. Things that not everyone would have noticed. As we came out the cinemas the first thing we saw was the bus number 23 and our bus ticket was 23 too! It was quite weird.

The film was really good. 9/10
The Grudge is a pile of ****.

Bought it for ?3 yesterday, but GOD was it bad. If you're not scared by a Japanese kid every five seconds going "POP", you'll be fine.

It just happened every minute, and was the same every time. BOO.
I haven't seen Epic Movie yet, but hopefully I'll be drinking sewer water instead of chocolate this year.
Little Miss Sunshine - 6/10, I was expecting it to be something like 'Dumb and Dumber'. Sort of let down but it was still pretty funny.

Deja Vu - 7/10, Slightly confusing plot in the beginning but still worth to watch. I have seen better movies by Tony Scott. Crimson Tide is the best out there.
Oh I've watched shedloads recently haha. I'm awesome.

In vaguely chronological order:

City of God

Absolutely amazing; considering the topic matter, it's a surprisingly "feel good" and fun film. And if anyone complains because they can't read subtitles, they need to learn english. Fools.

The Seventh Seal

Well this was just weird really. I couldn't make sense of much of it, or well, I could, but it wasn't really like a "movie" in my eyes. More just weird. It was pretty good though.

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

I was quite disappointed by this. I felt that a fair bit of the three hours dragged by horribly - I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a bloody good movie, but it's barely phenomenal.

Dirty Harry

Well it's just a legendary film. Just watch it.

Magnum Force

Dirty Harry, but slightly less good.

Requiem for a Dream

Completely mind blowing. The most gripping film I've seen in a long time, and the most emotionally hard hitting - Green Mile has **** all on this. Everybody should watch this at some point.


Pretty good really. I'm not much good at writing about movies I find pretty good. Or writing about movies at all =p.

There's probably some more I can't remember, but oh well.
^Yay Ross, moviefest :D

Goodfellas is classic, City of God indeed amazing, but Requiem for a Dream is just astonishing, with the most stunning soundtrack as well. Although it's a VERY dark film!

I saw The Illusionist, not too impressive - lots of thesps with comedy accents and a very obvious plot. Nicely shot, and the Philip Glass soundtrack is nice, but otherwise it's not fit to scratch The Prestige's twisty arse.
I wasn't that impressed with Goodfellas. It's a good film, but gangster/mafia films don't do a great deal for me.

Good/Bad/Ugly is one of my all time favourite films. Like Alien, it's slow and meandering, but gorgeous to watch and absolutely solid right the way through.

Well, I've had a disappointing weekend film wise.

Went to see Ghost Rider last night at the cinema with Minor_Furie. Now, I'm a sucker for super hero flicks, especially ones with slightly off the wall heroes. However, it was just awful. Like most modern, big budget films, it was perfectly well made. It just sucked really badly. CGI characters with no character, not quite cheesy enough, but too cheesy in some places.

Worse of all though was picking Nicholas Cage in the lead role. He's just utterly deplorable.

Still, I went expecting an hour and a half of completely mindless near entertainment, so I wasn't disappointed :)

Secondly, I watched An American Haunting on DVD. Oh deary me. The badly bolted on contemporary front and end bits started the film badly. It almost got going for a little while, but then just sank rapidly into stinkyness. Some "jumps for the sake of it", but nothing ever really scary of exciting, and with a plot so thin it'd be classed as size -2 in hollywood. Yawn...
I went to see The Illusionist tonight.

I wanted to go see Hot Fuzz but some of the people I was with had already seen it so we chose to all see Illusionist instead.

It's not really the type of film I would normally like because of the whole love story, but the murder mystery sort of thing and general magic tricks were pretty cool! I liked the twist at the end and I was going in expecting it to be worse than it was.

I would say around 7/10 for it?
I went to see Hot Fuzz not so long ago, and it's brilliant. As you might know it's from the writing/directing team behind Spaced, and what I'd really like is on the Hot Fuzz DVD for there to be a homage-o-meter, because there were just so many different references.

It's clear that the team are fortunate in that they are still able to make the films they want rather than what Hollywood demand and thus every movement, word and shot has a reason for being and probably about three hidden homages. It's the type of movie that you can get something new out of everytime you see it.

More importantly, although it's slow to build up and criminally underuses Bill Bailey, it's still the best British action comedy in years, even better than SotD, and underneath the parody and the carnage is a good tale of friendship.

I went to see this in the theatre, and it's one of those movies which have very mixed reviews. Out of four people, three hated it and I liked it. I think maybe you had to have watched some things about the Zodiac killer on television as I did, or perhaps have been alive during the time when he was in the process of his murder rampage to truly appreciate the film, as the film is very accurate. Since I know so much about that killer and about his murders, I found the movie good because of that, but those three didn't like it because they've never really heard of him.

Overall though, the movie was 2 hours and 40 minutes long, which is a long time to sit through countless scenes of detective work and false leads.

For you guys, I'd say wait until it comes out on DVD to watch it.

Girl, Interruped

I'm halfway through this, so I'll post what I think about it so far. Yes, I put it on as I was falling asleep in bed. Stupid move, but oh well, I'll give you the full review later.

So far it's pretty good. It's about a girl's experience in a mental institution. I don't think I've gotten to the exciting bits yet but I'll have to finish watching it either today or tomorrow.
Saw <b>300</b> last night

Overhyped pile of hilary s**** that was.

Go only if you want to see a lot of homo-erotic battles with half dressed men sweatingly hitting each other.. But f-all plot.
Gah, Zodiac and 300, I'm envious :tongue6:

I've yet to see a boring Fincher film, and 300 should at least have fantastic visuals (I'm not expecting anything deep).

But apart from 300 in 2 weeks, all we've got to look forward to in the UK for the next month is Mr Bean's Holiday, Ninja Turtles and Meet the cowin' Robinsons :cry:

Although there's supposedly a release of Idiocracy on March 19 - I'll believe THAT when I see it...
Whats wrong with the turtles?

And has anyone heard the tune for the meet the robinsons song? It's a cover of "kids in america" by some pseudo pop-punk busted wannabes called "kids in the future".

I almost wept when i heard that song.
mrclam said:
Go only if you want to see a lot of homo-erotic battles with half dressed men sweatingly hitting each other..

Yes please. I saw this. I never laughed more in a movie that wasnt supposed to be funny. The script is just a bunch of quotes strung together to make a story. And the slow motion button was used too much. Me and my friend laughed at all the cliche cinematic effects....which is to say we laughed a lot.

I might go see this in IMAX to see the half-naked men in high-definition. 8)
Just wrote a review which i sent around work.. reads:

300 is great, if you have a testosterone build up which you want to get rid of, but dont have any hand cream or tissues available. If you like plots in your movies, avoid. If you like pretty visuals and homo-erotic greased up men fighting each other.. then this is for you.

Its saying something when the topless men in the movie have bigger breasts than the topless women..
I finished watching Girl, Interrupted a couple of days ago and I liked it. It wasn't spectacular by any means, but I thought the acting was great especially by Angelina Jolie and it had its sad moments. Some bits lacked emotion but there were a few parts in the movie which made up for that. All in all, I'll give it a 7/10.

Red Dragon was a good movie as well. I was about to watch Hannibal Rising the other day only to realize burned copies of movies don't work in my DVD. Red Dragon is the prequel to Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal, and I think that even though it was made after both of those films that it definately lived up to them. Not as good as Silence of the Lambs, but pretty close.

Seven, I watched it a long time ago but I just watched it again last night and is that ever a great horror film. Though a lot of it focuses on gore, there's also a lot of police investigation and you actually get to feel for the characters in it, unlike in horror films such as Scream, or Jason. Quite good, and there was actually one bit which scared me which was the sloth bit for any of you who have watched it. And the ending is friggin' great.

On the agenda for the next few days is Casablanca, Rear Window and 1984. Hopefully they work, as often when I rent movies from the library they're all scratched.