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I found seven to be quite boring. Made only good by the "what would i do in that situation" ending.
Se7en is dire

Saw just, totals it.

I watched the number 23 last week, which was fab. It was weird seeing carrey out of a comedy though!
Se7en is dire

Saw just, totals it.

Well, I try to refrain from comparing them because the Saw trilogy totals every single horror film out there. Se7en, not being compared to Saw, was a great movie in my opinion.

I found seven to be quite boring. Made only good by the "what would i do in that situation" ending.

I don't see how it was boring. It's your opinion which is fine, but there's quite a few gruesome scenes and I didn't think there were that many drab spots.


Ugh, his face creeps me out.
Se7en is possibly the worst well-liked film I've ever seen, I wasn't shocked when that bitch turned up in a box, just pleasently surprised.

On the subject of horror, two more to mention from me:

Jeepers Creepers: Great first half, really creepy. Then it gets **** when they go to the police, and just, un-realistic. You loose all care for the victims, and it sucks. 7/10.

Alien: It's part of my "see-every-really-famous-film-I've-always-wanted-to-see" kick. And, it's clear from the outset why it's so well-liked. Really fantastically made film, tension throughout, a great hero, a great setting, great acting, and a great monster. Throughly terrifying, throughly 10/10.
Jeepers Creepers: Great first half, really creepy. Then it gets when they go to the police, and just, un-realistic. You loose all care for the victims, and it sucks. 7/10.

I thought the same when I saw it, it was good and then this monster thing comes into it and ruined the film for me. The second one is just ****.

I watched Saw 3 for the second time when I stayed over at my friends house last Saturday night. It is really good like all of them are with good twists but the second one is still my favourite out of the 3. I hope there is a 4th one coming out.
The second one is just ****.

I couldn't stop laughing in that film. "She flew away". Please. "It was picking us out". Please. "It winked". Please.

Although, the lack-of-costume was nice in parts :p.
Ben said:
Se7en is possibly the worst well-liked film I've ever seen, I wasn't shocked when that bitch turned up in a box, just pleasently surprised.

On the subject of horror, two more to mention from me:

Jeepers Creepers: Great first half, really creepy. Then it gets <img src=http://www.coasterforce.com/cf-info/images/smiles/5censored.gif> when they go to the police, and just, un-realistic. You loose all care for the victims, and it sucks. 7/10.

Alien: It's part of my "see-every-really-famous-film-I've-always-wanted-to-see" kick. And, it's clear from the outset why it's so well-liked. Really fantastically made film, tension throughout, a great hero, a great setting, great acting, and a great monster. Throughly terrifying, throughly 10/10.

Well done Ben, with that post you just gained my ultimate respect. Spot on for all three counts mate! :D

Se7en is a wonderfully directed film, but it's ultimately unsatisfying. The plot also doesn't stand up to careful prodding...

Alien? One of the best made films ever!
Se7en is possibly the worst well-liked film I've ever seen, I wasn't shocked when that bitch turned up in a box, just pleasently surprised.

Aw man, you guys suck! I can't believe you don't like that film. Oh well, to each is own I suppose.

And Ben, Jeppers Creepers had to be one of the worst "horror" films I have ever watched in my entire life. It was just so lame.

And Ben, I'm also on a famous film kick. It's actually more like a top 20 IMDB movie kick actually. I'm pretty excited to watch all the films which are so highly rated.

However, 1984 tonight, which isn't a top movie. The top movie list starts tomorrow with "Rear Window".
John Hurt 1984 is that? I liked it, but I do like John Hurt! :) Must be 20 years since I saw it though :)

Everyone should be forced to sit down and watch all of Hitchcock's works. People may not see quite so much in them now, but most modern day film-making and directorial styles and tricks were first done by him. I still really like his films anyway, just because they're such a joy to watch.
John Hurt 1984 is that? I liked it, but I do like John Hurt!

Yes it is! Great actor, he is. Amazing in The Elephant Man, too.

Anyway, 1984 was a good movie and most of it stayed true to the book, however I did like the book better. Sometimes it's annoying to see a movie of a book after you've read it because I like to picture things in my mind and I have my own visions of what the setting is like, but when it's put on the screen it's nothing like you'd imagined it.

Anyway, it was good but I wasn't extremely amazed by it.

Rear Window tonight!
Sorry for not editing my last post, I hate editing posts which are days old.

Okay so last night I went to the cinema, was about the see The Messengers, but the idiotic workers there refused to let my friends into the movie since it was rated 14A. Instead, I went to see Music and Lyrics, which I had not heard anything about prior to yesterday. It was okay, a little too lovey, sappy, gooey for my liking. Easy to predict the outcome as well, and movies which are so obviously going to have a happy ending piss me off.

I watched I, Robot today while I was getting my hair done, and let me first point out it's definately my least favourite genre of movie. Sci-Fi mixed with action and whatnot is not my thing. I guess it wasn't horrible though, and it wasn't hard to understand either. But the whole plot about evil robots was kind of iffy to me. Interesting, though.

About half an hour ago I finished watching Rear Window. It's the 13th best movie ever according to IMDB, and though it might not be worthy of being that high up, it's definately a good thriller movie. I quite enjoyed it, and I got to rent it for free so that was a bonus. I recommend it, actually.
Furie said:
Everyone should be forced to sit down and watch all of Hitchcock's works. People may not see quite so much in them now, but most modern day film-making and directorial styles and tricks were first done by him. I still really like his films anyway, just because they're such a joy to watch.

The Birds is amazing, and so scary.
furie said:
Everyone should be forced to sit down and watch all of Hitchcock's works. People may not see quite so much in them now, but most modern day film-making and directorial styles and tricks were first done by him. I still really like his films anyway, just because they're such a joy to watch.

Yes, yes and yes. The word "genius" is seriously overused, but totally applies to Hitchcock. I haven't watched a film of his that I didn't like. My favorites though would include Vertigo, The Birds, Psycho and Marnie.

mr. clam said:
300 is great, if you have a testosterone build up which you want to get rid of, but dont have any hand cream or tissues available. If you like plots in your movies, avoid. If you like pretty visuals and homo-erotic greased up men fighting each other.. then this is for you.

I just came home from watching it. What a load of complete ****. It's nothing but a bunch of battle sequences strung together. I love watching greased-up men fighting, but it's not enough to keep me interested for an hour and a half unfortunately, not unless they get more "serious".

The acting is wooden, the dialogue stilted and cliched, and the pro war message less than subtle ("kill all the Persians so we can remain free").

Great fight sequences, but absolutely nothing else going for it.
gavin said:
Yes, yes and yes. The word "genius" is seriously overused, but totally applies to Hitchcock. I haven't watched a film of his that I didn't like. My favorites though would include Vertigo, The Birds, Psycho and Marnie.

The problem is, it's such a cliche to like Hitchcock, and even more so to like his well known films.

The thing is, I watched Psycho and The Birds when I was 10 or 11, and didn't know who Hitchcock was. I loved them then, and I've always loved them (and his other films) ever since. As I got more into watching films for directional technique, the more I enjoyed his films, as I understood what it was that made them so great.

There's the sheer tension in the Birds with the crows on the climbing frames in the school scene.. However, the film starts off really light hearted. I love the bit with the Love birds in the cage, on the way to the town. Every time they go around a corner, the birds tilt from side to side. It's just silly, and lovely, and sets the tone of the film as something different to what it really is. It makes the shock much harsher.

Psycho is similar. There's the whole "money stealing plot", which is never resolved. It's a false lead in to the film. You're expecting one thing, but it turns out the film is about something else entirely.

To be honest, I don't know his other films quite so well (I'm a horror fan by and large), but the vomit inducing shots in Vertigo are stunning, and North by Northwest is wonderfully intriguing all the way through.
Wow Slayed, interesting information, however I don't know how much more they can do with those movies without completely wrecking it. The first three are quit good but I keep getting frightened one will come out that completely sucks. Oh well, we'll have to see when they come out in October!

I have no movies tonight, I'm angry because I had to return Casablanca to the library, but I'll be taking it back out.
The thing with Saw is, what can they do?

1. Prequel.
2. Follow Jeff looking for his daughter.

And both of those would suck arse.
The thing with Saw is, what can they do?

1. Prequel.
2. Follow Jeff looking for his daughter.

And both of those would suck arse.

Well, the thing with a prequel is that there really is nothing to be explained, considering they basically explained almost everything that happened before the first Saw, in Saw 3.

Jeff looking for his daughter could be okay, I suppose, but it's not like they would torture the daughter. Since when do kids really get good torture in horror films? Perhaps they could do something to Jeff though.
And we can't have TWO prequels to explain everything. But, with Jigsaw... as he is, we can't have another proper sequel. They'll probably set it before three, after one, and somewhere around two, knowing Hollywood.