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"Now Showing"

No. Not deserved.

Inglorious Basterds should have won best film and best director. Terrible shame false hype over a pretty average film equals Oscars :(
Few films over the past week.

Short Cuts
It's like a three hour soap opera. I've never seen it but it's how I'd imagine Desperate Housewives to be - slightly twee and a bit over the top. It focuses on several characters in the LA area. Some of the characters are really entertaining but the majority are a, imo, boring. Nothing much really happens until the last 30 mins so I foudn myself watching it, waiting for something exciting. As I said, it's like a soap opera. Watchable but unsatisfying.

On IDISOW?S - A really long piss in new white toilet found in a newly built Barrett Home.

Red Heat
Late 1980's action film with Arnie. Something about drug smuggling, Russia and America. I switche off after 20 mins, played on my iPhone, went out for a fag and was disspointed to come back in and find it still running.

IDISOW?S - Pssing kidney stones whilst standing in a train toilet.

A group session councilor helps survivers of a plane crash. She is concerned about what she's hearing and is convinced the airline is up to naughty stuff. It's a really weak thriller but has not one but two pretty good twists at the end. It's a slow and dull film, just a shame that the best bits happen towards the end. Good if you enjoy drama/thrillers.

IDISOW?S - Standing at a urnial with people either side of you and you can't go. You close your eyes and think of waterfalls before its tarts to flow but by now you've lost too much time.

National Treasure
The Fisher price Davinci's Code. Entertaining and well paced but ultimately bollocks and forgettable.

IDISOW?S - A hurried piss where you enjoy the sound of high-pressure wee hitting the water...but then back to whatever you were doing.

Eagle Eye
Yanks build a super computer that has the ability to estimate terrorist risks. Said computer is able to spy using mobile phones and CCTV cameras, also has the ability to control anything electrical. Two peopel are "picked" by the computer to assinate the President and cabinet of the USA as the computer thinks the PotUS is a threat to homeland security.

Pretty well excecuted film, superbly paced and generally good fun. I loved the massive car crashes near the start.

IDISOW?S - Writing your name in the snow.

Thanks to everybody who bothered to read.
Ben said:
No. Not deserved.

Inglorious Basterds should have won best film and best director. Terrible shame false hype over a pretty average film equals Oscars :(

Pfft, rubbish. The Hurt Locker is a fantastically made film with brilliant cinematography and a well researched script. I'm still amazed at how the female director managed to create the amazing macho performances.
Ben said:
No. Not deserved.

Inglorious Basterds should have won best film and best director. Terrible shame false hype over a pretty average film equals Oscars :(


The Hurt Locker is wayyy overrated.

In other news, I watched Punch-Drunk Love last night. It's really good, and nothing like you'd expect given the cast list.

It's a really odd film, and is probably a bit of a marmite one, but I thought it was great. :)
I stayed up and watched the Oscars this morning (what tosh, except for the odd awesome moment like Ben Stiller's make-up and Up winning awards) and wondered why the hurt locker won so many fecking awards. See, I missed it when it was originally out and I found out that a cineworld in London was showing it, so what did I do after work today...I went to see The Hurt Locker.

It's basically American film makers screaming "look, we have American troops in some place that isn't America and is full of terrorists that blow **** up. They live in non-American places and put their lives on the line to protect Americans...worship these people". Oh please, give me Team America any day. It was pretty dull, the budget must have been so small they couldn't afford a focus puller and well, I didn't like it. Ok, so the cinematography is ok in places but I still don't understand why it won all the awards it got. Urgh, silly awards people. There were some good bits of tension, I think it was more down to the soundtrack more than anything else though. I also found the film very very basic and predictable (and people moan about Avatar?).

Rating: 2/5
TRON does funny things to me. MCP FTW!

It's one of those films (along with Star Wars, Superman and Indiana Jones) which defined my childhood. I saw it twice at the cinema - it was just so awesome.

This will be an utter disappointment, but I'm taking the kids to see it anyway, and I shall lament on the fact it wasn't as good as the original - which isn't actually very good unless you're six :)

TRON is short for TRace ON: It's machine code for, essentially, displaying results. I didn't do a huge amount of machine code programming, but I always remember doing it (and low level hardware) and coming across a lot of the names in TRON. It's such an excessively geeky film :lol:

So yeah, excited despite knowing it will fail!
Tron was a film as a kid I did not understand. I waited to see it again on DVD and loved it, well liked the visuals anyway.

The new film looks stunning but how it will be I dont know. But I will go and see it.

Note to Disney though build a racing coaster on Tron, it will be so easy to do.
I'm.... intrigued by Tron...

Will probs see it, but I do wonder if it will be another dodgy reboot... Maybe Jeff Bridges can help it a little...

Iron Man 2 has got another trailer out now as well... Should be awesome...


Edit: Hit the wrong button.

Tron Legecy looks kewls. Looks a little bit too... odd. Can't put my finger on it yet though.
Just got back from seeing The Crazies:
It was good although the cinema was crap the film was pretty good. It was fast paced and had some nice scenes and special effects.
Even though this one girl in front jumped at every single jumpy bit it wasn't very scary at all. The scares were too predictable and failed to make most people jump.
Also it feels like the film is about to end and then it goes on for another half hour and the ending was silly and made everyone laugh at the irony.
Still it's not a bad film and it's shot and edited quite nicely.

Watched it in Writer's Craft, and it was okay. Not a movie I'd ever wanna watch on my own, but yah, it was pretty good. The funniest part was when the guy and girl started making out, and jokingly, the teacher was like "look away kids!" but then they started having sex and she liked freaked out that this was playing in frony of our entire class, and had to frantically get something to cover the screen :P . Slam poetry is neat to hear, too.

After Ed Wood last week, Lovefilm sent the fantastic Plan 9 from Outer Space. I force Minor_furie to watch it.

It is utterly abysmal. It's almost, but not quite, unwatchable. The shear scale of fail keeps you watching it. The fact scenes got mixed up in edit makes conversations (which are at best - piss poor) make no sense. The inclusion of random stock footage, day to night, night to day and "main star died, so we'll replace him for some scenes with somebody twice his height and half his age" just throw you completely. It's laughable for about half an hour. Then the dirge sets in and it's difficult to take it any more. Your sense of taste and decorum scream at you to stop watching, but you can't - you need to see how just how much worse it can get (the answer is, lots).

Is it the worst film ever? Well, if you mean released as a serious film endeavour, then yes - it is. It's a mixed bag of turds - which is nasty, unless you're looking to fertilise your garden, in which case, you'll be smelling of roses "the roses of his dead wife's cheeks"... ;)

Real score
0/10 - do not bother watching this film, it is utter, utter trash.
Furie score
7/10 - put yourself through it. Endure it, love it. Understand why Batman Returns had the awful cemetery scene. Look at "The Core" and think - that's alright actually. This film will do wonders for you.
^ I don't think that I have been able to sit through the whole thing :) I get so bored when seeing such a rubbish movie...

But if you like Plan 9 then I think that you would love Rymdinvasion i Lappland (Space Invasion of Lapland)/Horror in the Midnight Sun/Invasion of the Animal People (or whatever you want to call it), it's just as bad :D
Nemesis Inferno said:
Iron Man 2 has got another trailer out now as well... Should be awesome...

I know they were always going to make a sequel, but there's no way it'll ever be as good as the first one was.
