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ciallkennett said:
The films underlying baseline about the real District 9, seemed to be completely forgotten and it was almost as if they were taking the piss out of it all.

District 9, is not a real place.
District 6, located in Cape Town was. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_Six,_Cape_Town

I personally really enjoyed it and thought the documentary scenes at the start were a great way of giving the audience background over the whole situation.

A really enjoyable sci fi flick, with great CGI and a good main character.
Funny on people opinions...

I thought the first 1/4 of the film was the best bit, a great social message based on real life events. Not just district 6, but also with the cuban refugee camps in america in the 70s.

Then it turned into a stupid action movie, where the clutsy guy suddenly turns all action hero.. meh.
Aw I'm sad to hear some negative review about District 9, because even though I am REALLY not into that kinda film, I thought that particular one looked good. Even the name sounds mysterious!

I got like an hour into a Fish Called Wanda but I haven't gotten around to finishing it. I didn't like it that much so far and there are too many characters.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I got like an hour into a Fish Called Wanda but I haven't gotten around to finishing it. I didn't like it that much so far and there are too many characters.

Fish called Wanda is hilarious. Maybe you just don't understand the very British humour, understandable. However, too many characters? Umm, I count about like 5 main characters. That would mean that the majority of TV shows and Films have too many characters. Confused.

Yay, Aero speaks sense :P
Gladiator is a brilliant movie, Ollie and Peep are wrong ;) Even if it does have a lot of historical problems...
The Final Destination was a pretty amusing film. I want to see Adventureland, 500 Days of Summer and for some reason Fame.

I also went and watched Bandslam with my friend for a laugh. It wasn't a bad film. Some good musical references in it.
peep said:
^^So you wouldn't really recommend Adventureland Mr Snoo? Darn, was looking forward to that, might still check it out if I have the time and money.

I concur, Defiance is a good film, great performances by all the actors, was a big shock for me when I saw it back in Feb. Really strange how much of a time difference there is on release of this film, usually you guys get everything first.

Adventureland is one of those movies that attempts to be funny.. and fails 95% of the time. Even without the humor, the storyline is kinda dull and the characters have no real depth.

I'd venture to say this would be one of those movies you'd turn off half way.. something I should have done.. but I wanted to know how it ended.. haha

Hell, even my GF thought it sucked, and she picked it out.

Defiance though.. awesome. Being a semi WW2 buff.. it definitely sparked my interest. Sexiness all around, although I thought some bits could have been better explained.

And I have no idea when this came out.. I just went to the video rental store and picked it up. It probably came out months ago and just came to DVD. :)

I actually haven't seen anything in the theater in quite a while.
peep (and others, in that matter...), one of the fist things I have learnt from doing FS is that people have different opinions. So I respect yours, and stand by mine. It's fine to disagree with somebody and make logical points, which you have, so that's good. (That probably sounds like I'm having a go at you, which I totally not. I'm respecting the fact you disagree :) )

Action films are not my sort of film whatsoever, so for an action film, it really was one of my highest rated ones :lol: I really did think that the beginning seemed to be silly, and so did the two people who I watched it with.

The beginning of the film is supposed to draw you in. It is, in a sense, supposed to be a reflection on the rest of the film. Most good first 30 mins often lead to a good move, and vice versa, though there are exceptions, and this is one. So on that logic, I anticipated that the rest of the film would be silly, and therefore found it harder to 'get into' it as I kept wondering when it would turn silly again.

I know it's supposed to be a documentary, and it did feel like one, but it sometimes felt as if some of the camera angles were poorly filmed or could have been shot better. As said before, the CGI was amazing, and could have been a much more vast improvement if the angles were better.

I would just like to say, I won't be commenting further on this film as it's all I've seemed to talk about for 3 days :lol:, though I will be reading everybody's responses to it :)
It's refreshing to be honest.. I was getting a bit annoyed with how everything was like, all graphic-y and 3D lately. So I like the old style, reminds me of the classic Disney's and stuff <3
Two films!

First up!

Sleeping Beauty

I think it was Peep I disagreed with about this one. I'd seen it once and really disliked it. Madame_Furie decided Maxi-Minor_Furie should see it as it's a "Disney Classic".

I still don't like it. I think the story is very weak. The animation (compared to other Disney films) is also very weak. Most Disney films stand out because the quality of the animated characters matches the quality of the static backgrounds. In Sleeping Beauty, the backgrounds are all high quality, but the foreground animations are much lower. It makes the animated parts really stand out, like in a poor quality Hanna Barbera cartoon. It's due to the fact that the backgrounds are works of art, so the animations can't compete.

The entire film has that cheap feel to it. There's lots of simple overlay animation used where a cell is simply plastered on top of another and "swirled around". It's odd, because it took almost ten years to make and cost a fortune :lol: The end result just doesn't justify the amount of time, effort and money spent on it.

Now, I'm not knocking Maleficent as an excellent villain, and the score is superb and it's certainly "iconic" - but I just don't enjoy watching it.

to make things worse, there was Hannah Montana or somebody singing a patched on end credit song!!! Eugh!

Then I finally watched Watchmen. Who watched them? Me and Minor_Furie :)

It's long, it's hard work to sit through but it's alright. Some of the film is superb, some bits had a bit of a rushed feel to it. I've not read the comics, so wasn't biased at all. I'm in no rush to watch it again in a hurry, but I did enjoy it overall. Could be better, far from dreadful. 7.5/10 :)
Red Dragon is the second in the Silence of the Lambs quadrilogy, although it was the third one made. Technically it is a remake of Manhunter fromm 1986, but then it is disqualified from the list because it doesn't star Hopkins.

For me this film has never scanned properly - appearances from Chiltern and Barney who, along with Hopkins look much older than 'Silence' just doesn't work. Even headliners like Edward Norton, Ralph Fiennes and Harvey Keitel fail to impress me. The dialogue is almost cheesy in places and so I would simply have preferred this film to remain a missing link in the series.

As a standalone film however, it does pretty well. Decent story and a few pretty suspense filled moments makes it worth a look. Danny Elfmans' music does a decent job and gives another reason to watch.

Picture Quality is good enough, although nothing special, the bluray DTS HD Master soundtrack is decent enough.

Movie 7/10
Picture 8/10
Sound 8/10

Hannibal is my personal favourite of the Lecter films, even though I have to overlook the ommision of Foster from the line-up. Ridley Scott directed this at around the same time as Gladiator and it shows through in the quality.

Juliane Moore does fine as Starling, Hopkins is on top form, Ray Liotta does well as the corrupt politician but Gary Oldman steals the show with his portrayal of Mason Verger. Cinematography is wonderful and, coupled with Zimmers' score make this a breathtaking and beautiful film in places.

The bluray boasts a DTS HD Master soundtrack which is pretty impressive, the picture is a tad disappointing though with quite a few artifacts for such a recent film, colours are good and detail is good. Sreen size is 16:9.

Movie 9/10
Picture 8/10
Sound 10/10
danielfitzgerald99 said:
I also went and watched Bandslam with my friend for a laugh. It wasn't a bad film. Some good musical references in it.
Why couldn't you have dragged me to a half decent film dan? That was a turd!


This is the FUNNIEST movie ever I never get tired of it. For those of you you (and it may be a small number because no one I know has seen it) that it deserves it's spot on the Top 10 funniest movies ever list. For those of you who haven't seen it, you should. It's almost like the gay spoof movies of today, but a hell of a lot funnier.
^Airplane! is a legend of a film, it is the funniest film ever made, no doubt about it. It's just one funny moment after another.

The spoof movies that come out now are dire and whoever makes them should be sued for making such cripe.