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Last night went to see Night at the muesum.
From the bits are saw it was great, only missed about 10minutes of it due to i feel asleep on G-force's arm, and he moved :(

Back onto the film, bit of action and a few funny bits in. Stupid family to the right of us were laughing at anything, which got annoying after a while.
Overall 9/10
I've just got back from seeing White Noise 2: The Light


This is probably the scariest film I've seen in my life. I spent most of it with my hood down and only watching slightly :D

I never saw the first one, so I can't comment on if it beats the first one or not but a few of the people I went with had seen the first one and said this one was a mile scarier and better.

The main thing I found so scary about the film was there were so many bits that made you jump in it. The story line was good and it was very scary in places.

"On average, there are 774 Near Death Experiences (NDEs) per day in the United States, during which a person is pronounced dead and encounters a blinding, white light before being resuscitated."

If you suffer an NDE and survive then faith does kills to you because you should be dead. That is basically the story line. It sounds like a tacky Final Destination rip off, but it's different.

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFMNzGnHPdg

Overall it was a good film and I would recommend going to see it.
I've seen the first film and tbh it was crap but it was really scary it really made you sh*t yourself. I can't see this one being any good so I can't be bothered to make the effort to see it. Glad you enjoyed it though.
I don't get the point of films that are just jumpy for the hell of it, that's not fear, it's just... jumping.

Give me atmosphere (Halloween <3) anyday over jumps.
^ Ben, it was actually horrible.

I shat enough bricks to build my own cinema...

I'd reccomend this film!

Today I was naughty and saw TWO films lol.

First off....

Night at the museum

Well I had heard very mixed views on this film and to be honest I thought it was good, nothing spectacular but it was a nice enjoyable film for families, children especially. I think in the end we all know its going to be a lovely, heart-warming ending but then again it was mainly aimed at kids so they are not going to all of a sudden kill a character at the end. There arn't many surprises in there and most of the time you can tell everyone whats going to happen before it does, its very predictable. The CGI is awesome though and is cleverly done. Ricky Gervias and Robin Williams are known for their spontaneus (sp?) lines etc, but in this film they seem to have kept to their lines and seem quite boring and not as exagerated as thier usual characters, which is a shame because thats why they are popular. Ben Stiller was just Ben Stiller, nuff said there.

Anyways I would recommend to families - 7/10

A Prairie Home Companion

Robert Altman's last film R.I.P. Its a great story, so fun and emotional. Its got amazing performances by Kevin Kline, Woody Harrelson, John C. Reilly, Meryl Streep and Lilly Tomlin. I would say that Tommy Lee Jones was good but to be honest he doesn't really do much in the film and the character seems a bit meh. The songs in the film are a nice mixture, some are jolly and happy, some are sad and tearjerkers, and some are quite amusing. Its also quite strange how the entire film apart from about 10 mins at the end are all about one radio show. The characters are so interesting and you want to hear more of their great stories of how they started out and when they went out on tour. I doubt many people will get to see this film but if you get the chance, see it, its a bit different and for some can be quite hard to get interested in it (two rude people left after about 20 minutes) but stay till the end and feel really good that you went and saw something other than a "blockbuster".

I would highly recommend this film - 9/10
I would like to say.


Where the hell was the gore and the blood? Christ I get more excited knitting.
^The last half hour or so is quite good, but the first hour is just porn. Ugh, it could have been so fab as well. It's no Saw.

And Jake and I watched White Noise 1 on Friday. It was ****. Just didn't go anywhere. The ending was just appauling. It made no sense what-so-ever, and it was clear they just lost five pages of script and gave up. It was the biggest WTF ever. And it stank.

And I bought Dirty Dancing. Which is still fab.
This weekend I saw...

Notes on a scandel

This film is so amazingly put together, Judi Dench, Kate Blanchett and Bill Nighy really play their roles superbly. The story is a bit strange but the direction and music of the film really makes it. Its about two hours long but it all goes so quickly, there is no boring part throughout the film and everything that happens has a meaning and so on. Although, at times, it does feel like we need a bit more of an explanation for something or it skips too much time.

The fact I like the most is that I saw it today and yet its not released over here till 2nd Feb. FAB.

Rating: 8/10
I watched a couple of films last week.

Firstly Jarhead. Rambling collection of poor anecdotes about the Gulf war. Poor man's Vietnam movie.

Then I finally watched the Da Vinci code. Erm, it's a bit poor really, which is surprising considering the amount of talent working on the film. The problem is that the book relies you being interested in the "puzzle" of search. On screen, that takes a back seat to the story (which is just random excuses to move from scene to scene). You never get to feel for any of the characters, or really get interested in the plot. Mostly I think it's because the characters and plot by Dan Brown are so flat and cardboard in the first place. Not a dreadful film by any means, but certainly on the "do not watch again" list.
^^ Yeah, White Noise 1 was crap, the second one was ace though!

I watched "Spiders 2" on saturday. It was low budget and patchy, but not bad for ?0.97!
furie said:
Then I finally watched the Da Vinci code. Erm, it's a bit poor really, which is surprising considering the amount of talent working on the film. The problem is that the book relies you being interested in the "puzzle" of search. On screen, that takes a back seat to the story (which is just random excuses to move from scene to scene). You never get to feel for any of the characters, or really get interested in the plot. Mostly I think it's because the characters and plot by Dan Brown are so flat and cardboard in the first place. Not a dreadful film by any means, but certainly on the "do not watch again" list.

I have just watched the 'all singing all dancing' extended 174 minute version with DTS soundtrack and would say that it is a superb film. I do think that the extra 26 minutes actually fills in the missing gaps, although I do agree with you that the puzzle stuff seems to be accelerated by the Hollywood machine.

So yeah I will watch it again....but probably not my favourite film of all time....except for the music which is awesome....as you would expect from Hans Zimmer.
I'd recorded both Runaway Jury and My Little Eye from AGES ago... so I watched them.

Runaway Jury would have been better if it had been closer to the fantastic book, but when was the last time that happened? It was a little ruined by knowing what was going on. But, it was greatly acted.

My Little Eye was a bit ****. It dragged, had the most annoying visuals (it looked like it had been made in 1960 for 50p) and the acting... oh God. On top of that, it was predictable and not very scary. But, the ending was great, I love it when horrors don't end with people surviving (Saw <3).

Edit- And Jurassic Park. I LOVE this movie. It has so much suspense in it, no matter how much I whore it. And the music <3. God knows how it's a PG though, it's so scary! Eh, I don't get old Spielberg. He can work wonders (Jaws <3), and then he can make ET and AI. He's a riddle.
^Ha, I just looked it up on IMDB, and it has rating of 2.6/10, making it the 85th worst movie ever...

Tonight I watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning.

It was horrible.

So, obviously, I loved it. The face scene was just wrong, hell, most of it was.

And the end. Spite <3.
^ Yeah it was voted so lowly because there was an outrage against the film, it was apparently incredibly racist and offensive to Brazilians.
Have been watching the final destination films recently.
Lovely with all the blood and all of that!

Last night went to see Rocky Balboa. Was crap really, only decent bit in it was the fight at the end, the rest of it was rather boring.
The only thing that made that cinema trip worth while was the amount of flirting going on between me and G-force plus his mate :lol:

Ratimg for the film for me would be 6/10