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It's been a while since I've actually watched a film. I just tend to watch back-to-back episodes of tv shows these days. Anyway, managed to watch a few on the plane(s) coming home.

Bangkok Dangerous

I only chose to watch it because I LOVE Bangkok and wanted to see if it showed much of the place. **** film, but Nicholas Cage being in it should tell you that. The main Thai guy was yummy though. 3/10

A Bunch of Amateurs

Had it's moments, but was just sooooooo predictable from beginning to end, and really not that funny. 5/10

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

I'm not a fan of Woody Allen, but this wasn't too bad, probably because he managed to refrain from casting himself in it like he usually does. Twat. Anyway, I found it to be a bit dull really, though Penelope Cruz was brilliant. I just couldn't take my eyes off her. 6/10


Mega Poster
Well I saw my first ever 18-rated film at the cinema on Friday the 13th of February 2009 and predictably, the film was:

Friday The 13th (2009)

The film starts off well with a nostalgic prologue affirming that Jason’s mother was indeed the original killer at Camp Crystal Lake. But from that point onwards, the film really sets into the routine of slasher genre clichés, shocks and kills. Drug abusing teenagers aren’t the most interesting of murder victims and thus this makes the action less effective. The kills were imaginative, (although probably borrowed from previous Friday The 13th’s) but they did teeter upon repetitive.

In the end, the film was a balance between kills and shocks, and a successful one at that. It’s a decent horror film, just not a great one.



CF Legend
bob_3_ said:
Bolt..in 3D

My first 3D film, it's well weird =/. But yeah the films great fun! I loved it.


It was cheesy in moments and it wasn't perfect. But yeah it's a great balance of humor and action, totally recommend it.
I'm seeing that on Monday, are the 3D effects any good?


CF Legend
I watched Friday the 13th tonight.


The remake can suck me. I refuse to go watch it.

The original is still amazing <3
American Movie

Ummm.. Movie? More of a documentary to me with a guy who says "man" way too much for my liking. However it was still a decent film, but nothing I would rush into watching again. The old man is adorable though!


Fell asleep about 3/4 through but so far it seems pretty good! I won't give it a rating yet though.



Strata Poster
Peter and I were bored, so we decided to avoid his girlfriend at all cost and went to see Paul Blart: Mall Cop

First think that surprised me: No Adam Sandler. At all. I thought it would bring it down, but really didn't effect it all. Being a simple comedy, I wasn't expecting a great deal. However, I got more then I expected. It got action in bits, with some very clever stunts. The storyline was very, very basic: guy wants girl but doesn't know how to get her. The comic acting was good, but some things were predictable (stares at girl not seeing where he's going, runs into something). The ending was good and characters were played to be believable. A letdown was pacing: it took almost 30 minutes for SOMETHING to happen.

Overall, good movie and worth at least one view.

^ NO way, have you read the books?! They're seriously the funniest thing alongside the Georgia Nicholson books. Besides, they remind me of me and my shopping obsessions.


CF Legend
Yeah, but to be fair it's not the sort of movie that would do well on IMDB, or that Snoo would think is good.

It's a fluffy, girly film designed to entertain lightly with a few designer labels and a bit of shopping. It always set out to be girly, it never pretended to be an Oscar winner, so why is it that achieving exactly what it set out for, and entertaining girls and probably a few gays in a frilly, designer-label way, looked on as making it a bad film? The Sex and the City movie was trash, but it was exactly what it had always said it was, and did this well, and entertained those who like those sort of films. Therefore, I don't think you can call it a "bad" movie, it's just a movie you might not necessarily like.

It's not that it's a bad film just because you don't like it... I mean, it could still be a bad film and it could fail to be frilly and entertaining to those who like to shop, but, that remains to be seen...


Hyper Poster
SnooSnoo said:

I <img> loved it. Liam Neeson was simply bad ass in it.. I had to rewind and see my favorite part of the movie about three times because it was just so <img> awesome.

I saw that when it came out in the UK a while back. It was the first time I had actually fallen in love with someone from a film. I LOVE the dad.

I saw Friday The 13th at the cinemas last night and it was absolutely crap.



Hyper Poster
It was very, very predictable and was SO pointless and unbelievable.

There were too many similar deaths and it was just gore, hardly any suspence and featured a really rubbish storyline. It also got very boring (so boring that people even walked out the cinema...) and had pointless nudity and sex scenes just because.

Go see it and you will understand :)


The Legend
Ben said:
It's not that it's a bad film just because you don't like it... I mean, it could still be a bad film and it could fail to be frilly and entertaining to those who like to shop, but, that remains to be seen...

So.. win for Taylor.. and for everyone else.. it will suck 14 levels of suck.

AMEN to Ben's post.

Here's a good example; Mars Attacks. People love it, but it's not suppose to be fantastic, because it's suppose to be silly and kinda dumb. Shopaholic is a girly film, and will be good for the girls. I don't expect someone like Snoo to like it nor do I expect it to win awards.


CF Legend
SnooSnoo said:
Ben said:
It's not that it's a bad film just because you don't like it... I mean, it could still be a bad film and it could fail to be frilly and entertaining to those who like to shop, but, that remains to be seen...

So.. win for Taylor.. and for everyone else.. it will suck 14 levels of suck.


... I imagine I'll quite like it, because I'm the kind of person that likes those sort of films...