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CF Legend
^I really like Wrong Turn for some reason. But the ending was completely rubbish and pointless as they could of just done the same thing at the start. :p
^ Yah, I agree, it was one of the better horror movies. However, I was more of a fan of The Hills Have Eyes (not the second one though, that was just completely dumb and I was happy when the characters were killed). But yes, I did like Wrong Turn!


Hyper Poster
^Hulu only works in the US I think.

I'm a cinema addict - DVD is fine but it doesn't compare. On average I've seen at least 1 film a week in the cinema since I was 18 :).

Speaking of which...

True story of the biggest attempt to assassinate Hitler. Some good things in here - lots of historical accuracy, nice tension in the big scenes (good direction by Bryan Singer), and Bill Nighy is great as always.

Tom Cruise is just wrong though, he tries but he's not convincing, particularly as his character is considered a German hero. The script is muddled at times with all the politics (and the occasional plot hole). And the jumble of accents is worse than if they'd all tried to do a light German one.

Perfectly watchable though, and it would be unbelievable if it wasn't true!

This is fantastic! A film about some interviews may sound boring, and occasionally towards the end it does drag a tiny bit, but when the writing and direction and acting are THIS good, it elevates everything to heights few films can reach.

It does frolic with actual history - it plays like a heavyweight boxing match when in reality the interviews were fairly mundane - but it's forgivable purely because of the quality of the drama.

I've got Milk and Benjy Button to see yet, but so far this is my choice for Best Film.


CF Legend
It would have to be on Hulu wouldn't it? Just like Americans hate the BBC iplayer, us British hate Hulu (neither can use due to country copyright stuff). I pray for the day that we can use Hulu. The DVD is prob region 1, I'll investigate into this later :D

EDIT: Hehe, good choice of films again Slayed. I'm still considering Valkrye but I can't see myself watching it, I hate Tom Cruise too much. Totally agree about Frost/Nixon, lol, aparently the phone call was completely made up too :p


Mega Poster
Saw Office Space last night. This was sooooo funny. I can't believe how much I was laughing at this. It was such a stupid premise, but it was brilliant. 10/10


The Legend
John91 said:
Saw Office Space last night. This was sooooo funny. I can't believe how much I was laughing at this. It was such a stupid premise, but it was brilliant. 10/10

Agreed. It seemed liket he movie didn't TRY to be funny and was just funny.. but other movies fail because they do the opposite.

Win for Office Space.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Well.. the 3rd installment.. the 1st one was great, 2nd one was sub par, and this one was better then the 2nd but not close to the 1st. Brenden Fraser needs to die, I've figured that out, but the rest of the actors was good. Of course, it follows the same premise as the others, but in a different setting.



Giga Poster
I saw Tropic Thunder the other day.

It was alright, had some funny moments. I liked Tom Cruise's character as well, but probably only in a "OMG THAT'S TOM CRUISE!!" kind of way.



CF Legend
furie said:
Just watched 10,000 BC.

I wish I hadn't.

LOL, I hear that from most peeps, hence why I'm never going to watch it.

Last night I went to a free preview screening of Revolutionary Road.

It was pants, good acting, average directing and a turd story. It wasn't an enjoyable film and the only good thing about the film was a breif character who was an intelectual (sp?) guy who lives in an insane asylum. Quite worrying that it's the best thing about the film.

Rating: 2/5


Hyper Poster
I watched Slumdog Milliner, Frost/Nixon and Valkyrie with Mark last weekend.

Valkyrie - Much what he said: Cruise isn't really the right person for the job. It's a fair enough film, it's just with a little more work, this would've been a far better film.

There's a fairly quiet soundtrack, but it works rather well. The film looked fine, especially evident at the key scene: very tense, very well cut and brilliantly scored. Acting was good throughout, I was impressed with Izzard, and loved Nighy as always.

Otherwise, a passable and intruiging film about something I had absolutely no idea about.

Shame it wasn't better. 7/10

Slumdog Milliner

Not a perfect film, but not an awful film either. It's not a feel-good film, or it is if you ignore the death and poverty and hate and all that. Really enjoyed it though- exciting cinematography; age-old story (and it's a fable, for chrissakes) and a BRILLIANT score. I definitely want to buy it.



Not much I can add to what Mark said. Really really good. Best acting I've seen in yonks. Really impressed with everyone. One of my favourite films.



Strata Poster
Sorry for the double, but I watch I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry

I enjoyed it all the way through. It's funny, but at the same time has a message to bring out and inform, which is something I like about movies. There was some awkward humor and parts where I had to pause to breath.



Mega Poster
Kindergarten Cop- If it wasn't for Arnold, wouldn't have watched this, lol. It was quite predictable, but could've been worse in that aspect as well. It was a bit funny and the plot was simple (surprise!), but it was still a pretty nice 'chill' movie. It was a bit strange as at times it felt like the movie didn't really know in which 'category or genre it should be in', I dunno how to explain that, it felt sort of weirdly "fresh" though. Overall I liked it. 6.2/10 (being kind).

Man on Fire- Solid good film, made after(?) a true person it turned out. Good acting, decent story and some action. I didn't like the way they tried to make the movie seem more 'cool', with some flashy, quick scenes that reminded me of CSI Miami in a bad way. 7.2/10

The Killers- Very good 'old' (from 1946) movie, with nice sort of atmosphere, good acting and interesting story, also the way they told it was cool. 8.2/10


Giga Poster
I've recently seen quite a few movies and seeing as I've nothing to do I may as well rate them.

At school we watched Psycho (1960).

It was pretty good actually. Yes it's out-dated compared to modern films but the build-up of suspense and the various twists make it an excellent film.


A few weeks ago I watched Batman: The Dark Knight.

I thought it was brilliant. I haven't seen any of the other Batman films but I'd heard good things and i wasn't disappointed. Good action scenes, great cinematography and Ledger's interpretation of the Joker made the film worthwile. I think I may watch some of the other Batman's now.


Then I watched Happy Gilmore.

Easily one of the funniest films I'd ever seen.


Next up was The Mummy.

The plot was good but there was definitely something missing with it. I was a bit disappointed as a whole and the main cast really annoyed me which I think made me enjoy the film less. I do think however that some of the effects were very well done.


Finally last night I saw Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.

Another hilarious film. Maybe a bit too awkward to watch with your parents and sister though...


Tonight I'm planning on watching Iron Man and I should be watching Cloverfield tomorrow.


Giga Poster
I thought I might note down some of the films ever shown on a screen. :--D

Forrest Gump - Amazing film! It brings comedy, action, romance, drama, and an epic storyline which travels through someones life from birth to Middle age. How you can combine all those elements into a film is truly outstanding, and Tom Hanks acts as brilliantly as ever!

The Lion King - I'm not the biggest fan of Disney films, but this lies a special place with me, because I think it's absolutely epic! Amazing soundtrack, unbeatable characters and I still watch it!

The Fifth Element - Very entertaining film and one of my personal favourites. It's not spectacular, but its a fun joy ride from beginning to start, and I can't get enough of it! Gary Oldman steals the scene's in this film, brilliant-hilarious acting!

Ghost - An emotional rollercoaster; which is well scripted and uses some genius ideas. If you can't cry at this film you are talented. Epicness to full, storyline as amazing as ever, missing some things but its just a film you can't help running back to.

The Departed - Wow! Stunning gangster film! I can't say much about it but it's one of the best films I've seen for a long while!

There's many more. I'll update when I watch some recent films. :)