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Ugh, anything mentioned about Cloverfield annoys me, because people rant and rave about how fantastic the shooting was, and they give the movie praise, yet Blair Witch Project which is clearly far better and scarier, doesn't get praise like, at all.

And yes I do agree the ending of Cloverfield was very realistic, but it did remind me of Blair in a way. The ending was also kinda unrealistic in a way though because they so would've died or at least been injured in the helicopter crash.

To me, the filming style works good with both films, but Blair > Clover
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Ugh, anything mentioned about Cloverfield annoys me, because people rant and rave about how fantastic the shooting was, and they give the movie praise, yet Blair Witch Project which is clearly far better and scarier, doesn't get praise like, at all.

And yes I do agree the ending of Cloverfield was very realistic, but it did remind me of Blair in a way. The ending was also kinda unrealistic in a way though because they so would've died or at least been injured in the helicopter crash.

To me, the filming style works good with both films, but Blair > Clover

I can now comment on that after seeing Blair.

Blair Witch Project
Well, I thought it was going to be good but then every film Taylor likes seems to be pants. :P
Nothing happened they were just walking around for an hour and a half and the highlight of the film. "Who put rocks outside my tent" I mean come on. :roll:
2/10 pants on a stick.

Anyway, as I've been without internet for 10 days it meant I could see some more films.

Resident Evil
One of the few film adaptions of games that works.

Narnia: The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe
Really glossy film and looked HD even though I didn't get it on Blu-ray.
It's quite good. Long though, but the battle scene at the end is semi-decent.

King Kong
This is the Peter Jackson edition (latest one) and everyone had been raving on about how good it was. It was the most **** and laughable film ever. It bored me half to death and was WAY too long. It took an hour until they even got to the island and I thought "****, I've still got 2 hours left of this crap".

Hot Fuzz
This cheered me up. One of my favourite movies ever and if you haven't seen it then you don't know what you've missed.

Alone in the Dark
This caught my eye as there's a game of it out at the moment. It was pretty average. Surprised I had never heard of it as it was quite a recent film (2005). The monsters were done quite well. But I hate the way that they always have to involve the army in films as they think that means that it must be a big battle. Also there was ALOT of flashing lights when they were doing the gunfight in the factory in the pitch black and it would of killed anyone with epilepsy.
Ollie said:
Witch Project
Well, I thought it was going to be good but then every film Taylor likes seems to be pants. :P
Nothing happened they were just walking around for an hour and a half and the highlight of the film. "Who put rocks outside my tent" I mean come on. :roll:
2/10 pants on a stick.


Resident Evil
One of the few film adaptions of games that works.


Alone in the Dark
This caught my eye as there's a game of it out at the moment. It was pretty average. Surprised I had never heard of it as it was quite a recent film (2005). The monsters were done quite well. But I hate the way that they always have to involve the army in films as they think that means that it must be a big battle. Also there was ALOT of flashing lights when they were doing the gunfight in the factory in the pitch black and it would of killed anyone with epilepsy.


No worries though. PS3 fanboy... opinion void.
Blair Witch Project
Well, I thought it was going to be good but then every film Taylor likes seems to be pants.
Nothing happened they were just walking around for an hour and a half and the highlight of the film. "Who put rocks outside my tent" I mean come on.
2/10 pants on a stick.

Whatever, I guess it's one of those movies where you either like it or you don't, and clearly you're the latter. It's not meant to be a great action film (which automatically makes it better and more realistic than Cloverfield), and was suppose to be designed to look like they actually lost the footage. What did you want to happen, the Blair Witch to actually show up and do stuff? I liked it because it was one of those movies where you're actually scared for the characters, and you're actually wondering what you would do in their place.

Try watching it at night in a cabin in the woods Ollie, makes it that much better :P .
^I watched it at night in a tent in the woods so I suppose I should of seen it at it's height. :P
I don't care about realism. Sometimes people are willing to suspend their disbelief as long as the characters can act like their in enough danger for you to care for that. Cloverfeild was amazing as it gets you're pulse going and you really get to know the characters personality's in the 80 odd minutes that the film is on for.
All the Blair Witch project is is people walking round for a scene, then them talking at night. Then repeat that ten times until you reach the final scene where they run round cabin where we see nothing.

And I don't want to use the fact that it seems realistic when it bored the **** outta me for an hour and a half. I'd much rather have something like Cloverfield where you can feel the crowds panicking and running through the streets. Everything in Cloverfield is realistic apart from the monster and the helicopter crash.
So yeah, I hated TBWP. And so far you're the only person I know that thinks it was any good. :P
All the Blair Witch project is is people walking round for a scene, then them talking at night. Then repeat that ten times until you reach the final scene where they run round cabin where we see nothing.

Hey, I'd hardly say that's a bad ending when Cloverfield ends almost exactly the same; they're under a bridge and the camera falls down, and that's the end of that. Blair Witch, the camera falls down, and you can assume everyone is dead.

I dunno, I just found it *much* more exciting than Cloverfield; yes, Cloverfield has a much faster pace, but it's exciting in a different way and not just "oh my God a monster is attacking".

Wedding Crashers

I thought this movie was actually pretty good! It was kind of typical and not anything outstanding, but I really enjoyed it and it seemed to go by really fast. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants an uncomplicated storyline and a lot of humour!

I think films like Cloverfield and The Blair Witch Project need to be watched without any preconceptions for maximum effect. For instance, I sat down at the TV one night and saw The Blair Witch Project in the TV guide. It looked interesting and I had never heard of the film before. So I watched it alone and I was terrified, I mean I was seriously thinking, is this serious?

I knew something remarkable was going to happen to these people on this film. Otherwise there would be no point in them showing the film outside the documentary they were filming. But what was going to happen, and when was it going to happen? That was a looming fear that increased every time another ghost story was told. This made the drama in the woods very fearful and effective. At the end of the film I was astonished, I thought the writers were the best in the world for creating original fear through literature.

But with Cloverfield, its hype preconditioned me. There was fear, but perhaps it was less effective due to the hype. Cloverfield used action to create fear (taking inspiration from 9/11 no doubt). It’s more suited to cope with hype. But The Blair Witch Project has a hard time being effective if you understand it’s not real. So:

The Blair Witch Project

A fantastic piece of original film making that is well written and genuinely terrifying under the right conditions. It’s a classic.



It’s a good film, but I feel some of the action could have been acted out better. I guess it seemed a little too glossy for my liking. Still, the atmosphere was there.

^ Neo, you are officially my best friend. In a nutshell I think you agree with me when I say that Cloverfield relies mostly off of more action type terror, and Blair Witch Project relies more on psychological terror and fear of the unknown?

Glad you agree with me though, however, after discussing Blair Witch Project with Ollie, I watched Blair Witch Project: Book of Shadows on YouTube and it was a disgrace to the first film, plain and simple. It wasn't filmed in the same manner, the characters were annoying, and the whole plot was just not even close to being as good as the first.

4/10, and that is probably being generous. Off to watch April Fools Day though, my third new film of the day :P .
LiveForTheLaunch said:
4/10, and that is probably being generous. Off to watch April Fools Day though, my third new film of the day :P .

No no .. no .. and no.

Blair witch = an old pair of stinky stained underpants
Blair witch 2 = a comfy pair of pulling underpants (not the best underpants you own.. but good enough for a nights entertainment)

PS: You watched a MOVIE on YOUTUBE? Of course it was ****e.. the quality mustve been terrible and you would've missed a lot of the subtleties.
^ Come on, I had heard the movie was crap to begin with, so I wasn't going to go out and rent it or anything. The quality of it wasn't actually bad at all, especially for YouTube, but I still sat there and watched it without any distractions and thus, I understood the storyline, and realized I didn't like the characters, so yeah, I didn't like it. It just didn't have the same effect as the first one did; it wasn't taped the same, the characters weren't likeable, and it just wasn't psychologically scary.

April Fools Day (2008)

Original is better, but both are really no good. They're good for a bit of unrealisticness and as far as cheese-fests go, they're not too bad, but they're obviously not movies I would class as my favourites by any means. It wasn't a super long movie so it's sort of worth watching, just don't expect anything amazing to happen.

LiveForTheLaunch said:
^ Come on, I had heard the movie was crap to begin with, so I wasn't going to go out and rent it or anything. The quality of it wasn't actually bad at all, especially for YouTube, but I still sat there and watched it without any distractions and thus, I understood the storyline, and realized I didn't like the characters, so yeah, I didn't like it. It just didn't have the same effect as the first one did; it wasn't taped the same, the characters weren't likeable, and it just wasn't psychologically scary.

Just admit it.

Blair witch 2 - while not being great (in fact far from it) in any shape or form was vastly superior to the original in all areas.

You cant say it's bad just because it wasnt "shot the same" as the original.

If cloverfield 2 comes out and it's not done in first person.. that alone wont make it a bad film.. The fact it's a bad film will :lol:
^ No, I'm not admitting it; I can't admit to agreeing with someone else's opinion whe I don't.

The reason I liked the first one was because of the way it was shot, as it kind of increased the excitement level and made you think it was real, which really made the viewers get like, dragged into the film. So, I think it's reasonable to say I thought the second one was crappy, and I didn't even like the storyline at all.
I watched The Mist last night, and actually really enjoyed myself.

It wasn't anything stunning, by far, but I guess I'm a sucker for human drama. Especially ones where our flaws leak throughout the movie, causing panic and/or confusion. Oh, and ones with bigass monsters, too :P

Pretty well shot, actually, and it showed during (without the aid of almost any music at all (a feat in itself) - and the stuff that was used was low ambience at best) tense scenes, using near silence to its full advantage. The monsters, while occasionally looking a tad too fake (only at the beginning), were astounding considering the budget. Looking it up on Wiki - $18million. $18million! For the WHOLE FILM.

The acting was actually above par across the board. And a child actor that can act! My hat goes off to Marcia Gay Harden, as the religious nut. Playing religious fundamentals must be a right laugh, because she made it seem easy.

The ending was probably one of the only proper ways of ending the film too, leaving a poignant and unsettling feeling. I would've really REALLY hated to watch a cheerful yay-we-miraculously-survived ending that plagues these films. So hooray to Darabont for making the right decision. It wasn't done in a cheap way either, if anything, about as anti-Hollywood as Hollywood gets these days.

So, overall, tense monster filled human drama that never lets out (other than for maybe the luvvy dovey bit in the middle :P), and fun to watch. 7.5/10

Shorter review of Cloverfield:

After having read originally the ones that totally hyped it up, then the ones that completely dissed it in every respect, I watched it with what I hope was a neutral stance, and actually enjoyed myself.

Again, nothing life changing or Oscar worthy, but fun to watch and definitely an experience. It even did a good job of sucking me in. Never once breaking the illusion that I wasn't there (other than the glitching stuff, which was fresh for me, and worked well.) The acting wasn't that bad, other than Hud, who I could see they were desperately trying to make seem funny, but just seemed like that irritating guy who hangs around with you. No laughs from him, at all.

The CG itself was actually very good all around, especially the bridge scene.

The story sort of worked, but it did seem like a cheap jab at conspiracy theories and all that 9/11 stuff. Could've been done more... tastefully, I suppose.

All in all, not as bad as the bad reviews said, but not as good as the good reviews said. Interesting, but could be done better. 7/10

Okay, maybe that wasn't that much shorter...
I watched Tron on TV yesterday. I had forgotten how old that movie was, but it was still kind of entertaining. It was interesting seeing how they envisioned computer stuff back then, and it really wasn't a bad movie in terms of storyline either. Some parts were rather laughably bad, but overall it really wasn't too bad for wasting time on an afternoon.

What Happens in Vegas:
It was actually pretty good. I would of liked to see more of them doing things to make the other one leave but it was still worth watching. The 6 months earlier bit at the end was quite funny as well. :P
^ That movie was so under-rated! It was predictable and everything, but it was still cute and it had a lot of funny parts in it! It was definitely worth more than the score it got on IMDb, which was like five out of ten or something like that.

I wanna see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist!
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Ugh, anything mentioned about Cloverfield annoys me, because people rant and rave about how fantastic the shooting was, and they give the movie praise, yet Blair Witch Project which is clearly far better and scarier, doesn't get praise like, at all.

Can I jump on the Blair Witch bashing too? :)

I watched it at the cinema on first release and knew nothing about it. I thought it was tripe.

It was VERY realistic, which made it an irritating and dull film. The only bit which was scary was the night in the tent when something if outside. If you've ever slept anywhere like that in a tent (I used to do a lot of walking and camping up mountains and stuff), you understand how vulnerable you are.

So that was good, but the rest of it wasn't. The leads where just annoying, the camera work ****, and the story was bland.

Cloverfield works (and also fails) as it was a 'real' movie, pretending to be hand held film. Blair was a actually a real film, but even Mushroom could have made it more interesting, and got the camera less shaky ;)

Anyway, I watched Legends of the Fall last night. What utter, utter, utter dross. It was really laughably terrible. It seemed to just focus on people's immaculate hair. Poor script, badly acted, badly filmed, just overall dross...
^ What-evaa.

Cloverfield and the whole monster thing just really didn't appeal to me very much, because I'm not a fan of those types of movies. The way it was filmed made it better, but it was still not my thing, and like I said, a lot of it was unrealistic with them like, surviving the helicopter crash.

I just liked the way Blair was kinda like, fear of the unknown, not OH MY GOD THERE IS A MONSTER OUT THERE, RUN! Yeah the camerawork was a bit shaky, but I'm sure it was suppose to be. As a random fact, the tent part you said you liked was actually real (real as in, the directors shook the tent and scared the crap out of the actors). At least that's what I heard.

Oh well, I liked Cloverfield a bit, just not as much as I liked the Blair Witch Project. I'd rather more unknown or subtle fear like the stick men on the trees than a big monster going through town.
Pineapple Express

Great stuff. Equally as good as Superbad, if not better. Some of the scenes were bland in places, but others really good. The opening and ending scenes were great, which is quite rare in some of the more recent films I've seen. One smoking scene in particular was very cool.

A much better comedy than Step Brothers, which had possibly the worst ending scenes I've seen in a film.
