Part 8 - Travel Hard 2: Travel Harder
This interlude contains miscellaneous ‘off-park’ shenanigans only.
Our second road trip would be taken at a more leisurely pace than the first, with two whole days(!) of non-park activity planned. This is definitely how to do it. The ‘balance’ ensured that enthusiasm was sustained right through to the very end without fatigue.
The flight to Nashville was a standard affair: for my 3rd flight in a row, the entertainment system for my seat was broken and the **** in front of me violently dumped his seat back onto my knees the moment the seatbelt sign was pinged off. I therefore spent the 9 hour journey fantasising about his death, which turned out to be a great way to pass the time.
The morning after our arrival we set off towards Pigeon Forge. The journey was graced by an intriguing vehicle that caught my attention whilst on the road:
I anticipate that no other sight in my life will result in so many unanswered questions.
Our time at Pigeon Forge featured two nights at Dollywood’s Dreammore Resort, in part to give a leisurely paced opening. This was delightful and I would highly recommend a stay for a similar length of time. It was very similar in feel to the premium hotels at Universal Orlando, but much cosier and prettier (so long as you can get over the abundance of butterfly motifs). Of note, the buffet restaurant, Song and Hearth, was so good we ate there twice. Our king-bed room was quite large and featured numerous nice details:
I enjoyed the feel of this textured logo on my bum.
For those that are interested, this video will give you a more in-depth idea of what to expect:
As a bonus, the transportation to and from Dollywood was appropriately quaint; modernised ‘trolleys’ with bench seating.
So cute!
However, one journey back to the hotel resulted in one of the most awkward moments of my awkward life (a top-100 moment for sure). The merry driver noticed that there were a few families on board and, with the intention of mustering some cheer for the children, asked us if we’d like to participate in a 'fun sing-a-long'. Before I could even process the question, one adult passenger aggressively barked back “NOOOO!!!!” - lol, just…. who does that?! The driver (who took the knock like a ****ing champ) persevered and soon enough, we experienced the world’s most tense and awkward sing-a-long to ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’:

On our way to the Carolinas we stopped off in Gatlingburg, which is a ‘tourist-town’ that serves as a base for exploring the Great Smoky Mountains. We took a chairlift up to a skybridge, which gave some cool views:
"Mola Ram... prepare to meet HELL!"
I found the "DON'T JUMP ON THE GLASS!" signs quite bothering.
More than the views, I appreciated this mini-excursion for a bemusing exchange with a till attendant. For the purposes of this dialogue, there are two till attendants sitting back to back. The second attendant is facing away from us and we can only see the back of her black hair.
First Attendant (FA): “Oh! Where are you two from! I love your accents!”
Nitefly (N): “Thanks! We’re from England!”
FA: “England?! Wow, that’s a long way away…. *aimed at second attendant* Hey, Sarah? Where are you from? Is England close to where you’re from? Sarah?”
Second Attendant: *Sharply turns around to reveal her appearance and speaks with the thickest accent imaginable* “I’M MONGOLIAN!!!” *Turns back around in annoyance*
FA: “……............ *whispers to me* is that close to you?”
N: “….. it’s quite far away.”
FA: “Oh… right. Where are you in England exactly?”
N: “We live in a small city called Bristol, a couple of hours west from London. It’s quite nice!”
FA: “Can you see the palace from there?”
N: “…… uh, no.”
FA: “Oh, that’s too bad. Well, enjoy your day!”
N: “Thanks!”
God damn!!! Minas Tirith doesn’t have **** on whatever sort of epic palace she had in mind.
Gatlingburg also featured numerous tat shops dedicated to Jesus and/or Donald Trump, who both seemed to be worshipped equally. In respect of the latter, this triplet of shops did cause me to giggle:
For all your needs.
The extreme anti-democrat rhetoric of the tat was pretty funny at first but the more I observed, the more I found it to be mean spirited and ultimately a bit ‘off’. Hmm. A day of seeing this was enough - not my jam. The most intense item of clothing we saw on the trip was actually a baseball cap being worn with the following message: “Under God. Over You.” - very unsettling.
As we travelled onwards through the Great Smoky Mountains themselves, the lush vegetation rolled on as far as the eye could see. Some snaps:
This pretty pair were just chilling by the road.
We did ventured to Clingman’s Dome, the highest lookout point of the mountains, but unfortunately the dense cloud cover on the day didn’t give us the views we hoped for.
Mrs. Nitefly reenacts how she typically feels when she reads my trip reports.
Two other stories from the Great Smoky Mountains:
(1) Brief rainfall caused the most astonishing rainbow to appear for only about a minute, causing everyone to pull over to photograph what was presumably a phenomenon.
I've never seen one like that before. Stunning.
(2) As we left the mountains, there was a beautiful period where there were no other cars on the road. Ah! How relaxing, just us and the trees. Or so we thought…
Nitefly: “…. wait…. what was that?!”
Mrs. Nitefly: “What was what?”
“Didn’t you see it? The thing in the tree?”
“No?! What was it?”
“…. I don’t know - uh, a massive, massive…..spider web?”
“…. look there’s another one!”
“I see it… what the ****?!”
Suddenly all of the trees around us were then chock full in hundreds of massive ‘webs’ like these:
Kill it all with fire - immediately.
It was really startling as they just came out of nowhere. A bit of research suggests they were actually the ‘tents’ of Eastern Tent Cattipilars, but I can’t seem to find any images on the web of anything like what we saw… it was very X-Files.
Our other ‘park-less’ day was spent in Washington DC. We stayed for two nights which meant another welcome day without any car travel. I’d recommend staying very close to the White House as we did and seeing everything on foot, although this jaunt required enduring over 30,000 steps of walking - phew! Some snaps:
The photographable side of the White House.
The big man himself - he gave some great speeches, go and read them.
From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
The Supreme Court.
I’ll wrap-up this entry with a mid-trip 'low point'. Unfortunately for me, I’m very, very tasty. All animal life, no matter how big or small, enjoys taking a bite out of me. Put it this way: have you ever heard of anyone else that’s been bitten by both a wild monkey and a wild seal? I thought not. So it'll be no surprise that when we stayed one night in a bed that happened to be chock full of bed bugs, the kingdoms from the four corners of the bed decided it was in their best interests to put aside their differences, declare a truce and celebrate with a grand feast on my resting body. *****. Below is a photo of some of the damage, which I have taken the time to digitally alter to lessen the shock value. You have been warned.
OK, enough goofing around - it’ll be back to ‘park coverage’ in the next instalment, which will cover our time at Dollywood.
Thanks for reading.
This interlude contains miscellaneous ‘off-park’ shenanigans only.
Our second road trip would be taken at a more leisurely pace than the first, with two whole days(!) of non-park activity planned. This is definitely how to do it. The ‘balance’ ensured that enthusiasm was sustained right through to the very end without fatigue.
The flight to Nashville was a standard affair: for my 3rd flight in a row, the entertainment system for my seat was broken and the **** in front of me violently dumped his seat back onto my knees the moment the seatbelt sign was pinged off. I therefore spent the 9 hour journey fantasising about his death, which turned out to be a great way to pass the time.
The morning after our arrival we set off towards Pigeon Forge. The journey was graced by an intriguing vehicle that caught my attention whilst on the road:

I anticipate that no other sight in my life will result in so many unanswered questions.
Our time at Pigeon Forge featured two nights at Dollywood’s Dreammore Resort, in part to give a leisurely paced opening. This was delightful and I would highly recommend a stay for a similar length of time. It was very similar in feel to the premium hotels at Universal Orlando, but much cosier and prettier (so long as you can get over the abundance of butterfly motifs). Of note, the buffet restaurant, Song and Hearth, was so good we ate there twice. Our king-bed room was quite large and featured numerous nice details:

I enjoyed the feel of this textured logo on my bum.
For those that are interested, this video will give you a more in-depth idea of what to expect:
As a bonus, the transportation to and from Dollywood was appropriately quaint; modernised ‘trolleys’ with bench seating.

So cute!
However, one journey back to the hotel resulted in one of the most awkward moments of my awkward life (a top-100 moment for sure). The merry driver noticed that there were a few families on board and, with the intention of mustering some cheer for the children, asked us if we’d like to participate in a 'fun sing-a-long'. Before I could even process the question, one adult passenger aggressively barked back “NOOOO!!!!” - lol, just…. who does that?! The driver (who took the knock like a ****ing champ) persevered and soon enough, we experienced the world’s most tense and awkward sing-a-long to ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’:

On our way to the Carolinas we stopped off in Gatlingburg, which is a ‘tourist-town’ that serves as a base for exploring the Great Smoky Mountains. We took a chairlift up to a skybridge, which gave some cool views:

"Mola Ram... prepare to meet HELL!"

I found the "DON'T JUMP ON THE GLASS!" signs quite bothering.
More than the views, I appreciated this mini-excursion for a bemusing exchange with a till attendant. For the purposes of this dialogue, there are two till attendants sitting back to back. The second attendant is facing away from us and we can only see the back of her black hair.
First Attendant (FA): “Oh! Where are you two from! I love your accents!”
Nitefly (N): “Thanks! We’re from England!”
FA: “England?! Wow, that’s a long way away…. *aimed at second attendant* Hey, Sarah? Where are you from? Is England close to where you’re from? Sarah?”
Second Attendant: *Sharply turns around to reveal her appearance and speaks with the thickest accent imaginable* “I’M MONGOLIAN!!!” *Turns back around in annoyance*
FA: “……............ *whispers to me* is that close to you?”
N: “….. it’s quite far away.”
FA: “Oh… right. Where are you in England exactly?”
N: “We live in a small city called Bristol, a couple of hours west from London. It’s quite nice!”
FA: “Can you see the palace from there?”
N: “…… uh, no.”
FA: “Oh, that’s too bad. Well, enjoy your day!”
N: “Thanks!”
God damn!!! Minas Tirith doesn’t have **** on whatever sort of epic palace she had in mind.
Gatlingburg also featured numerous tat shops dedicated to Jesus and/or Donald Trump, who both seemed to be worshipped equally. In respect of the latter, this triplet of shops did cause me to giggle:

For all your needs.
The extreme anti-democrat rhetoric of the tat was pretty funny at first but the more I observed, the more I found it to be mean spirited and ultimately a bit ‘off’. Hmm. A day of seeing this was enough - not my jam. The most intense item of clothing we saw on the trip was actually a baseball cap being worn with the following message: “Under God. Over You.” - very unsettling.
As we travelled onwards through the Great Smoky Mountains themselves, the lush vegetation rolled on as far as the eye could see. Some snaps:

This pretty pair were just chilling by the road.
We did ventured to Clingman’s Dome, the highest lookout point of the mountains, but unfortunately the dense cloud cover on the day didn’t give us the views we hoped for.

Mrs. Nitefly reenacts how she typically feels when she reads my trip reports.
Two other stories from the Great Smoky Mountains:
(1) Brief rainfall caused the most astonishing rainbow to appear for only about a minute, causing everyone to pull over to photograph what was presumably a phenomenon.

I've never seen one like that before. Stunning.
(2) As we left the mountains, there was a beautiful period where there were no other cars on the road. Ah! How relaxing, just us and the trees. Or so we thought…
Nitefly: “…. wait…. what was that?!”
Mrs. Nitefly: “What was what?”
“Didn’t you see it? The thing in the tree?”
“No?! What was it?”
“…. I don’t know - uh, a massive, massive…..spider web?”
“…. look there’s another one!”
“I see it… what the ****?!”
Suddenly all of the trees around us were then chock full in hundreds of massive ‘webs’ like these:

Kill it all with fire - immediately.
It was really startling as they just came out of nowhere. A bit of research suggests they were actually the ‘tents’ of Eastern Tent Cattipilars, but I can’t seem to find any images on the web of anything like what we saw… it was very X-Files.
Our other ‘park-less’ day was spent in Washington DC. We stayed for two nights which meant another welcome day without any car travel. I’d recommend staying very close to the White House as we did and seeing everything on foot, although this jaunt required enduring over 30,000 steps of walking - phew! Some snaps:

The photographable side of the White House.

The big man himself - he gave some great speeches, go and read them.

From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

The Supreme Court.
I’ll wrap-up this entry with a mid-trip 'low point'. Unfortunately for me, I’m very, very tasty. All animal life, no matter how big or small, enjoys taking a bite out of me. Put it this way: have you ever heard of anyone else that’s been bitten by both a wild monkey and a wild seal? I thought not. So it'll be no surprise that when we stayed one night in a bed that happened to be chock full of bed bugs, the kingdoms from the four corners of the bed decided it was in their best interests to put aside their differences, declare a truce and celebrate with a grand feast on my resting body. *****. Below is a photo of some of the damage, which I have taken the time to digitally alter to lessen the shock value. You have been warned.

OK, enough goofing around - it’ll be back to ‘park coverage’ in the next instalment, which will cover our time at Dollywood.
Thanks for reading.
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