Many moons ago before I realised that the "illness" I possess in the form of an obsession with rides/fairs/theme parks and everything was actually more common then I realised and there were other enthusiasts out there just like me I was extremely nervous every single time I tried out something new.
Seriously, from the age of about 9 to 12 I was obsessed with rides et al, but every single time I tried something new, like a new ride type I would find my nerves really bad. I would still ride but sometimes it got close to blousing! The changing moment was actually in the queue for Rameses Revenge at the age of 11. I was with family and it was an hour long queue. By the time I got to the ride I had worked myself up so much that I said I didn't want to go on. Thankfully my uncle forced me on and as predicted, I loved it and wanted to go again. I learned the valuable lesson there and then. No matter how bad the nerves get, it is a ride; I will probably enjoy it loads and want to do it again.
Now, 15 years on and I can safely say that the nerves don't even present themselves. Except for drop towers. They still unnerve me beyond belief BUT I will still do it at least once. Those who rode Hurakan Condor at PA the other year can certainly vouch for how nervy they get me. Yet I still do them.
The only thing I really can't seem to quell my nerves with regard to is things like bungee jumps/skad towers. i managed to do a sky coaster but don't think I would do the bigger ones in the US.
In Denmark last year I had spent about an hour trying to decide whether to do the SCAD tower but came to the conclusion that if I had gotten that worked up, to the point just the thought of it was making my stomach flip, it was likely I wouldnt actually make it up to the top of the tower and onto the jump platform without hurling everywhere or worse. I really had to consider was it really worth putting myself through that sheer hell to ride and decided I didn't want to make myself ill.
Do I ever regret it. No. I simply wasn't ready to ride it. Will I ever do one? I hope that one day I will have gotten over those more intense nerves and I can and if I do, the first person I want there is Jerry (ECG) to film it!!!!