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My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning!

Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

I live in a double room now, and I love it. My roommate has quickly become my best friend here. We are also both in the same program so we have some of the same classes and we end up working/studying together. On the other hand I know some people who have had some very bad experiences with some messed up roommates. Over all though I think Universities do a good job of matching you up with a suitable roommate. The only problem I have with my roommate is when I bring people back it gets kind of awkward having to kick him out and all (or have him kick me out). It really just depends if you like sharing space with someone.

My residence building holds about 600 people which is probably around the size you want. Not too many people, and not too few. As for the meal plan it is a must if your lazy and don't like cooking. I know that most Universities have pretty bad food. I don't mind the food here at Carleton (in Ottawa) its all you can eat (we pay a flat price to get into the dinning Hall) and we have all sorts of options for vegans and veggies :lol:
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

Go with double occupancy rooms, honestly, its a coin flip, but if you don't like your roommate, you will get along with somebody in your hallway, if not several people. My freshman year (only year in dorms) me and my roommate had literally nothing in common, but we were civil and got along. If he had a girl over, I went and hung in another room til she left. He ended up moving out halfway through the year to live with another friend, and I was lucky enough to get the room to myself. While I lost contact with a few of the guys on my floor (it was an all male dorm that I was thrown it, its now co-ed which is just depressing that I missed out) the few I still see, we always talk still and remember the good old days in "4A". The guy who was supposed to be my roommate but do to a paperwork error wasn't, is going to be my best man at my wedding. So it's really a coin flip. Dining hall pass is a must though, so much fun to eat with everyone and bitch about the food.
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

LiveForTheLaunch said:
I perused the housing options at the UofW-M and I noticed they have an international option. I'm NOT trying to be racist before someone has a go, but we have some international floors in the halls at the uni I'm at now (my friend lives on one) and it's absolutely awful. They're the stereotypical Asians who spend all their time studying and don't talk or party at all.

After looking at the options, I think Smith hall looks really nice. It has the option of double and single rooms and the facilities look really clean/new. It's also co-ed which is obviously good, and the number of residents is perfect. I had 650 in my halls last year and I found it was better than the places that could hold over a thousand because you got to know people better, etc.
First of all, you really didn't have to look at the housing! I really appreciate it, and I'm glad you've said the same sort of thing I was thinking, but I was only really looking for more general stuff as you guys know the system. Don't put yourself out looking at stuff for me! :P

I agree about the international halls, I really don't see the point. I'm going to America to visit/experience the country, people and culture. Going into international halls seems to defeat the point slightly... :P

Thanks for all the comments guys. It's reassuring to know you think the system is good. It's just quite different to how it works over here, so I was a little unsure on the practicalities of it. I've not got a huge problem sharing a room, I think it could be quite interesting. If I can bond with the person in my room/people in the flat as well as I did with my flatmates last year then... I don't know... it'd just be perfect! :D

Cheers guys, pretty stoked right now! :D
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

^ Yeah, you seem pretty outgoing so I have no doubts you could probably be good friends with your roommate. I'm pretty bad in situations like that and I tend to need my own space once in a while, so I was really happy I got moved to a single room. Having a diva roommate like the one I had and being a pushover like I am was just an extremely bad mix, but I doubt you'd get someone like that! Guys are usually more easygoing. I know I didn't have to look at the housing, I just wanted to see if the options were the same as what we get at the unis in Canada, which they are. :P I would have hated to live a dorm that wasn't co-ed as I literally made no girl friends in my first year and plus you'd basically be cock blocking yourself, haha.
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

I lived in a shared room in my first year at uni. It didn't take long before he stopped spending any time there though. I thought he was fine, he wasn't too keen on me and too nice to have an argument about it :)

If you have a strong personality (which you do Matt), then you'll have no worries sharing a room... As for your room mate however... :lol:

Certainly staying in uni accommodation (we lived in a tower block, the uni had two opposite each other, 15 floors each with 16 students in each block) was of massive benefit helping me fit in and make friends. Even if you don't get on with flat mates, you're only ever a two second stagger from somebody you'll like.
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

This is obviously just going to show how my mind works, but if you share a room, doesn't that mean you can't like, masturbate or bring someone back and have amazing loud uni sex and stuff? I don't see why you'd CHOOSE to share a room when there is the option to have a private one?

Just sayin' ;]
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

^That's where memorizing your roommates habits comes into play. :)
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

nadroJ said:
This is obviously just going to show how my mind works, but if you share a room, doesn't that mean you can't like, masturbate or bring someone back and have amazing loud uni sex and stuff? I don't see why you'd CHOOSE to share a room when there is the option to have a private one?

LMFAO, I just know when my roommate is at class/work. Its not that bad at least on the guys side, you kind of work out a non-spoken agreement on the whole situation. I'll shoot him a text before I come back and he'll be gone before Im even there. Sometimes it just works out perfectly, I was in this one girls room while he had her roommate over in our room :lol:

I don't mind having a roommate at all. When he's gone for the weekend though my room seems kind of empty and you start to miss their company. A single room would be like that all the time for me and i don't think i could do it.
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

This is obviously just going to show how my mind works, but if you share a room, doesn't that mean you can't like, masturbate or bring someone back and have amazing loud uni sex and stuff? I don't see why you'd CHOOSE to share a room when there is the option to have a private one?

Haha.. that's why me and my roommate had our first massive issue, which is why I pointed it out in my first post to Matt. Single rooms are a must for sex, because if you want to go at it all night, you can't keep your roommate out that long! If you want a quickie, then fine :P . Private ones are usually a bit more money, but are WELL worth it, not just for the sex and masturbation but for the fact you can live on your own schedule without having to worry if the other person likes it. My roommate went to bed at like, ten, and demanded that I stop all my homework and turn off all lights and electronics so she could sleep. Being the pushover that I was, I listened, so I fell behind mighty fast considering most of my work got done at night.
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

I guess that explains Taylors 4 STD's and working at a strip club.
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

^ I work at a nightclub you knob :P Also for the record, I was very well behaved while I lived away at uni.. Probably because I had a boyfriend for most of it, but still!
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

1. You are not british, so don't call me a knob.
2. A night club? Pardon me while my nipple gets sucked on.
3. "Most" of it equals "I banged TONS of guys for that time off.. ALL night long."

Glad I could clarify. ;)
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

^ Let's keep this about Hixee's school, not my job. Also, knob isn't only British? It's commonly used here so trek your way over to Canada :P . And also, no I didn't bang tons of guys in that time.

Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

Yeah Taylor, let's talk about Hixee and not your knob you knob.

HIXEE! Going to play any sports while at UW? PS: I privately hate you because I'm an Ohio State fan.. and we dislike Wisconsin.. even if this happened this year:


Go Bucks. :)
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

I don't know about the sports. I don't play any here, I don't really like the attitude of Uni sports teams here (anyone from the UK will know what I mean, but basically think rights-of-passage just to play etc), so I was put off doing the rugby (pretty much the worst for it too).

I'd like to try some sports, specifically American Football as it looks like rugby except with pads, which I can just about deal with, but I'm not entirely sure yet to be honest! :P

I can't wait to go and watch matches though, it looks amazing! :D
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

*Game.. not matches. :P

But if you wanted an insane place to watch it, you picked the right school. I haven't been but Camp Randall is supposed to be one of the best venues in college football. You'll have to come down to Ohio to go to a Buckeye game with me though.. as I'll treat you to a good time, not just sexually. ;)
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

You should definitely do inter-murals, they are such a blast and a great bonding thing with your dorm mates. I was in a dorm league my freshman year for football and softball (co-ed) and honestly, football was such a blast. Most major universities don't have intercollegiate rugby, but they do have club teams, which may be of some interest.

And you should get to Ohio, because I already told Snoo I am going to lose all my dignity and man up and go to a Buckeye game. It's one of those historic places for college sports you need to go to. Well, that and the big house (Michigan), but Snoo might object to that one :wink: .

And again, if you get along with your roommate, sexy times can fit in without much hassle. Most people have a common level of respect, and if you are like, dude, I'm gonna get some, you mind leaving for a bit/the night, most times they will say yes, and if your roommate is friends with another go on the floor, he will probably just crash in someone else's room. My floor was very open with all that stuff, especially considering a few guys had girlfriends come visit from back home, so they rotated which rooms of other people they crashed in while said girlfriends are there. It's part of the college experience.
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

^ Yeah come to think of it, guys are usually more easygoing with girls about that sort of thing. If a girl isn't like, a good friend, I don't want to ask her to leave the room so I can have sex. My roommate was practically my enemy, so you could probably see why that would be a problem. All guys are pretty much bros :P .
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

tomahawKSU said:
You should definitely do inter-murals, they are such a blast and a great bonding thing with your dorm mates. I was in a dorm league my freshman year for football and softball (co-ed) and honestly, football was such a blast. Most major universities don't have intercollegiate rugby, but they do have club teams, which may be of some interest.

Tut tut, see this is why he should have come to Canada we have a university rugby league and american football (though we have slightly different rules). But I do agree inter-murals are a must and if you like Harry Potter you should look to see if your school has a Muggle Quidditch team, its great fun.
Re: My year North America - SUCCESS! Now let's get planning

Hixee! You'll be decently close to me next year. You'll definitely have to look into driving up to the Keweenaw and watch a hockey game or two or see the area a bit. Madison is about a 4 hour drive from Houghton.