Re: My year North America - help?
OK, I’ve looked through all of your comments and I’ve read through some more of the information that we’ve been given, and I’ve also gone back over some of my original research and I’ve narrowed the list down a little more. I
think I’ve ruled these ones out for definite, although they could still be subject to change. I think I’m just going to have to bite the bullet and rule some of them out on the basis that I don’t like the look of them. I was thinking about this today and I think I’m just going to have to narrow the list down somehow, even if it does seem a little reckless! So, here are the ones I’ve said goodbye to for the time being, and a brief reason why:
McGill University – I’m not all that fond of the idea of being in somewhere so French speaking for a whole year. I do really like the look of Montreal though, and it’s gone down on my list of places I’d like to go and see, it’s just not that appealing to live there.
University of Alberta – It’s miles from anywhere really. Don’t get me wrong, the city looks nice and the surrounding area looks nice, but it just looks so remote on the map. It also looks like it’s a bit of a hell-hole in winter!
University of Waterloo – As much as the reputation of the place is really good, it seems a little uninteresting compared to some of the others that are on the list. I’m sure it’s nice, but it doesn’t seem interesting as others that I can choose from.
Montana State University – Bozeman – I think this may be a bit too small of a place for me. I think the surrounding area looks awesome, and again, I’d like to go exploring that area, but I don’t think I want to live there.
Oregon State University – Corvallis – This is very similar to the above really. Looks nice, but possibly too out of the way of everything. Oregon looks interesting though, this one was a bit of a random exclusion.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – Basically I just think this could be a little dull. I obviously don’t know too much about the place, but from a bit of looking around on Wiki, Google Images/Maps I don’t know if there aren’t more interesting places I could go to.
University of New Mexico at Albuquerque – Albuquerque looks a bit too beige for my liking. I don’t know if I’d want the heat and desert-y-ness of it. Falls into the category of “think-there-would-be-somewhere-else-I’d-rather-go”.
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee – The main reason for me losing this one is that I have to put the other Wisconsin one down, and this one looks far less interesting that the one in Madison. Simple as that really.
The only one I’m on the fence about, and you guys have changed my opinion here, is Virginia Tech. When I’d looked at it on my own it seemed like a really good University in the middle of nowhere with little surrounding it. According to our Study Abroad adviser only one student has come back early from a year in North America in the five years he’s been in his role. That student was at Virginia Tech and apparently said it was just too remote and uninteresting. However, you guys seem to be saying the opposite and that it’s a really good place. So… I’m not sure what to think now!
So that’s roughly where I’ve got to at the moment, my current favourites are looking like Madison, Case Western, Drexel, Maryland, Toronto and McMaster. Will have to try and get this down to six soon though, need to start actually doing the application!