Mega Poster
Re: Morph your way into Guinness World Records at Drayton Ma
Really... I mean, did the weather REALLY have that much of an effect on it?
Surely if you've gone out and bought a Morphsuit for this, you wouldn'tnot go just because of a bit of rain?
Likewise, I'm sure many people wouldn't turn down free entry due to a bit of rain, if they already owned a suit.
FaceYourNemesis said:Gavin, just chill out, matey. It was a bit of harmless fun was all.
The weather had a lot to do with the poor turnout. :roll:
Really... I mean, did the weather REALLY have that much of an effect on it?
Surely if you've gone out and bought a Morphsuit for this, you wouldn'tnot go just because of a bit of rain?
Likewise, I'm sure many people wouldn't turn down free entry due to a bit of rain, if they already owned a suit.