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I like...apart from the train colours.

Also, you need track connectors on the loop supports. I hope you'll be getting rid of the prefabs?
Yeah, train colors don't go well now. Maybee change the carriages to the standard B&M grey, and the train to that deep blue?

Also, prefabs = no never.
I'm still not a fan of the colours. I don't think the train is helping!

It's looking nice. I'm loving that tiny loop. :)
Ok, the ride is complete. The train colors are a bit darker, and the prefabs on that helix have been removed. Here's a screenshot, video, and download:




Ok, pretty good ride but was a bit too bumpy.

Good points

Good layout
Good pacing
Track colours were nice
Ok supporting

Bad points

If you're going to have a pre-drop on a B&M, there should be a small brake before the lift hill, plus your lift was too steep. It was too bumpy generally lots of things which could be fixed by using ctrl + g, and your segment lengths are too inconsistent resulting in jerks.

Overall pretty good 7/10
I was actually a bit disappointed with this.

Good Points
-the layout was nice, it felt quite B&M, if that makes sense. It did lose pacing towards the end, but it felt good
-the rest of the ride including supports, scenery etc, were all OK.

Bad Points
-it felt filled with jerks and pumps. The smaller loop was the worst, but most of the turns and drops were a bit pumpy and a lot of the transitions were jerky too.

Can't think of much else to say. I'm sorry to sound harsh, but this really wasn't one of your best. It felt... rushed.


Nice first drop
Nice mix of elements
Good pacing


Misshappen elements
Rough zero-g-roll
Oddly heartlined turns
Weak entrance to MCBR
Prefabs used still :P

Brookes - I forgot to add that when I started building. Hopefully I'll remember the next time I do a B&M.

Hixee - No worries. I appreciate the criticism. I somewhat felt the bumps on the turns, but I wasn't sure if they were there or not. I did ctrl + g almost every element and pullout, but it made it worse I guess. Maybe I was using too many nodes?

I know the 0-g roll was pretty bumpy, but it became a lot smoother over the process.

Xpress - You're nuts if you think that I'm going to custom build all the small sticks of supports in a brake run.

Thanks for the criticism guys. I appreciate all the feedback I get.
rollerdude said:
Xpress - You're nuts if you think that I'm going to custom build all the small sticks of supports in a brake run.

Oh stop being lazy, they're the easiest part :P
Xpress - You're nuts if you think that I'm going to custom build all the small sticks of supports in a brake run.

Why? Everyone else does. As Xpress says they are the easiest part of support as it is just one beam with no brace or anything most of the time, prefabs look very bad. You make it out like it would take ages, try to make a station out of supports or something, you will then realise that doing custom supports for a brake run is a breeze.

EDIT: Plus you didn't use ctrl + g on lots of things as you can tell e.g. the straight bit of the entrance and exit of zero-g if you get what I mean.
^In my opinion, it's just that much faster to click once and have a support done instead of drawing out the entire support, as simple as it is. I can have a whole brake run done in the time it takes for me to draw two supports. Just my opinion though

Also, I ctrl + g'd from the top of the dive loop to the straight bit of the 0-g roll, and usually when I smooth sections like that, it works just fine.