I still don't really buy Eagle's Fortress at number two! TWO! Or Superman as the best, given it was running like a trash can this year!
Glad to see Behemoth at number 7! That's ace! And Dragon Khan at number 10! That's awesome! Nemesis is once again far too high. But, yay, Nitro still comes in high and Sheikra comes above Griffon - that's good.
BUT, the WORST thing about the poll. The biggest WTF result this year... is Madrid's Superman as the BEST Floorless? Piss off. I've done, what, six Floorlesses now? And I will certainly say it's the worst. Better than Dominator and Medusa? Suck me. And Fahrenheit below Inferno? Piss off. NO! TALON below Inferno?!?!?!? I want to meet ONE person who has been on both and thinks Inferno is better, so I can smack them for being SO wrong. Why IS Inferno at 61? I do like it, but it's not that good by a mile. It's certainly not better than things like Dominator, Medusa and Talon, and I don't know anyway you could say it is...