I'll start with a warning: My photos are ****. There you go, you've been warned.
Friday night
All of us (except Ian) stayed at Jordan's. It was fun. I got quite drunk, then had 2 uncomfortable hours of sleep on a very small sofa. Massive thanks to Jordan for letting us all invade her house.
After somehow managing to convince Will to walk to Co-Op, I cooked bacon sarnies for everyone. We then all disappeared off. After a brief mince at the services, we all arrived at the utterly FAB Milky Way Adventure Park. The mince machine had already arrived, but we couldn't find them. I called to ask where they were and were told "The manager invited us in for a coffee! Sashay over to the entrance, and he'll come and meet you!" As expected, Marten came and met us, and guided us down to the cafe where we found the mincers. He made us all tea/coffee (thank you so much, it was greatly appreciated!) and introduced us to Larry, the rides manager (who had kindly stayed on at the end of his shift to have a chat to us). Between them, they gave us a talk about the history of the park and the rides. Who'd have known that the park is as old as me!

It was interesting, and I learnt a few new facts, although I think most of us were itching to get on some actual rides after the long journey. We headed outside to get the two Pinfari (of sorts) CREDZ!
(No, we don't know where the yellow paint went either)
It then started raining so we made a hasty retreat indoors. This is just one reason why the Milky Way is so fab. If it starts pissing down, 90% of it is indoors, so it really doesn't matter. We had a short while before meeting Marten again for a behind the scenes tour of The Clone Zone. We decided to have a ride on it before the tour so as not to reveal and "spoilers" to those who hadn't ridden it before. The walk-through was just as great as I remembered it. My favourite part is still the teleporter room, even if the smoke was a bit excessive. One thing I don't remember though is there being live actors in there! I was doing fine until a mystery hand appeared from a hole in the wall and patted me on the head. I then spent the rest of the ride in utter TERROR. Actually, I remember being terrified and riding the whole thing with my eyes shut last time, so perhaps they were there all along. Anyway. The ride is more of a dark ride than a coaster, if I'm honest. Bat-fliers are "meh" at the best of times, and without going fast enough to "fly" round the corners, it's a bit pointless. However, the home-made theming is utterly fantastic, so we'll let them off. I came away from my last visit with a real soft-spot for this ride, and this return visit hasn't changed that.
Marten then came back to meet us and took us into the station, then on a partial track-walk. I love the typical west-country attitude to Health & Safety "Whatever you do, don't touch the track - it's still live and you'll get electrocuted". If only other parks were more like this and less utterly paranoid when taking people into usually restricted areas. Again, the talk was very interesting. I particularly enjoyed hearing about how Caripro had completely screwed them over, but they fought on to fix all the problems themselves, and eventually got the ride up and running. We all had to glare at eachother and try not to snigger when Sue asked the immortal question "So, where did the name Clone Zone come from then?". (un)fortunately, no one took the bait, and we left the tour with no mention of gay sex shops.
As predicted, Gavin couldn't contain his excitement...
(Apologies. My camera doesn't like the dark at the best of times, and it was very smoky in there which really didn't help)
After this we went on the dodgems. They're former travelling ones, so are COVERED in flashing lights. They're inside a room lit only by these lights. This coupled with very loud dance music give it the atmosphere of a fairground at night. IT'S EPIC!!!!!1!!111!!!1!! They also have the fantastic policy of running alternate rides for different ages. They'll do one run for parents with very young children which is on a low speed with bumping discouraged. They'll then let the older kids/adults loose on a faster speed with no need to worry about upsetting the little ones. It's such a simple yet effective idea, I really don't know why more places don't follow suit. So yes, anyway, queue 2 goes in a row with pure CF-takeover. As you can imagine, it was utter carnage.... but AMAZING all the same! <3
Next, we had a lunch break. We went to the cafe above the indoor play area. I wish we'd gone to the other one instead though, as that looked much nicer when we were in there in the morning. Ah well, I'll know for next time.
Next up was the indoor (adult friendly) play area. OMGONEELEVEN!!!11!! CF were typically excited and all quickly disappeared up onto the slides etc. Most time was spent in the ball pool.
(eugh, god knows what all that crap was on my camera lens </3)
All round the park, there's these awesome murals on the walls. They must've taken ages, and are MASSIVE. They're awesome.
To end the afternoon, most of us ventured back outside to find the play equipment. We hadn't made it to this end of the park on my last visit, so I didn't know what to expect. All you need to know is that there's zip wires. And slides. And swings.
So that was it for an amazing park trip to a fantastic park. Last time I went, I came away in Love with The Milky Way. This trip hasn't altered that. No, there's not a massive amount there, but there's just something about it. The park has an atmosphere about it like nothing I've ever experienced anywhere else. You can immediately tell that it's family-run, and they clearly treat all their staff like extended members of their family. What this place lacks in budget, it more than makes up for in creativity and imagination. The Stanburys clearly love the place and pour their hearts and souls into it. It really shows, and helps to set it apart from the competition. Once again massive thanks to Larry for staying to chat to us, to all the ride ops and staff at the park for being completely friendly and welcoming, and to Marten for the discount, showing us Clone Zone, making me much needed coffee and generally making us feel really welcome. THANK YOU!
It was then back into the cars for the hour-and-a-bit journey to the campsite. About halfway there, this happened...
The camping was awesome. The rain held off, the laughs were plentiful, and nobody disgraced me by getting any complaints from fellow campers (unless you count Ian shouting at Richard to "SHUT. THE. ****. UP!" at stupid o'clock in the morning as a complaint?! hehe)
I'll do Crealy another night