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Lost - who is still watching it?


Staff member
Is there anyone out there keeping up with Lost???

If you are, how good was last nights?

If you're not, do you regret it now everything is starting to come together?
I've been downloading the episodes after their air in the USA since I don't have sky1.. But omfg.. This season has kinda thrown everything in the air and it's taken me a while to get used to the whole concept..

But judging on their past concepts (flying black smoke, polar bears ending up in Tunisia, 4-toed statues etc... ) anything is possible..

I do love how they've managed to practically miss three years of on-island storyline (bar LaFleur) and then bring everything and one back together..

I still want to kill Jack with his "I MUST DO EVERYTHING RARRRR" attitude. Twat.
Just be careful on the spoilers then Ed, as I'm watching live in the UK on Sky 1 :)

Last night was that catchup episode... I have to wonder just what is going to happen. Do you think it's this group who become the outsiders that Ben helps to defeat Dharma, with John leading them in 1974 or whenever it is. John's time is then, not in their present/future? That's why they had to return, because they have already destroyed Dharma in their past?

It's also smelling of Atlantis too... Did you not think when you saw the giant statue?

It's like the old days, where suddenly you're given so many great answers, but it's balanced out by providing even more questions. Last night's (introducing Le Fleur) was one of the best I've seen in a long time :)
I stopped watching it halfway through the first series.....I've kept meaning to catch up on it, but just haven't got round to it. But my housemate is up to date with it, so he's updated me a bit...but tis just too confusing!!
That's funny me and my mates were having the same conversation the other day, we were like "Chrikey! Is That Still going?!?"

I watched it up until the third series I think, well... the one where the people in the front of the plane found the people from the back who thought they were "The others" then I just got lost, no pun intended.
^^^^ Yeah, im still watching it. Im also a downloading them.. Totally agree that that Le Fleur episode was the best one of this season yet. Theres a couple of weeks now until the next episode is shown in the USA so I'm going to have to wait until 19th March to watch it! (Televised on 18th March) As that episode ended with them all in the same time, 1970s or somthing wasnt it?

So in otherwords the UK has now caught up to the USA because of this gap.
Nope, there's a gap here too... Next one won't be shown until 22nd - I know it's just a few days, but we're still a little out :)

I almost gave up watching it myself, but as soon as I found out they had an end to the story arc, I kept with it (I'd already committed to a couple of seasons so I wanted to have some satisfaction).

Glad I did now, as it's been well worth it.
^ I have to admit, i was getting annoyed with it, but in fairness since the new series started, im hooked again, even though there are lots of answers, they have created a whole lot of new questions!

Like you say, invested lots of time in it so i have to see it out to the end now.. Simple as that!
I am still watching it.

I am not a fan of all this time shift stuff and it seemed to me last nights was just about the end. But then yes it would be as its a joiner one.

I just hope they dont spend the next 3 looking for people again.

I dont get where it is going though at all, maybe I have missed something.

I still this they are all dead.
I stopped watching Lost after the third episode of the first season. It was a big pile of bird poo.

Glad that the peeps that kept with it are enjoying the last season though.
I've tried watching it but have always found it boring. There's a guy in our college class that still watches it and he always goes on about it. I mean, the first series was about some monster on the island and it turned out to be a cloud of ****ing smoke. And now there's time travel involved? WTF!
^ It's totally whack!

But I love the whole concept behind it, I just hope there's a decent and well thought out ending. Which it will hopefully be as they've always planned to have 6 series. :)
America - Wednesday
UK - Sunday

I'll only post here on the monday just for you Furie! :P

peep said:
I stopped watching Lost after the third episode of the first season. It was a big pile of bird poo.

Glad that the peeps that kept with it are enjoying the last season though.

Last season? It doesn't finish until next year :P One more to go WOOO. God knows what that ones going to involve though..
I watched the first and second season, but everything was just sooo drawn out and boring. The fact it had more time in an advert break than the bloody program is what put me off...
Im still watching it! :D I think I've enjoyed it ever so slightly less ever since Charlie died, but what can you do eh. The current series should start getting good now, as its finished on all the annoying 'not getting any further forward in the plot' catch ups. Im glad they had a reference to the weird giant colossus in the last episode, was starting to think they'd just forgotten about it.

I must say, I'm not particularly fond of the supernatural elements (such as the random man who can feel the dead or whatever..), I know the whole thing was a bit supernatural to start with, but I was always hoping that they'd have some sort of scientific mumbo jumbo to back it all up and explain it. Now it seems to be getting further and further away from reality which is a shame, because thats what enticed me to watch it in the first place.
I watched the first episode :P From what I hear, they have made the whole plot, long, uninspiring and confusing.

Last time I asked about Lost, I got the response of a lottery...but apparently some guy was also on the island? wtf?

Never caught on and should be ended quickly in my opinion.
I'm still with it. I've been downloading series five from t'internet, and it's really good. I don't think there's been an episode yet this season that hasn't made my jaw hit the floor in OMGness.
I'm still with it! 'Tis bloody amazing!

For some reason I think the biggest WTF!?! moment for me was finding out that Sun spoke English...I really don't know why...
I've been a huge fan of Lost from the start. It's had it's ups and downs, but the latest series has just started to find it's feet, and I think the rest of this series should be top notch. As for theories me and my mate have a few, but nothing particularly different from any of the common ones.

Lostpedia is a great site for understanding and keeping up with all the little details Lost has.

What I don't understand isn't the show, but why people who aren't watching it or even dislike it, clicked a link which clearly states "Who IS still watching it". Like anyone cares enough about you to want to know that you're not watching a program?
Is Sawyer still in it?

And has he got naked yet?

He was the only reason to watch it, man seemed to be allergic to wearing a top!

But, then I gave up.