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Lost - who is still watching it?

when you say "last nights" - what do you mean exactly?

I'm watching the americna version which shows every wednesday night.. and..

Everyone is now back on the island - except now they're in the 70s

Is Sawyer still in it?

And has he got naked yet?

he had sex with kate 2 seasons back.
Ah.. just re-read the thread.

Sounds like uk is up to the same episode as we are.

So.. (i'll put spoilers around this for people who havent seen the latest episodes yet)

Some thoughts:

What has happened to burnard and his wife? My guess is we'll have a whole episode devoted to those two.. and they're the two that are burried in the cave in the second season - thus the black and white marbles.

Why is hurley clutching onto guitar case? When have we ever seen him play guitar? Is it charlies guitar? If so, could charlie be coming back same as jacks dad and claire, etc etc?

My theory - Aliens... Of which Richard Alpert is one (and he also has 4 toes).. And the island is a big time travelling space ship like in dr who
Lost makes me happy. I think last episode really set in stone for me that they really did know what they were doing all along because, and I hope this works:

That Bernard bloke was in an episode aaaaaaaages ago, and now he's finally turned up again!

I've loved this series since Ana Lucia turned up completely out of the blue :D
Ploddish said:
Lost makes me happy. I think last episode really set in stone for me that they really did know what they were doing all along because, and I hope this works:

That Bernard bloke was in an episode aaaaaaaages ago, and now he's finally turned up again!

I've loved this series since Ana Lucia turned up completely out of the blue :D


I never knew we had spoiler tags!

But since we do, I can tell you this:

You said Bernard, but I really think you meant Horace. Bernard is Rose's husband.

mrclam said:
Ah.. just re-read the thread.

Sounds like uk is up to the same episode as we are.

So.. (i'll put spoilers around this for people who havent seen the latest episodes yet)

Some thoughts:

What has happened to burnard and his wife? My guess is we'll have a whole episode devoted to those two.. and they're the two that are burried in the cave in the second season - thus the black and white marbles.

Why is hurley clutching onto guitar case? When have we ever seen him play guitar? Is it charlies guitar? If so, could charlie be coming back same as jacks dad and claire, etc etc?

My theory - Aliens... Of which Richard Alpert is one (and he also has 4 toes).. And the island is a big time travelling space ship like in dr who

Eloise Hawking told them to recreate as best they could the exact conditions of the original crash. So Hurley took along a guitar to "stand in" for Charlie.

Other things:
Sayid replaced Kate in handcuffs.
Ben ran in late onto the plane like Hurley did.
Ben wasn't in his assigned seat when the plane crashed like Charlie wasn't on 815.

I think there is some serious Egyptian theme going on with the Heiroglypics on the 108-minute counter (apparantly they spell out death or something along that line), on the temple wall (as seen by Jin & french lady), in Bens house on that secret door, in the frozen donkey wheel room..

And now the 4-toed statue turns out to be holding two "Anhk" symbols on both arms (I re-watched the episode alot of times! then went to read lostpedia.. :lol:).

And Ankhs come up alot in Egyptian deitys, and Amy's now ex-husband Paul had one around his neck.

Loved Sawyers throw out to the audience with the "guy with the eyeliner quote". Apparantly Alpert... Eeeek forgot the actors name, Nestor Cambell or something, just has really really thick eyelashes.. :lol:

On the whole Dharma thing... Who the hell is in charge of that place? It seems that Horace is the one who deels with Alpert when he strolls into the place, yet Chang (Marvin Candle/Halliwax whatever the hell he's calling himself) has major authority in the opener when he's called to the Orchid under construction.

Major bummer for Charlotte to die as well, and my heart choked a bit when Daniel saw, what I presume is a younger version of her (the little girl with red hair) in 1974.

The whole Kate-Jack-Sawyer thing can REALLY **** off. Lost has gone far beyond love triangles and soppy storylines to give a flying **** about them anymore.
mrclam said:
My theory - Aliens... Of which Richard Alpert is one (and he also has 4 toes).. And the island is a big time travelling space ship like in dr who

That certainly carries some weight, I think, but at this point, it could be absolutely anything

I also think Nikki and Paulo's deaths a couple of seasons ago was a little bit... strange, and I think they still have some part to play.
My other theory on the island:

its the lost city of atlantis

But that'd be a pants answer if i'm right :--D
I mentioned that on the first page Malky! :P

I'm not fussed about spoilers, as we're all clearly up to date (as long as there are spoilers between the US and UK airing dates).

Do you think they're going to suddenly link it to Stargate and the pyramids are landing spots and stuff? ;) It's looking very familiar don't you think? (talking about the film Stargate, I've never watched the series).
I still think they all died in the plane crash and they are stuick bewteen worlds and the woman in the church is trying to free them.

Thats my theory.
Nah, the writers were very quick to say that wasn't the case - too much of a cop-out.

I still think that our Losters are the ones to overthrow Dharma. John's time to lead is 1974. I also think he's still alive, because 1974 was before he died. If the island went forward to 2009, then he'd be dead again. This may be the same for Jack's Dad? Or he may not be dead yet, just on the island at an earlier time in his life (time travel opens up a massive array of Deus Ex Machina to draw on).
So where does Ben fit into it all?

It does seem that more and more people have been to the island at some point than we thought before.

I did not get the last episode though tbh, it the 1st one thats really confussed me. For me it was all about the end.
Ben was taken as a youngster into the folds of "The Outsiders" and trained by them to take over Dharma. In essence, it could have been John was training Ben. Why they're there though, we don't know.

Also, we don't know Ben's real agenda.

The time travel thnig makes things difficult, but real time and everything else seems to work parallel.

So those on the island were transported to 1971 when John "moved" the island. John was dumped in the modern timeline exit point - I assume a similar time after Ben had arrived from moving the island, but it does seem to falter here a little with John arriving almost three years after the date he left the island. I don't know if that's deliberately confusing or an oversight by the writers.

Anyway, back in 1971, our Losters are now trapped, and they spend three years working for Dharma.

In the real world timeline, the escapees live three years of their lives. When they are transported back to the island, they go back to 1974 which is the place the island currently resides. Everyone is now three years older than they where at the end of the last series, but are living 30 years earlier :)

This is right around the time that Dharma are building up the initiative and laying down the foundations of everything that so confounded us in season's one and two. We know Smokey (the monster) was around in 1987 when the French bird was dumped on the island, but was it a development of Dharma, or something else. Is smokey around in 1974.

The other question is what will happen if the island is moved again? Will just our Losters move with it, and can they head back to the future, or are they indeed trapped in the 70's? We know Daniel was working near the wheel as we saw it in the first episode of this series, but we don't actually know when that was. It could have been 1974, or it could have been 1980 (or some other arbitrary date), we just don't know.

That's why it's so good, you're being fed answers all the time, but each answer opens up dozens of new questions and ways of thinking about it.

I've never read Lostpedia, so my apologies if I've got something wrong that is put right there.
^So at the end of the last episode how did they (Jack, Hugo, Kate, etc) end up in 1974 on the Island in the campervan? :roll:

I missed the previous episode, so what the hell is going on there, I thought they were in the present? :?
SchumacherFerrari said:
^So at the end of the last episode how did they (Jack, Hugo, Kate, etc) end up in 1974 on the Island in the campervan? :roll:

I missed the previous episode, so what the hell is going on there, I thought they were in the present? :?

They are in the present, it just so happens that on the island, the present is 1974.

When the wheel was broken, the island was constantly shifting what time it was in, and when Locke 'fixed' it, the island became stuck in the time it currently was, which was 1974.

As Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, Daniel and Miles were moving with the island, they too are in 1974.

When the ones who left came back, since the island is stuck in 1974, they went to 1974, too.
Apart from I was wrong, according to Lostpedia (had a quick look before), it's actually 1977, but I thought it was 1971 they were stuck, must have misread something.

Neal - at the end of the episode before, all the people who got off the island at the end of the last series (except for Desmond) were on a plane that was flying over the last known physical location of the Island. The plane was in another crash the same as the first, and everyone was transported to the island in 1974/77. Jin has been working for Dharma for three years, searching the areas looking for the Losters to return. He found them at the end of last episode and put them in the camper. Does that make sense (in as much as it can?)
The plane didn't crash in 1974. The dharma station that the Caeser guy was going through (looked a hell of alot like Faradays notebook pages) was the Hydra on that smaller island and it looked pretty deserted.

I'd say that Locke, Ben, Lapidus (who has gone off with someone woman wth?) are still in 2008/9.

I do agree that Locke has become technically 3 years younger than everyone else.. Something I really hope they explain.
Crazycoaster said:
Im still watching it! :D I think I've enjoyed it ever so slightly less ever since Charlie died, but what can you do eh.

Teheheheh, you'll love again soon then :)
Yes I have been watching lost and have been since the start, but sky 1 is annoying me now with all the adverts!
furie said:
Neal - at the end of the episode before, all the people who got off the island at the end of the last series (except for Desmond) were on a plane that was flying over the last known physical location of the Island. The plane was in another crash the same as the first, and everyone was transported to the island in 1974/77. Jin has been working for Dharma for three years, searching the areas looking for the Losters to return. He found them at the end of last episode and put them in the camper. Does that make sense (in as much as it can?)
Yes, yes it does (in as much as it can) :wink: