Eloise Hawking told them to recreate as best they could the exact conditions of the original crash. So Hurley took along a guitar to "stand in" for Charlie.
Other things:
Sayid replaced Kate in handcuffs.
Ben ran in late onto the plane like Hurley did.
Ben wasn't in his assigned seat when the plane crashed like Charlie wasn't on 815.
I think there is some serious Egyptian theme going on with the Heiroglypics on the 108-minute counter (apparantly they spell out death or something along that line), on the temple wall (as seen by Jin & french lady), in Bens house on that secret door, in the frozen donkey wheel room..
And now the 4-toed statue turns out to be holding two "Anhk" symbols on both arms (I re-watched the episode alot of times! then went to read lostpedia.. :lol

And Ankhs come up alot in Egyptian deitys, and Amy's now ex-husband Paul had one around his neck.
Loved Sawyers throw out to the audience with the "guy with the eyeliner quote". Apparantly Alpert... Eeeek forgot the actors name, Nestor Cambell or something, just has really really thick eyelashes.. :lol:
On the whole Dharma thing... Who the hell is in charge of that place? It seems that Horace is the one who deels with Alpert when he strolls into the place, yet Chang (Marvin Candle/Halliwax whatever the hell he's calling himself) has major authority in the opener when he's called to the Orchid under construction.
Major bummer for Charlotte to die as well, and my heart choked a bit when Daniel saw, what I presume is a younger version of her (the little girl with red hair) in 1974.
The whole Kate-Jack-Sawyer thing can REALLY **** off. Lost has gone far beyond love triangles and soppy storylines to give a flying **** about them anymore.