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Lost - who is still watching it?

Basketball. Ugh. HAha.

Ok sort of major spoiler for the "plot" of the last episode of this season.. No details but it gives us an overall look at what has been referenced too in lost since season 2.

The episode/s 16/17 is/are going to be called

The Incident!!!!!!
I gave out a little "eeeee" when I read it. I'm hoping that
Is correct in saying this.
The torrent suggestion was obviously to tks. Besides without the luxury of a tv, surround sound system, or indeed a TV license, it makes it a little difficult to watch it in Furie fashion.

Don't get me wrong, I support the show properly by buying the DVD's, but obviously I want to see it when it's on TV, which DVD's don't really help with.

I like the theory of Alpert having more to do with Jughead, but I'm just not sure.

Just a little add on on this sort of vain if anyone doesn't watch the sort of extra things and behind the scenes things that are made; the creators refer to characters as one of 3 things: alive, undead or deceased. I believe Richard was in the Alive section, whereas Christian and someone else (and also Kate's horse) were referred to as Undead.
Yeah, it was a "filler" episode really, but pretty tense. It's the lull before the storm (that last calm episode as they gear up for the finale).

Why was Sun not sent back???
furie said:
Why was Sun not sent back???

Yeh I was thinking that aswell...my theory was because she had her baby (I think lol I'm confused) that the Island wouldn't let her go back with her original cast as she didnt have her baby with her, and Jacks dad said that everybody had to come back....
Or maybe the island just has different plans for her? Maybe Jin died after all and she's not allowed to meet him (possibly you can't meet people you knew who are now dead (Locke is not back, and Sun didn't see him - Jack has never seen his father))?

I don't know why I'm even trying to second guess the bloody program :lol:
Lol, Yeah but didn't Locke have to sacrifice himself....even though he ended up somewhere else - EURGH this is confusing and I am LOST...pun intended!
furie said:
Jack has never seen his father))?

I don't know why I'm even trying to second guess the bloody program :lol:

Jack saw his "dead" father in the first season. It was following his dad that led him to his empty coffin and the cave network..
He even had the bug-eyes look! Well creepy.

The best part about "Namaste" was Sawyers epic 5-minute put down about Jack :D
We have seen Ben as a kid before in the big episode about why Ben is so ****ed up and how he killed everyone.

I agree with Furie, calm before the storm. As for gearing up before the finale though, not so sure. There's still 7 episodes left. Not as many as I initially thought to be honest, but still enough for a few more surprises. They do like to start setting things up early though, so who knows.

Anyone like to hazard a guess as to the big ending to the season? There always is.
mrclam said:
dont expect too much from this weeks episode.. but it did fill in some holes in the story...

I thought it was better than last weeks.

Also, what the hell, Sayid shoots young Ben? I bet he doesn't die though, otherwise there's be a huge horrible paradox and my brain might explode.
Bens obviously not dead. Locke has shown time and again that you can die on the island and be bought back. Remember when ben shot locke, next day - bright as rain.

Ben surviving being killed is obviously what made the "others" declare him as their leader in the first place.

So in killing ben, sayhid (or however you spell his name) has actually made the future happen... As that beardy bloke i've forgotten the name of already said - What has happened cannot be changed - or words to that effect
Clammy is right. I don't think you can join the others fully until you've been knocked off - hence why Locke will lead them. Though, that may cause other problems in the story...

Bit of an up an down episode I thought. Just hole filling really...
You can't change the future if it's already happened for sure.

Ben isn't dead we know that, Sayid thought that he'd ended it all, but actually he has caused the future to happen and he was always meant to do that.

Did add a bit of a WTF ending to my evening though! :P
So dull... Calm before the storm in ****ing deed! :P

Two highlights!

Hurly saying "why didn't Ben recognise Sayid?" You think "I thought that too, we're clever and have spotted a plot hole!"

Locke at the end and Ben's face! :)

Everything with Kate
Crap plot device if "Ben won't remember anything" just cheese in a can.