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Lost - the final season! (UK people spoilers found within!!)

Ah you see they did not go back to the real world and bring them to the island. The people died and they took their spirits there to help.

Remember all the people on the island had something to repent for.

I agree about the Dahrma initiative nothing has really been said about that, but remember the actual island is real its just a normal island. The people that lived there died so they were not real either it was their spirits. remember we were told a number of times about a virus etc.

Desmond as people are saying is like Jesus/Moses a mersia to lead people home. That was his job. Desmond was dead though, his boat crashed and thats how he got to the island in the 1st place. Penny could never find him as she was not dead so could not see him.

We also do not know how time works, what could be years on the island could be seconds in the other reality. So Ben and Hurley could have thought they had been there year but infact only seconds, same goes for the plane it took off but did it or was that just their spirits flying away.

Son and Jin could not speak english, yet when they remembered the island the spirits and soals were one again so they could.

Also someone else has said this and I cannot fully remember, but in the so called real world the people on the island only spoke to people that had been on the island no one else. Its like the dead can only be seen by the dead. But Jacks son was never on the island neither was Penny. But I remember Lock saying to Jack you dont have a son. Thats all a bit Sixth Sense to me if you know what I mean.

See people are saying the plane wreck at the end was the plane wreck from the start. It was not rounding off anything apart from showing you they all died as the wreck had not been touched.

As for the people in that temple well know one knows what that was about.

I can see and understand what you are saying as well. Some people are going the magic route others religion and I bet the writers are loving it. I still think the writers knew the ending but did have problems getting there and a few seasons just do not fit either theory.

I need to watch the end again which I will do tomorrow.

Would I watch the whole of Lost again? No way. I did enjoy it, well most of it but I am glad its over now. I do think it will be spoken about for years to come as well.
marc said:
Ah you see they did not go back to the real world and bring them to the island. The people died and they took their spirits there to help.

Desmond as people are saying is like Jesus/Moses a mersia to lead people home. That was his job. Desmond was dead though, his boat crashed and thats how he got to the island in the 1st place. Penny could never find him as she was not dead so could not see him.

This is where it all falls down.

Penny is Charles Widmores daughter. He was on the island and fought against the Dharma initiative as one of "the others". He left and had Penny. Penny met Desmond, they fell in love and it all led to Desmond being on the boat that crashed.

If Widmore was dead, he couldn't have left the island to raise Penny and make Desmond come to the island (dead or otherwise) on the boat race.

If they are dead, it's a paradox. As I said earlier, them being dead raises a huge number of questions and creates faults right through the entire story from start to end - it doesn't actually work as a story arc.

If they are a alive and it's real, it leaves unanswered questions, but it still all fits and works.

Things like the back story for Jacob and his brother. Why, with just two episodes to go, take the series back 2000+ years to set up an entire back story for them? It creates 2000+ years of history that involves people interacting with other people and building statues and all wheels and all kinds. Yet why would that happen if it was just a place dead people go? Why introduce it so close to the end if it's all irrelevant to the story because "they're all dead anyway".

It's lots of things like that which stop working. What happened to all the people from the tail section? Two made it into the church at the end, but not Ecko, Ana Lucia, etc? If they were all dead anyway, it would be a massive happy reunion.

As Christian said "this episode was the most important thing you ever did in your lives, and it's brought you back together again" (paraphrasing, but that's who I read it). Again, the wording all points towards a "life after the island".

Of course, the biggest thing against them all being dead? The writers said "they're not all dead".

They could have lied, but why? What benefit would it give them? Especially giving this ending where it didn't go "okay, we lied, yeah, they were clearly dead all along". Like everything in the "they were dead" theory, it doesn't make sense. It raises the question "why did they lie?" Again, if a theory raises more questions than it answers then it probably means that it's wrong.

marc said:
Remember all the people on the island had something to repent for.

Yes - which is why Jacob chose them and got them on the plane together which he then crashed onto the island - saving the people he thought had a good chance of making amends and replacing him. He didn't need to kill them to do that.

marc said:
I need to watch the end again which I will do tomorrow.

I deleted it, it satisfied me enough :)

marc said:
Would I watch the whole of Lost again? No way. I did enjoy it, well most of it but I am glad its over now. I do think it will be spoken about for years to come as well.

I couldn't watch it all again. I loved the mystery and the promise of solutions and then more mysteries. It was a great ride, but with answers, most of it will seem very bland and unexciting.
I do know what you mean Furie a lot of people are asking questions, maybe its just being looked at in to much detail and maybe there is no final answer. It is what you think it is.

Thing is moving on to most people means moving onto the after life, so in order to do that they must be dead. So the people in the real world must be dead already.
It's quite simple.

Everything that happened up to season 6 was REAL. They were alive, there was an actual plane crash.

Then in season 6 we see two different worlds, the REAL and living island world where some people are still alive and quite a few die. The people who die in the real world find themselves in this "flash-sideways". A place where the survivors of oceanic flight 815 find themselves because of the strong connection they had with each other following the crash.

It takes Desmond being sent from the real timeline into this etheral-like world to help everyone remember what they had together, and that it's finally time to let go.

Oh and 'Christian Shepard'.. -facedesk- I always saw the shepard part in Jack's name as a very clear message about his character, but when Kate said that line I was like oh that's so bad I missed it! haha :D

I like not having an absolute definitive ending to Lost. I can make up my story about the survivors, and the spin off shows that NEED to happen.

-Ben and Hugo's Excellent Adventure.
-Sawyer and Miles - Beverly Hills Cops.

p.s. wait for the Blu-Ray Box Set. Should be hitting UK shelves late august/early september. :)
Not the worst possible ending, but still not very good. I didn't have a problem with the main plot points (excluding sideways land) and already expected that we wouldn't get many answers. Still, the episode wasn't very good because all the action on the island felt mechanical and hollow. All the effort was given to the sideways world, which itself was bad idea in the first place. First, why spend all season building momentum with Desmond's lets-go-somewhere bandwagon only to stop it dead and take a different direction? I know they did go somewhere and that we weren't supposed to see it coming, but it really just makes it all very anti-climactic. Second,... Stupid! Who thought that would be a good idea even if it was better executed? The whole thing just felt like it was from a different show, it just didn't fit tone-wise.
Two other thoughts:
-Everything that happened on the island was real. Furie speaks the truth. It seems the writers wanted to make that clear, hence Jack's "All of this matters" and Christians "What happened on that island really happened".
-How Lost-esque is it that when we get to go into the magical glowing hole, we discover that it contains... another magical glowing hole.
That said, I don't regret follow the show at all. Episode by episode, it was fantastic ride. Still, I don't know how I'll feel about the series as a whole in the future with no new episodes to wash that taste out of my mouth.
Good reading here:
http://screenrant.com/lost-finale-expla ... ofi-61464/

I agree with most of what he's written. Read it, and it makes sense :)

I disagree about Desmond though, I don't believe he ever travelled to the flash-sideways world. I think he was just the first person to "remember". Just like in the real island world he was the most important person to move on the plot (all the way through Desmond has been key to the plot) - he was in the flash-sideways too. So he was the first person to come round, and he could then bring everyone else together. He essentially "pulled out the metaphorical plug" in purgatory to release the characters.

It was deliberately designed to coincide with the electromagnetic chamber incident to through you off the scent and think the flash-sideways was something other than a purgatory.

Remember, "there is no now, here" in purgatory. So the timing of "remembering" is irrelevant. It's simply meeting the right person to start to remember that kicks off the memories. With Desmond it was meeting Penny which awoke him, and allowed him to take on the job as "plug puller".

The review in the Telegraph yesterday was also confused. The reviewer didn't understand when they died or what was really going on. so he wrote a follow up blog piece later explaining it as he'd come to understand it. Again, he's pretty clear (now)on the idea that they're alive on the island all along.

http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/micha ... -thoughts/

I think the people who are most convinced they were dead all along are those who can't deal with the idea that the writers failed to explain everything. They probably had very firm theories on "wave theory" and other deep physics that they thought the writers were using to explain it. There's been a lot of talk about all of this over the years. I think the basic assumption was that there was some kind of super race in the past that brought their technology to earth and laid it out on the island. The technology was going to be defined by all the latest "cool" theories in the scientific community.

So people have spent years studying these theories and working out exactly how it will all fit together to make the island and what is happening make sense.

The final solution of mysticism has really annoyed them - they wanted scientific explanations and NOT "hokey religion". So they're rejecting that and are going with the theory they are all dead, because otherwise it doesn't make sense to them not having the mysticism explained. So there are a very vocal set of people who can't handle not having questions left unanswered, so are making everyone dead to try and write them off. If that makes sense?

The truth is (and the writers have said this) - you need mysteries. If you explain the mysteries then they lose their power. The force was cool when Ben Kenobi described it to Luke as a power that permeated all living things. It flows through you and connects all things.When it's expalined as tiny things called medichlorians and given a psuedo-scientific explanation, it's complete bollocks. You don't need to explain the force, it just is and it's cool. Being a genetic function, a kind of bacterial abnormality makes it balls.

Make up what the light actually is, what is under the island plug, how smokey became smokey, where mother came from, Walt - all those things just accept them as a mystery. Something that was required to tell the story, but which really wasn't needed to finish the telling of the tale.

I love Disney's Hercules, but at no point do I need to know "who made Zeus?", "how did the magic potion that turned Hercules into a part human work?", "could Hades ever escape the well of souls?", "who trapped the Titans, and how did planetary alignment free them?". It's all pointless when the story is great, even though you need some faith in plot devices just because they're there.

I think enough was explained to satisfy, and the more I think about it, the more I liked not having absolutely everything explained.
Would like to thak Furie and Aaron for links they have posted.

Just one question I have now is this. In order for people to leave the Island and move on they have to die on the Island, is that right or just complete their task?
Jacob had "rules" for leaving the island. Basically though, anyone could leave the island (or return to it) whenever they liked.

However, Jacob made it a challenge to discourage people from doing it. Likewise, when they left the island at the end of Season 3 (was it Season 3?) Jacob was then pulling strings to drag them back (as was the man in black too who also wanted them back for different reasons).

So the plane that left just escaped and those characters then got to live in the normal world until they died. Where and when they died didn't matter, they always made their way to the flash side-ways at the same time as everyone else.

There was definitely a lot of evil slight of hand performed by the writers. Showing the sunken island and the like at the start of this last series, but it was all misdirection...
Yeah just read some more stuff that they all had to wait for Jack as he had links with them all and no one could move on until he was ready to type of thing.

A few people think many of them died when the bomb went off so that is when they entered the other world.

They could only remember stuff when they were dead. People like Son and Jim had to wait until they died in the sub.
Yeah, the timeline in LA is just set in some indeterminate point in the future, after everyone has died. Hurley and Ben's little chat implied that they were together for a large period of time on the island after Jack died, and there's nothing to suggest the planies didn't get away okay.

The only thing I wondered about was why some people weren't in the church. Libby was there, but there was no Ana Lucia or Eko, and where the hell was Michael?

The theory is that they didn't do the "bonding" thing. All the other characters had a major impact on the way each other major character played out their role on the island.

Libby was there because everyone got to take "the love of their life" with them through to the end - it's why Penny was there.

There are other "deeper meaning" theories about - but I think it's actually that simple. Was Ana Lucia actually in the flash-sideways LA or was she a character "imagined" by the group conciousness to help them remember? She could have been there, but because she died before getting resolution on the island she wasn't ready to move on yet. Unlike Ben, it wasn't a concious choice though.

If she was "real", it opens up too many God complexes. It means that the people on the plane could create an entire universe based on the island (and Jacob) never affecting their lives. They could then drag in the "souls" of anyone they knew to live in this kind of made up purgatory. That makes them pretty powerful.

So I think that in truth, everyone who "didn't remember" was just an actor in the world they created, and not the actual soul - but who knows?

And why was Aaron there as a baby? That's got to suck. You die, then your soul comes back as an unborn baby!!!

Michael? Well, he went to hell - did not pass go, did not collect $200, did not get to enter the bright light... He did very bad, and he never did for any reason beyond pure selfishness, and he never forgave himself or did enough to repent...
The guy who plays Mr Eko (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje) doesn't exactly get on with the makers of the show. He asked to be written out of the show because he wasn't comfortable in hawaii and then when he was offered a guest spot in the finale demanded 5 times the handsome sum he was alreadu being offered to come back.