Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!
Part 29 - Conclusion
Here is the conclusion of this trip report.
I really enjoyed it
Thanks to all the planning that had been done, then it was really easy to follow and do all the parks that we had decided to do. I had also added a few extra places here and there if we were forced to change up the order or coasters not operating etc. which meant that we had lots of back up options on the days that we weren't sure if all the coasters would be opened (Freischütz). We were really lucky with both weather and crowds. We only had some rain the first and last days, non of it were a threat to the whole trip, just a slight nuisance, since it mainly started to rain each time we got on a ride
The only places I really though was crowded were Mirabilandia and Europa Park, but both of them have plenty of throughput on their rides so the queue's weren't bad at all.
So many memories, so much fun
Small accelerator coaster at Miragica, pure awesome
Krake, turned out to be a lot better than what I had guessed
Same thing with Raptor
Silver Star, the magnetic trims really improved the ride
Monster, I knew it was good, but the full train made it even better
iSpeed was a huge surprise compared to other similar Intamins I have ridden
Mirabilandia, can't wait to return here
Loads of great Alpine coasters
Devils Mine, crazy airtime
Bad stuff:
Miragica as a whole
Rainbow Crapland
COBRA, Pax crap...
Italian driving, a pure melee
The final tally became:
Countries: 10
New Countries: 6
Parks: 25
New Parks: 20
Coasters: 95
New Coasters: 70
Alpine coasters: 4
Total length: at least 8000 km
Would I do it all again? Heck yes!! Would I recommend anyone else to do it? Absolutely!!
I hope that you have enjoyed this PTR as I did while experiencing it first hand.
A great thank you to everyone that gave me all the hints in my trip planning topic which made the visits so much easier and thanks for all the comments in this topic, it really helped me to make it complete!!
The end!!
Part 29 - Conclusion
Here is the conclusion of this trip report.
I really enjoyed it


Thanks to all the planning that had been done, then it was really easy to follow and do all the parks that we had decided to do. I had also added a few extra places here and there if we were forced to change up the order or coasters not operating etc. which meant that we had lots of back up options on the days that we weren't sure if all the coasters would be opened (Freischütz). We were really lucky with both weather and crowds. We only had some rain the first and last days, non of it were a threat to the whole trip, just a slight nuisance, since it mainly started to rain each time we got on a ride

So many memories, so much fun

Small accelerator coaster at Miragica, pure awesome
Krake, turned out to be a lot better than what I had guessed
Same thing with Raptor
Silver Star, the magnetic trims really improved the ride
Monster, I knew it was good, but the full train made it even better
iSpeed was a huge surprise compared to other similar Intamins I have ridden
Mirabilandia, can't wait to return here
Loads of great Alpine coasters
Devils Mine, crazy airtime
Bad stuff:
Miragica as a whole
Rainbow Crapland
COBRA, Pax crap...

Italian driving, a pure melee
The final tally became:
Countries: 10
New Countries: 6
Parks: 25
New Parks: 20
Coasters: 95
New Coasters: 70
Alpine coasters: 4
Total length: at least 8000 km
Would I do it all again? Heck yes!! Would I recommend anyone else to do it? Absolutely!!
I hope that you have enjoyed this PTR as I did while experiencing it first hand.
A great thank you to everyone that gave me all the hints in my trip planning topic which made the visits so much easier and thanks for all the comments in this topic, it really helped me to make it complete!!
The end!!