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Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!! Complete!

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Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Wow, amazing reports Loefet!!! Really looking forward to the rest of them.

Your trip was destined to be epic and it looks like it's been a very successful one. That fair looks epic. Oh and that fair in Luxembourg could be what we accidently stumbled upon last year (apparently exactly a year ago today we were there) which had Hollenblitz and a spinning mouse.

I really like the look of some of these smaller parks and I NEED to get to Heide at some point. Still can't get over how amazing the theming on Vicky looks, that station is just amazing. Those characters are from a TV show, one of them is called Bumba (I think he's the one in red?) which is also the name of the show, it's a show aimed at like 3 year olds (WHY do I know all this?!). Hopefully I'll get to Plopsa Coo next year too and I'm meant to be going to one of the indoor Plopsa parks as well, argh, too many parks to visit next year :P
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

^^ I mean if I were to post one park a day it would take one month to do, and I don't really have time for that, and since I try not to make each part too long (especially thing's that have been posted many times before) it don't really take that much time to do. I aim to do a maximum of 3 places/day, some will be really short, others not so much...
But I hope that you enjoy it!!

^ Thanks!
I'm only on day 4 in this ptr, there is 13 more days to go :P
Must be that fair, it was also the first thing I though about when we saw it, "it must be the one that "they" (you all) visited last year" :)
Heide Park is just like Gardaland, most of it is kind of meh, but there are a few things that are really awesome. I really recommend it for a great day out though, since there is loads of stuff to do.
Yeah, Bumba rings a bell, they are still really creepy though, especially those big eyes that moves around...
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Part 7 - MONSTER!!!!

Second and final park of day four of the trip, Walygator...
But first before we got there we had to drive into France, which in itself is another new country Cred for me, and I have to say, I hate it. It's ugly and full of French peasants that don't understand simple English?? Why can't people learn some other language so that they are able to communicate to the rest of us, how stupid can you be, I mean you really limit the things you can do?? Just stupid...


New cred coming up!!

Now to stop the rant about ignorant people, and concentrate on Walygator. In a way I really liked the place, it have some great potential, much of the park have a great atmosphere, nice landscaping and much of the theming looks a lot better than most other parks, but it's still a dump and the operations are horrible, did I mention that it also were filled with Frenchists that didn't make the experience any better. I would say that the park was pretty crowded, but they still had only single train operations on their coasters, why on earth would they do that?? Any good park would easily put on a second train to keep the queues down. As I said, it have some great potential they just need to fix up the place (like the whole Monster area)...


Looks like we found the place


Parking lot was half full, which made us happy




Hopefully the Americans don't notice this and want to do the same on theirs, since it would look ghastly


More crocs


Great theming


Nice atmosphere


Let's head in that direction later


First up, Anaconda

What should I say about Anaconda...
Let's put it this way, we spent the rest of the day/trip thinking up plans on how best to destroy it.
The wheels definitely aren't round on this thing for one thing...


Burn in hell


Ooooh, wacky Crocodile!!


But first, MONSTER!!!!!

Since I have already ridden it when it was known as Orochi, it wasn't a new one for me. Still I knew it is an excellent coaster and couldn't wait to ride it again. This time however I got the full experience with a fully loaded train instead of about 5 people on the ride, and I have to say that the extra weight added a lot of momentum to the ride, the lack of a brake-run really make the second park really intense. It is a bit rattly in the back, but nothing annoying to make us avoid re-riding it. We got a few more rides after getting the remaining credits, and those really made me put it firmly as one of my favourite B&M Inverts.


Weren't they supposed to have painted it Yellow with Black Supports, looks like parts of it is all white now...


Wonder if it was like this in Japan or is it a new damage??


B&M geek photo


Getting ready for a ride


Your legs really feel funny about here


I'll be back!!


Looping action


Wacky Crocodile time


I didn't know crocodiles liked apples??


More themed attractions


If this were Italy you couldn't get this shot...


We all live in yellow submarine


More atmosphere enhancing stuff


Final cred of the day


Pretty kick ass tower

Can't really remember much of Waly Coaster, but I think it was pretty OK for a Vekoma, but it looked really good!!




Doing it's thing


You got a nice view of the brake less MCBR <3 from the queue though


We didn't bother with the Desperado cred, since Monster beckoned


Some monorail


This thing was shut, but we wouldn't have bothered anyway since it's pretty pants...


Fix this, since it really don't fit with the rest of the park


This one also looked pretty ghastly




To quote the Bloodhound Gang here: "Burn **** burn!!!!"

OK so we had a pretty decent half day here, didn't really experience the hordes of queue-jumpers we had been warned about by some that had been to the park. The park is pretty nice but there are things they could do the make it a place to have a great day at, but at the moment it's pretty meh...

Next up, some western goodness!!

New Credz so far, 15
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Haha, loving the Bloodhound quote at the end there. I agree with you completely about Anaconda, it's such a vile coaster, glad I don't have to ride it again.

I thought the parks aim was to actually theme Monster for this year? Clearly not from these pics although I swear a lot of painting has gone on since last year. Did you not going in the uber random horror maze thing?
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

^ I'm pretty sure that they had painted some of the supports on Monster (a part from the station), but all where white again, most of the ride looked just like it did in Japan. So literally nothing have been done to it...
They had one of those?? as we got the last credit we went back to Monster to whore it until they kicked us out, it was after that time we went to that area of the park, and didn't really bother what they had there, just grabbed a quick snap-shots on our way back to the entrance...
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Part 8 - Wild Wild West

Day 5 would also be a double park day, the first one is Fraispertuis City which I kind of looked forward too since I would get the chance to ride my first El Loco which I think looks pretty good (at least). The second one was just to satisfy a craving I have had for several months now...
Anyway, Fraispertuis City. What to say really, I only really knew that they got the steepest coaster in Europe for this season and that they have a Soquet made coaster, which a manufacturer I have no experience of what so ever, so I was dying to know what they are like as well...
Once there we started to get around the place we became pretty awed about this small place, it's ace, great theming, quirky rides, in all a great Family park. Which apparently a lot of other family's also thought since it got packed as the day progressed...


Arriving at the car park before opening, then this thing filled our view


It was just a matter of getting in line to enter the park


We'll get to you later on

But first we went to Timber Drop, which ended up being a good thing...
Got on our first ride pretty quick, decided to do a second run immediately afterwards which was the correct decision since it more or less broke down afterwards, well it even managed to break down just after we had loaded as well, the car refused to move at all, even with all the ride-ops pushing us...
But after a few ride re-sets and it started to move again, just to completely break down again some time later...
The ride was smooth and very interesting, there are a few places where the restraints felt a bit iffy as they bashed your head in, but as a whole it was pretty good, a lot more interesting than all those wild mouse's that are everywhere...


Yes the cars come back into the station, so open the ride already


This bit is so wrong...




S&S have a way to make things more complicated than they really have to be...


The trains looks really nice, the Axes are a great accent


The station is really nice


Through the tree we go


The tree bit really adds to this ride


Somewhere here is the entrance to the Soquet coaster, even though we managed to end up in the wrong queue :)


There we are, much better


It looks so nice, but in a way it isn't


The theming here is great


More stuff




Sorry but it seems like you have to wait there for a long time, there were more than 3 mechanics on the top of the lift to fix the problem


It looks mental though


Log Flume


Spinning cow ride


Many mechanics at the top


This place is really nice, the Soquet on the other hand isn't


Nice western train


Much of it is OK, but there is other things that are just wrong


Speedy Gonzales ride


Wagon Ferris wheel


What a Pirate boat do in this park is beyond me


Same thing with this standard Carousel


Their Splash battle looks great


It even have fire effects


The Cactus drop tower fit the park really good


Main street


I wouldn't actually mind if Liseberg decided to get one...

I would recommend anyone to go here, since it's an ace little park, but on the day we went there it got pretty crowded really fast, as we left all the parking spaces were full and the road to/from the park were filled with cars that parked where there were space beside the road. But any other time would be great to visit, it really have a nice atmosphere that take you back into an old frontier village in the old west. This is also a Family park as most of these small ones are, but it have 2 pretty good coasters and loads of other random stuff to keep you occupied for a few hours. We did cut our visit pretty short since we had decided to go to Europa park for a few hours to get some Eurosat <3 and Blue Fire action...

New Credz so far, 17
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Part 9 - Eurosat <3

So after a quick trip to get the creds at Fraispertuis City, we headed back towards Germany to score another free visit at Europa Park (Liseberg cheap ass season pass <3 ). With the help of some GPS magic we detoured the toll booths on the way, so in you face Frenchists!! So we got to the park in the middle of the day, with plenty of time before the park closed at 18 to get some rides to satisfy my cravings for Eurosat. The car park were filled to the brim and we ended up on a field, as far from the entrance as it's possible at Europa park, not a good sign...


A great view to arrive at


Are these new?, seems like they have changed one of the trim brakes to a magnetic one on each hill


Wonder if they have changed the ride in some way




This is one of the main reasons why we even bother to get a Liseberg season pass


I have waited so long...


But first through Sweden


Into Iceland


For some blue flame

Blue Fire is still as good as it were 2 years ago when it opened, no vibrations or other roughness could be sensed anywhere. I still can't understand that there is only one family one under construction at this point, they should be everywhere, since it's way more superior to any of the other new launchers...


They have redone the entrance and queue on this thing, now you enter by the launch and go through some buildings before going the whole old queue in both directions...


And since the "normal" queue were 120 minutes long we opted for the new single rider affair


From which you can get this awesome image


The best thing with the single rider one is that you more or less end up inside the station building and away from the sun

Doing single rider on a day like this was a good thing, I mean why would we even bother to wait in line for 2 hours to ride this thing, sure we might have done it once in the day, but with the SRQ we got 4+ rides in the time we had, AWESOME!!
The ops on this ride is however a lot more "hard" on loading each row, from the main queue you are given a row which is final (you have no way to change), and then they fill up empty spaces from the SRQ. But compared to Krake then they are a lot nicer and never split up anyone, depending on who is directing the riders then they might even bother to check a bit further back in the line if they could get 2-3 persons if there are rows empty, but just fill them with Single riders, epic WIN!! I doubt that we waited more than 30 minutes at any time...


Still an incredible feeling


Another train to hit the ride and one load happy riders returning


Probably one of the most comfortable seat/restraint system in the world


Fence to keep people out from the new ride


Still low enough to take pictures over :)


And if you aren't tall enough then there is some nicely spaced holes to peek through


Great view of blue fire


New for last year is Whale Watching, and for a splash battle it looks really nice


Bye for now


One final image


Did I say the park was packed!!


Passed the Food Loop restaurant


Nice sign


Next up we walked by this awful ride


I don't like Euro-Mir at all


So quickly out of Russia


Much better ride


Wild mouse


I have longed for this since last time I was here

I don't care what people say, I really love Eurosat and until they built blue fire it was my favourite ride in the park, now it's my co-favourite. Ever since I "found" the sound track I have been listening to it many times, which have given me a massive craving to get back here and ride it, and we did a lot :) Even if the whole queue area were filled to the brim and spilled out on the path outside we never really waited more than 20 minutes for the ride. The ride itself is just pure awesomeness, sure it might be a bit rough (depending on where you sit and which train) but it give the ride character and the theming coupled with the soundtrack makes the whole thing an awesome experience!!


Many people here love Eurosat!!


Station area

So with just 40 odd minutes left before the park closed at 18, we thought that we might finish of the day with a ride of Silver Star to see if the magnetic trims make a difference. The queue for Silver Star was also stated to be around 40 minutes so it was a match made in heaven. Well Silver Star is still the same old boring ride, but I have to say that the magnetic trims makes less intrusion on the ride and that it actually felt a lot better than what I remember it to be. Maybe they have finally fixed it in such a way that it's gotten better??


Silver Star


With the shiny trains


Up the lift they go


According to some German coaster enthusiasts we met later on during the trip then there is actually a plate inside Silver Star's station that state that the whole ride is made by Mack Rides??
So this might not be a B&M after all :P

Anyway after we got of Silver Star, we were ready to head for the car, but the thing was that no one ware making any attempt to leave. Hmm really strange, the website said that they closed by 18??
After a while when going through the park we spotted a sign that told us that it would be open until 21!! EPIC WIN!!!
So we grabbed something to eat at the burger joint by the jungle type cruise, and got even more rides of Eurosat and blue fire.


I didn't know that they made that kind of movies in the studios at the park...


Seriously WTF!!


Jungle type thing




Never noticed this place when I was living in Luleå...

So after a long day, starting in France, and then a visit to Europa park that was filled with WIN, then it was time to head for the hotel. I would recommend going to Europa park to anyone, and if you live in Sweden then stop by Liseberg first and score their cheap season pass to save money on getting in!!


Time to leave


Nice fountain


Final overview from the car-park

Next day we had bonus creds, extra weight and ouch ouch ouch ouch...

New Credz so far, 17 (still :( )
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Part 10 - Bonus cred and Hixee's favourite palace

I'll be doing the first two places into one park, for the simple reason that they are really close together and they each did advertising for each other, so it's literary the same thing...
They are situated a short distance outside Freiburg, which in itself is close to Europa park, which makes them both pretty convenient if you visit Europa park and want to do something else some day.
The first place is called Steinwasen Park and the reason for going there is their dual alpine slides, however while going through the planning a final time before going there I discovered that it was so much more...


Welcome to Stainwasenpark


Typical southern Germany


As I said more than just alpine slides


For instance it had this creepy guy...

But since nothing worth doing opened until an hour after we arrived meant that we had to do something to pass the time, and we decided to head for the animal enclosures to take the pictures we need so that we could get the rides and leave in a hurry once they open.


Das Glockenspiel


It's like a badger, but not...


Hello Rudolf


Rickety bridge over the park


They have been really clever, one side is covered all the way to be operated during rain


They have even added canopy's on the chairlift


Really great view from the bridge


Some other animal




A three assed Alpine ibex


You can even watch the animals while taking a spin down the alpine slide


Wonder what would happen if Obelix showed up...




This was literally the most exciting bit on the whole run, incredibly boring track really...


So we used the wheel of mindcontrol on the park workers to open the rides for us


Which they did, YAY!!


This entrance looks interesting!!


YAY, bob-carts!!


And power coaster!!

These two rides were really great, they run around in the basement under the main building, and they are both cranked up to 11, so they gave is a lot better thrill than the slides outside.


They used a clever system to move the sledges up the hill, it even sorted single and dual rider versions


Some water ride with a pretty funky lift system


Next up

So then a quick drive over the mountain into the next valley and we were at the second place for the day, a place that we quickly dubber "Hixee's Paradise", due to they didn't only have a 2.9 km long alpine coaster, but also a mountain-bike trail/downhill run along it which would make this a perfect place for him to visit. So after queueing for a while at the bottom of the run to get on the lift to the top and getting up the chair lift we finally arrived at the start to this monstrosity of an Alpine coaster.
In the queue to the coaster there were some people that have a bunch of kids with them that were going to go down the run, but once they got in the bobs and were about to go down the operator stopped the kids on the pretext that they were to small to run by themselves. Which meant that there suddenly were a couple of free bobs just at the start (which one was snagged by my brother), and with all the arguing there were loads of space until the next rider down the coaster. The problem though was that they were more children than adults to take them, so I was called forward to take down the last of them :)
Thankfully the girl I got liked to go really fast, and that's what she got :--D No breaking what so ever until we caught up in some traffic at the bottom third of the run :(


Looks really nice :)


Up the lift we go (soon anyway)


Bikes are welcome here


Anyone want to see the underside of one of these, look no further


A couple of helices of death near the bottom


Duelling with the down-hill run


Bunny hops of death


More mountain bike bits


They even cross over


Still more track


Nearing the top


We are getting close now


Some massive sword close by


Sweet, it's even the sport edition!!

After this, we began heading south towards Italy toward the "main" bit of the trip, on our way there we went through Switzerland to fuel up and get one of the most obscure coasters I have ridden...

New Credz so far, 18
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Scary clown in the 3rd picture... :cry:
That zipline thing looks pretty fun! I do not like Monsters pink tint(unless it's just me).
Great trip report! I love the pictures!
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

^ Yeah, Monster have a pink stripe on the side of the spine, it's still the old paint-job from when it was called Orochi and was still at Expoland in Japan.

Thanks for the kind words!!
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Lol. Seeing a picture of a Dacia Sandero abroad makes me proud to be romanian :P. BTW The magnetic trims on silver star are there since 09 or 10. Wiki knows tough...

Looks like u have lots of fun :P
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

^ He he, there were plenty of them around what I could see.
They weren't on Silver Star when we visited in may 2009 and I hadn't heard anything about it that they had changed them, but' it's really nice that they did since they improve the ride.

Yes we did, and as I said before, I'm not even half way through the report yet :)
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Part 11 - Cobra + Driving

Several years ago a small little park in Switzerland that no one really have heard of before chocked every enthusiast in it's announcement that they were to build a one of a kind shuttle coaster made by the Russian company Pax. However loads of problems have plagued it's making and it have been delayed several times, until it finally opened about a year ago. But then it were only opened for a very short time since it hadn't been manufactured up to specifications and you could literally see bumps in the track, not good...
So to fix the coaster once and for all they took the initial drawing to an Italian company and had them redo most of the track. So that they finally could get their Cobra running as it should.
I have since the announcement though that the concept of this ride is really interesting and have been dying to ride it (rough as hell or not) and now we got the chance so we took it!!


First you have to get to Switzerland, check!!


Then drive around for a while until you see this view, feel free to fill you car with cheap petrol while you are in the country


Welcome to Conny Land


It's pretty awesome since it's head out in the parking lot


Here it comes


Let's head into Conny.... erh...


Well, since there isn't much else to do here then let's go there


Really nice station


Hello Cobra


Main part of the ride

Cobra, in a way it's pretty awful (all the Pax bits) but the ride itself is pretty interesting.
The train (Pax) is pretty roomy, but the thinly padded steel bar that is the OSTR hurt when you bash your head into them and the seat-belt is too long and attached in such a way that it's forced into your crotch when you pull the OSTR down, not so nice for us boys...
The train leaves the station with held of kicker wheels until the catch car connects to the back of the train with a massive clonk and you are hoisted up the back spike. Sitting further forward here is a good thing since the spike is 100 % Pax and really rough (even though it's straight) also the massive amount of hang time you get at the back isn't nice with the steel bar restraints. Once at the top you are released and you have to live with the roughness down the drop and through the station, then it's just smooth (for a while at least = not Pax), two fast hills with slight airtime before 5.5 g's pull into the loop (which have a really strange lateral movement = hurts) then 5.5 g's again into the inverted spike, which is also rough (Pax again). The wheels push you up to the top before they retract with a loud noise, and it's all backwards again, but slower...
So in all, the ride is interesting and thrilling and if you for some reason are into S&M you might even call it "fun"...


Going over the park


The best thing with Cobra is that it's very photogenic, it even looks good sideways


Other really nice theming in the park


Sea-lion show (they have a dolphin one as well)


Maybe even a Mermaid show...


Crappy shooting dinosaur Jeep dark ride through there


A mighty splash for a flume that small


Oooo, what's in there


Darth Vader of course


Complete with a Storm Trooper


and Boba Fett




Future Space Shuttle, or future use of the Space Shuttles??


Sweet it's a: Rapids-splash-drop-battle ride of death


Seriously, it's themed to Cthulhu <3


Massive slides


Cobra again


Swinging ship


Before we left we went outside the park for some more images


Some crappy Pax bit's up there



So that's was Conny land, a really small but nice family place with one of the most strange coasters in the world...

So now we headed south deep into Italy. Our goal was to reach Naples before we visited any other park and work our way north from there via a bunch of parks before arriving at home several days later. But before we left Switzerland we decided since it was getting late to have something to eat, and we quickly decided on stopping by IKEA to get some Swiss meatball credits, but for some apparent reason they close the restaurant at IKEA at 17:00 SPITE, also for some strange reason they charged for parking everywhere, I mean WTF??


Heading for the mountains


Awesome nature around these roads


Kick ass mountains


Incredible boring tunnel


Soon we are entering Italy

After a stop at a hotel in northern Italy it was back into the car in the morning and keep on driving south...


Italy looks pretty nice


Sweet a Frecciarossa


Pretty awesome villages on these hills


Another one


It's soon got freakishly hot 35°C


Oooo, would you look at that...

We arrived to our hotel later that evening, and it was a real challenge to find it in central Naples, since they were digging a big ass hole in the middle of where we should be driving to get to the hotel. After driving around in the insane traffic (everyone was driving in all directions, a complete melee) for a while we gave up, found a parking space and walked to the hotel and checked in and asked where their parking facility was. Then back and get the car park it and then just crash in the bed. We actually had time to visit any of the smaller parks in the area for some credz but we just didn't bother at that point, just too tired...

Next up some other stuff I have wanted to ride for a long time...

New Credz so far, 19
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Ugh. That Pax Machine-O-Death looks hideous!

Loving this PTR so much. Can't wait to see more!
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Pax <3
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

^^ Thanks.

^ He he :)

That damn park took ages to finish. I had to rewrite it 3-4 times before I could post it, somehow it all disappeared several times...
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Part 12 - Bonus Gerstlauer

Before we started on our way north towards Rome and Rainbow Magicland we just had to visit these two parks in southern Italy. I mean why go to all the trouble to get down to southern Italy and not go to any parks...
Both of them are pretty big and have some really interesting coasters and there are almost no PTR's of the places, so these are a bit of an unknown on this trip. This part will cover Zoosafari Fasanolandia...

The main reason why to go here is that the other place is pretty close by and none of them are a full day park in my opinion. When I started to plan this journey the place only had 4 coasters, non of them anything special, well the invert is kind of, but still nothing earth shattering. But the week before we left there was a bit of encouraging news on Screamscape. They have finally gotten around erecting their Eurofighter, but have had problems with permits for a long time (if I remember correctly then it was supposed to be built sometime around when Rage opened), but still BONUS CRED!!


Got up early to go to drive across country, had a nice view of Vesuvius while leaving Naples


Getting closer to the park we saw the safest car in the world


I spy something up the hill


Definitely the place


Somewhere around here we ended up in the wrong lane which took us onto the safari trail instead of the park


The animals were real beggars


But we really want to be over there


They came really close to the cars for a treat


O **** is a Lama, Roll em up!!


Other animals


The Lion King


One Elephant


Two Elephants


Somewhere around here a horse got pissed at us that he didn't get any snacks, so he started to chew on the windscreen wipers


This guy really knew where to stand to get as many treats as possible for the least effort

So with the help of some Italian driving we managed to get through the zoo bit twice as fast as everyone else. So we lost a bit of time going through here but we scored a couple of bottles of cold water that they were handing out along the route, so it's still a little win. After this part we finally got a parking space so that we could get the credits, I really have to say that I love these parks that have invested in shaded parking spaces, especially those that have large solar panels, a really perfect use of the space and shade for everyone. I really want to see more of this!!


Finally into the park


First up the Spinning thing, or so we thought...

We though that the rides were included in the price, well... Not really, but with the help of the ride-ops (that virtually spoke no English) we found out that you had to buy some ride tickets first, once at a ticket office we settled on a 6 ride ticket, which gave us 6 rides within the park. So since the park have 5 coasters, it gave us one re-ride or ride some other attraction...


Back on the ride!!


It was just as "good" as any other of these spinning things...

Next up was the "big" coaster at the place, Mirage Rosso, and for some reason it's a coaster I have wanted to ride ever since I first noticed that it existed. No special reason for it, just because it looked that it could potentially be good from the few tiny images I have seen of it. Also for some apparent reason it was located on the boards that advertised a small fair when I lived at the university a few years back, if someone remember that PTR...


So finally...


Made by Fabbri


A bit of a one of a kind train, three cars with three wide seats


Once here I saw this, and became concerned...


It's utter ****!!!

It's a really awful coaster, some places were OK, the rest is the worst crap I have ever ridden, not to mention that bit I told about earlier, awful!!


This thing were a lot better!!


Worm cred


It may look pretty good, but it's complete ****!!


It were so bad that even this ride felt good!!


They usually are pretty good fun these cyclones, sounds like a trash can rolling down a hill, but rides OK, sur it's nothing thrilling but still way better than other rides (like Mirage Rosso)


So up to the top of the hill we went


And were greeted with this thing


It's pretty obvious which ride will get our 6:th ride...

Euro Fighter, so here we are with a brand new coaster, would it ride as good as the bright colouring looked under the bright sun. Well yes of course it did!! I really like these Gerstlauer contraptions, I haven't really had any bad experiences with any of their coasters (a bit of a lie, since there is 2 that are horrible that I have ridden: Saw and Drachenritt, but the rest of them are great). It's basically the same as Rage, Falcon or Untamed, but the layout is a bit different to fit the space, and I have to say that this one is a bit more interesting and have the most screwed up in-line twist I have ever ridden, it's bent and in such a place that it feels like you are going over an airtime hill but sideways, really interesting...


Screwed up in-line


Second train weren't necessary


At least these people weren't any pansy Italians


We had one Italian guy ride with us, and he was so cool before he go on, down the drop he cried for his mommy :P


Looks really good here


Don't really show here on this image, but there is a big hole in the walls to fit this ride, looked pretty good while on the ride




Great thing!!


Then it was time to head back down to the car for the second park


The water rides were the most popular ones here


Just ouch


Even worse


Bouncy bouncy


Looked that it could do something, well it did, it hurt you pretty bad


Bye Zoosafari!!


Before we got to the second park, we dropped by the beach for a while


Roman fortress or something


Some wall

Zoosafari is a really nice place, a bit pricey but have a decent selection of rides, with a real highlight with their new Eurofighter. The Safari bit is nice, and the animals come pretty close to you, but since it was really hot this day then it was a bit of a chore to go through it. It's a perfect place to spend a few hours and I would easily recommend anyone to do it together with Miragica as we did, you have plenty of time to get everything you want done...

New Credz so far, 24
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Part 13 - Mini Rita

So heading back toward Naples for a while we arrived at Miragica, along with Rainbow Magicland another "new" Italian park, it only opened 2 years ago and it's part of a large retail/outlet complex.
The park itself is pretty small and don't really have that many rides compared to other places. And after being to both (Rainbow Magicland was up the day after) then they have the exact same feel, loads of theming but lacks a lot of atmosphere that would make them a nice place to be. These places really need a few years before they are worth visiting, they really need a few years so that the trees have some time to grow and give some more shade which is a necessity in a place like Italy...


Yay, one of those illusive accelerators I have wanted to ride since it opened


Disk'O coaster


Really nicely themed rapids ride


There she blows!!


Flume ride


Drop Tower




Guess where we went first :)


Down this path


To Senzafiato


Over the small airtime-hill


Into the final brakes


Funky support


Time to launch

Senzafiato is a really excellent coaster, much better than any of the bigger ones that it's essentially a clone of. The little top-hat gives a nice pop of air, and the rest is the exact same thing as Desert Race, but better, since it's not as powerful as the ones before nor does it feature the Intamin shakes. It's really re-ridable, just an awesome little coaster!!


Looks great too


Over the top hat


Almost perfect desktop image


Here we go!!


Almost fit for a banner at CF, (let me know if you are interested!!)


Into the final corner


We never really waited more than one train for this, even better


Let's go for the second cred (if we can find the entrance for it...)


Most likely a Zamperla one, since everything except for the Accelerator is...


I think that we are getting closer...


Themed restaurant area


Nice I can spot something from here


Wonder what would happen if the ball started to roll...


For some apparent reason this ride had an 45 minute queue, what the hell is that, Senzafiato is way better


Zamperla, of course


Oh yeah, we managed to break it down :)


For some strange reason, then the lap-bars have to be lowered in some exact fashion, we did as we normally do get in strap on and ride, everything to speed up the loading. But here, no way, Jose, automatic break down. WTF??


4D theatre


Some other strange Italian way of doing thins, there is absolutely no way of taking a proper image of their water rides, hedge all the way around, why on earth would they hide a log-flumes party piece, WTF!!






Let's go back there!!


Absolutely love this ride!!


It's just a shame that it's so far away :(


Same thing here, the best view you have of the ride is from the outside of the park...


You can still see the teeth of the horse :P


We drove into the sunset and through all the flies back towards the Naples and the battle to get back to the parking garage...

I really liked Senzafiato, but the park was a bit of a let down, sure it all looks nice, but it lacks that nice atmosphere that some other older places have, maybe it's just all to new. The lack of shade was a real buzzkill here, in this scorching sun you really need it. Well only time will make the trees grow and make this a much better place than it currently is.

Next up is a scaled up version of Miragica...

New Credz so far, 26
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

That yellow Eurofighter looks amazing. The actual ride looks OK, but some of your photos make it look so nice. I love the bright yellow track on the bright blue sky. Great!

Also loving the accelerator. No idea that even existed, you learn something new everyday! :P
Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!

Nice reports so far, I always though it was weird that park having an accelerator then the rest of the rides look fairly medicore. It's Almost RCT like
Thanks for sharing these reports of parks you don't seem to be able to see very often.