Re: Loefet and co. goes south, It's all about Credz!!
Part 9 - Eurosat <3
So after a quick trip to get the creds at Fraispertuis City, we headed back towards Germany to score another free visit at Europa Park (Liseberg cheap ass season pass <3 ). With the help of some GPS magic we detoured the toll booths on the way, so in you face Frenchists!! So we got to the park in the middle of the day, with plenty of time before the park closed at 18 to get some rides to satisfy my cravings for Eurosat. The car park were filled to the brim and we ended up on a field, as far from the entrance as it's possible at Europa park, not a good sign...
A great view to arrive at
Are these new?, seems like they have changed one of the trim brakes to a magnetic one on each hill
Wonder if they have changed the ride in some way
This is one of the main reasons why we even bother to get a Liseberg season pass
I have waited so long...
But first through Sweden
Into Iceland
For some blue flame
Blue Fire is still as good as it were 2 years ago when it opened, no vibrations or other roughness could be sensed anywhere. I still can't understand that there is only one family one under construction at this point, they should be everywhere, since it's way more superior to any of the other new launchers...
They have redone the entrance and queue on this thing, now you enter by the launch and go through some buildings before going the whole old queue in both directions...
And since the "normal" queue were 120 minutes long we opted for the new single rider affair
From which you can get this awesome image
The best thing with the single rider one is that you more or less end up inside the station building and away from the sun
Doing single rider on a day like this was a good thing, I mean why would we even bother to wait in line for 2 hours to ride this thing, sure we might have done it once in the day, but with the SRQ we got 4+ rides in the time we had, AWESOME!!
The ops on this ride is however a lot more "hard" on loading each row, from the main queue you are given a row which is final (you have no way to change), and then they fill up empty spaces from the SRQ. But compared to Krake then they are a lot nicer and never split up anyone, depending on who is directing the riders then they might even bother to check a bit further back in the line if they could get 2-3 persons if there are rows empty, but just fill them with Single riders, epic WIN!! I doubt that we waited more than 30 minutes at any time...
Still an incredible feeling
Another train to hit the ride and one load happy riders returning
Probably one of the most comfortable seat/restraint system in the world
Fence to keep people out from the new ride
Still low enough to take pictures over
And if you aren't tall enough then there is some nicely spaced holes to peek through
Great view of blue fire
New for last year is Whale Watching, and for a splash battle it looks really nice
Bye for now
One final image
Did I say the park was packed!!
Passed the Food Loop restaurant
Nice sign
Next up we walked by this awful ride
I don't like Euro-Mir at all
So quickly out of Russia
Much better ride
Wild mouse
I have longed for this since last time I was here
I don't care what people say, I really love Eurosat and until they built blue fire it was my favourite ride in the park, now it's my co-favourite. Ever since I "found" the sound track I have been listening to it many times, which have given me a massive craving to get back here and ride it, and we did a lot

Even if the whole queue area were filled to the brim and spilled out on the path outside we never really waited more than 20 minutes for the ride. The ride itself is just pure awesomeness, sure it might be a bit rough (depending on where you sit and which train) but it give the ride character and the theming coupled with the soundtrack makes the whole thing an awesome experience!!
Many people here love Eurosat!!
Station area
So with just 40 odd minutes left before the park closed at 18, we thought that we might finish of the day with a ride of Silver Star to see if the magnetic trims make a difference. The queue for Silver Star was also stated to be around 40 minutes so it was a match made in heaven. Well Silver Star is still the same old boring ride, but I have to say that the magnetic trims makes less intrusion on the ride and that it actually felt a lot better than what I remember it to be. Maybe they have finally fixed it in such a way that it's gotten better??
Silver Star
With the shiny trains
Up the lift they go
According to some German coaster enthusiasts we met later on during the trip then there is actually a plate inside Silver Star's station that state that the whole ride is made by Mack Rides??
So this might not be a B&M after all
Anyway after we got of Silver Star, we were ready to head for the car, but the thing was that no one ware making any attempt to leave. Hmm really strange, the website said that they closed by 18??
After a while when going through the park we spotted a sign that told us that it would be open until 21!! EPIC WIN!!!
So we grabbed something to eat at the burger joint by the jungle type cruise, and got even more rides of Eurosat and blue fire.
I didn't know that they made that kind of movies in the studios at the park...
Seriously WTF!!
Jungle type thing
Never noticed this place when I was living in Luleå...
So after a long day, starting in France, and then a visit to Europa park that was filled with WIN, then it was time to head for the hotel. I would recommend going to Europa park to anyone, and if you live in Sweden then stop by Liseberg first and score their cheap season pass to save money on getting in!!
Time to leave
Nice fountain
Final overview from the car-park
Next day we had bonus creds, extra weight and ouch ouch ouch ouch...
New Credz so far, 17 (still
