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Liseberg 2011 - AtmosFear!! (Report posted)

A lot have happened since I last updated this thread:


They have repainted the whole thing...


...removed the old observation car...


...added the new catch-car...


...added new running rails for the drop car...


...and blasted a new entrance/exit.

All pictures comes from the: Liseberg Facebook page.
5 if you count the frog hoppers :p

I have a feeling that the whole area with the other 2 towers + Ferris-wheel will get a big makeover in a year or 2, with the possibility of a new coaster...
^Indeed! Then they'll have both double drop towers and ferris wheels. New coaster sounds great, especially if it utilizes the terrain! :) Do you know what happend to the proposed expansion of the south parking lot?
It was initially delayed a lot due to the planning stage of a future rail tunnel underneath Gothenburg, it have now been routed elsewhere (instead of underneath the southern parking lot) and the latest is that they have restarted the planning of the expansion, but I would probably think that it have to wait until 2013 or later to see it realized (2013 would be a good year for it since it's the 90:th anniversary of the park).

Yeah the current Ferris wheel might be retired after next season, depending on if they could extend the building permit of the observation wheel in the harbor. If they were to remove the old one, then I really hope that they are putting the new one on a spot with easier access to outside the park so that they can have it open when the park isn't, which would also clear up a lot of space for new rides on the hill.
Ok thanks! If they clear up the mountain by removing the two S&S towers and the ferris wheel there sure would be room for a fairly large coaster. But to build something of Balders size again they probably need the space in the parking lot. Anyway I'm really excited about the changes going on at Liseberg! The gyro drop looks sweet! :--D
Xpress said:
^Yeah, they should put in a big garden with 20 different grass types for observation only.

Welcome to Blackpool [/obvious dig at PBB purely to wind up the fans of Blackpool and not just making a tired joke in an ironic fashion - yes, this was aimed at YOU] ;)
UC said:
Typical enthusiast to think that any large amount of space in a park needs to go to a big new roller coaster.
Well they really need it, and seeing that they previous have said that the only way for them to add a new one was to remove an old coaster makes this a perfect opportunity. they need something that draws the crowd up the hill so to say since the park can be crowded at the bottom but up on the mountain it's more or less empty.
And I'm not saying that just because there is a big space being freed up there since I still think that they easily could have fit a coaster around the attractions that are there.
And there are rumors that points that Liseberg will get another coaster in the coming years and that space up the mountain is a prime location for it.

Xpress said:
^Yeah, they should put in a big garden with 20 different grass types for observation only.
They already have, more or less... :p
Long time no update...

The work on Atmosfear have been progressing nicely during the winter. Since the last update they have: done a lot of work on the station, completely built the catch car and drop car and a lot more...

Pictures from their Facebook page:






In station queue


Completing the inner part of the drop car


Massive magnets

From: Liseberg Facebook, Atmosfear gallery

Time-lapse video of the construction work on the tower:

Video update with a lot of good angles of Atmosfear

Both videos are from the official Liseberg youtube channel...
I REALLY want to ride this now. I forgot it had those restraints. I may just take a trip there later in the year. I love the industrial theming they've put into it too. It looks amazing.
The last video was very interesting. I've always wondered what the towers look like inside! Nice to see the progress as well. Will be awesome to ride it later this year :)
They were out testing today when I drove by the park a couple of hours ago...


I think that they were checking the brakefin clearance...
That's awesome news.

Great picture too, it's only when you see the car itself you realise just how huge this is. I may have to take a trip to the park (For Balder too of course).
The drop car is just above the brakes (so you can judge how far the drop distance is) and the ride continues down to the station 3-4 floors below the roof around the tower.
First drop today!!

Only 66 meters this time, can't wait to see a video when they do it from the top!!
That looks so good. That drop car is actually stunning. it looks far better then any other type of drop car, those restraints are going to make it a pretty amazing ride.

By any chance can anybody answer me on this; How do these larger towers feel compared to the 4 seated versions? Does the drop feel more intense or just the same?
My view is that they feel more intense, can't really explain it, but the size of the thing makes it more impressive.

Even if it isn't any real difference in theory...
Yeah, I agree, they feel more intense, but, they obviously aren't. It just seems to drop with more force... Which I guess it kinda does... Basically, you certainly know it's heavier!

And they're mucchhh better. Is this going to spin?
Yes, I must agree again with Ben and loefet, the big drop towers feel cooler than the 'separate' ones.

The only advantage of the 'separate' ones is that they can add more suspense at the top. Superman at SF St. Louis did this very well. Hoisting all the cars up together, but dropping them randomly. Was truly terrifying!

Also, this thing does look good. It'll be cool to see it all together when it's finished.