Mega Poster
Is there an opportunity for night rides at this park or are the opening hours restrictive in the autumn?
During October Linnanmäki has an event called Valokarnevaalit (lightcarneval) where they decorate the park with thousands of lights and you can ride almost all rides in the dark (except Kirnu, the zac-spin and Hurjakuru, the Intamin river rapids ride). Valokarnevaalit is really popular, so the park is absolutely packed. Expect to get mad waiting times for Taiga (on opening day the wait was an hour, expect 1.5-2hrs since everyone will want to ride it in the dark.
On Huvipuistoseura, the Finnish speaking forums, User "Arttu" said that when it gets dark, the eyes on the eagle (the trains) glows red.
(Valoja tulee varmasti lisää ja jos ei tiedoitustilaisuudessa vielä sanottu, niin molemmissa junissa on myös valot ja kotkien silmät loistaa pimeässä punaisina. )
I can't wait to ride Taiga in the dark, especially if the eyes are glowing red. Just wait for off-ride shots of that, it will look insane!
From the POV I still think the first 3rd of this looks a bit so-so, but the 2nd launch onwards looks absolutely cracking.
I have to agree with this, the helix and other turns are a little slow compared to the rest of the ride. The first inversion however, is insane. you first get some mild floater when you turn to the right, which is then followed by mental hangtime. It is my favorite part of the ride, especially if your restraint has some give to it. I had to grab the handlebars my first time going trough it, it was so insane (I had my hands up for the rest of the ride

My question is, what this inversion should be called. According to the park it's called the "360 degree twisted dive loop", while RCDB calls it a "Zero-g winder" ?